Sirus fight is making me quit POE

When it was first introduced, I hated the Chimera cloud phase with a passion. After a couple of times you learn to deal with it, no problem. Shaper? Fun fight. Uber Elder? Fun fight to learn.

But this Sirus fight? I don't think I've ever bounced so hard on a boss fight in the last 25 years of my gaming life. After a couple of tries, I don't even want to learn the fight anymore, I just want to beat him once and be done with him.

Previous league, I loved the blighted maps, I loved doing Uber Elder. This endgame boss? No. Just no. I just don't want to do it anymore. I don't want to learn it. I don't feel challenged, I feel complete and utter dislike for this boss and whatever idiot made him. Did I mention I like to play summoners? Seriously. Fuck this boss.

And for all the people who feel the need to comment on my lack of skills, or just need to show off their superiority with some trolling remarks; just don't. This game needs players of all skill and commitment levels. If only the top 1-2% would play, this game will die.
Well got to my first Sirus fight watched a video on the mechanics and started the fight.

I am not going to bother playing the game until it is fixed. This is almost as bad as synthesis league.

Fight feels nice has some fun mechanics and then I died once while he was at 50% life.

I didn't notice that he bumped some chase clouds out near the only way into the fight and when I spawned back in I realized I had zero chance to get back to the fight, Sirus fight over.

Don't get me wrong I tried to get back but the clouds do so much dps that my 10k es max res and max block could not make it through one of them with flame dash.
"We fixed the degen blocking the entrance"

yea but you didnt fix the moving ones from going there . What a garbage fight.

I have beat it once out of 5 tries, and that is because i had good rng and logged out in the fight. This seems to be the only real strategy . Run to a corner and log out.

When sirus lands , he should destroy the moving cyclones , not push them towards the damn entrance.

His beam attack in the last phