Sirus fight is making me quit POE

Aim_Deep wrote:
thiensonepu wrote:
Final phase always is my trouble. Bad ground visual design, lag, spike ... make me hard to keep tracking him. It make me always die because of off-screen die-beam. I try to use many builds but not success. Finally I realize that the only way I could beat him is build a very tanky character. It could tank off-screen die-beam. Now die-beam of A6 can't kill me. In final phase, I just try to dodge degen area, wait him beam then run to hit him. Ofcourse it make me 15-20 minitues to beat A6. A7, A8 still hard to me because of I cant tank. I hope GGG could redesign visual let me could beat him with many different builds.

The final phase is where the terrible visuals really play their part in deaths even with experienced player. Everything is reddish with just a slight tinge of blue for a millisecond where sirus ports off to. That's pretty much exactly where gear check comes into the fight...doesnt quite telgrapgh enough so most get beamed or lasered and have to use a couple more portals. Or like you say build a tank to take those shots while you close on him.

This is what happened to me today. I was giving it another shot on Awakening level 0 so it would be easier. I actually did ok until I got to the last phase when there's so much happening on the screen, I can't keep track of where he is. With his clone roulette of death, I again couldn't hit him and died. More importantly when I came back, I had no idea where the real Sirus was.

This is literally the worst fight in the game where I'm honestly not sure what I could have done differently. I tried adjusting the client window to full screen in hopes that it would help, no change. Tried minimizing it, same thing, not very helpful. Is it too much to ask for a screen where you can actually see what is even happening?
Slicer9875 wrote:
Is it too much to ask for a screen where you can actually see what is even happening?

This is one of the most frustrating things about the whole game. The Sirus fight is just a quintessence of it. And I don't think we can ask or hope for anything to change. Devs seemingly believe that screen should be littered with visual effects as much as possible. To the point where you don't see where the danger comes from. That's supposed to be "challenging and engaging".
We should have this instead of checkpoints:
Last edited by Flying_Mage#3858 on Mar 31, 2021, 8:14:44 AM
so obviously the fight was too easy before, so sirus has gained a few new extra "moves" and "perks" in 3.14 (at least in my case), with this new texture streaming techniques. there is a solid 50% chance of using some of them:

- invisible die-beam (you just look at your hp and its go to 0 with nothing hapenning on the screen)
- invisible rotating beams (you can feel it, but cant see it, but if you feel it, you are in trouble already)
- invisible meteor maze walls (this is his ultimate move, good luck finding escape where you cant see shit)
dead game
bring back 3.13
Last edited by Tainted_Fate#2799 on Apr 20, 2021, 5:38:27 PM
Tainted_Fate wrote:
so obviously the fight was too easy before, so sirus has gained a few new extra "moves" and "perks" in 3.14 (at least in my case), with this new texture streaming techniques. there is a solid 50% chance of using some of them:

- invisible die-beam (you just look at your hp and its go to 0 with nothing hapenning on the screen)
- invisible rotating beams (you can feel it, but cant see it, but if you feel it, you are in trouble already)
- invisible meteor maze walls (this is his ultimate move, good luck finding escape where you cant see shit)

This happened not in 3.14 but with 3.13.2 patch which was applied a week before end of Ritual league. I reported about but crowd blamed me as if it was my fault due "outdated OS".
BTW, same shit happened for me in Atziri fight a day later.
Just ran the Sirus fight, died six times, and then found out that I had to grind all the Elderslayers again. Games are not supposed to be work. They are supposed to be fun. I have a life outside the game. PoE has been a blast, but until GGG addresses the incredible grind required of players, I won't be coming back or supporting the game any longer.

The culture of creating games that erode people's lives is not something I'll support. A bit of grinding is fun. Regrinding over and over is not. Devs need to figure that out or their games will die.

but in my case its much worse
dead game
bring back 3.13
Mizenkailash wrote:
Just ran the Sirus fight, died six times, and then found out that I had to grind all the Elderslayers again. Games are not supposed to be work. They are supposed to be fun. I have a life outside the game. PoE has been a blast, but until GGG addresses the incredible grind required of players, I won't be coming back or supporting the game any longer.

The culture of creating games that erode people's lives is not something I'll support. A bit of grinding is fun. Regrinding over and over is not. Devs need to figure that out or their games will die.

It's actually a quite easy boss to grind for compared to past grinds.

Back in the day you'd literally have to farm 1600 corrupted zones for one shot at Uber Atziri. I could go through all the math but won't bore you since your time is limited. Aul is still really bad... have you ever seen him?

I don't like it either. But once they put those uber drops behind bosses - they have to gate the hell out of it to not destroy economy and/or trivialize game.

I'm not sure about dying. Back when you had to do 1600 corrupted zones SSF for Uber atziri game had 1/10th people that play now. Seems it's growing instead.
Git R Dun!
Last edited by Aim_Deep#3474 on Apr 21, 2021, 12:33:48 PM
Aim_Deep wrote:
Mizenkailash wrote:
Just ran the Sirus fight, died six times, and then found out that I had to grind all the Elderslayers again. Games are not supposed to be work. They are supposed to be fun. I have a life outside the game. PoE has been a blast, but until GGG addresses the incredible grind required of players, I won't be coming back or supporting the game any longer.

The culture of creating games that erode people's lives is not something I'll support. A bit of grinding is fun. Regrinding over and over is not. Devs need to figure that out or their games will die.

It's actually a quite easy boss to grind for compared to past grinds.

Back in the day you'd literally have to farm 1600 corrupted zones for one shot at Uber Atziri. I could go through all the math but won't bore you since your time is limited. Aul is still really bad... have you ever seen him?

I don't like it either. But once they put those uber drops behind bosses - they have to gate the hell out of it to not destroy economy and/or trivialize game.

We don't even have to go as far as Uber Atziri. Even farming Shaper, Elder, and Uber Elder before the Atlas rework was a huge pain in the ass. Map sustain before that was a massive problem when it came to reaching Shaper, meanwhile the Elder required you spread its influence as much as possible then hope you had the maps to fight his guardians and then him.

Reaching Sirus is a lot easier by comparison.
PoE players: Our game has a wide diversity of builds.

Also PoE players: The [league mechanic] doesn't need to be nerfed, you just need to play a [current meta] build!

MFers found strength in their Afflictions. They became reliant on them. I am not so foolish.
All true Pizza.

BTW I just learned this last league... best way to get to Sirus is speed run Mesa map. Map boss super close and on non influced, you do not need to kill the boss. Kill a few mobs, until the conqueror appears then you can exit the map. On conqueror influnced areas - blue squares kill boss and exit. On gold squares just enter and exit map. If you prepare as in make Mesa a favorite while mapping so you have a shit load of mesa and have high movespeed - you can literally fight Sirus every 30-45 min.

Thats insanely fast for bossing (outside of the trade game) I'm sure you already know this but just posting in case someone is interested.
Git R Dun!
Last edited by Aim_Deep#3474 on Apr 21, 2021, 1:25:11 PM
Aim_Deep wrote:

I don't like it either. But once they put those uber drops behind bosses - they have to gate the hell out of it to not destroy economy and/or trivialize game.

What uber drops are you talking about? The best thing you can get out of Sirus is an Awakener Orb and the only other worthwhile drop among endgame bosses is Watcherseye which is gated behind layers upon layers of RNG to begin with, aside from being gated behind a boss.

They don't put such a grind in front of everything to protect the economy, they do it to increase playtime. You want to beat a boss, so you grind to get there. Then you fail because you don't know the mechanics, and grind there again, and again, and again. By that the time you've beaten him you've player for dozens or hundreds of hours. Then it's time for the next boss. That's the point of it. If you could freely access everything, you'd reach your goal faster and play less.

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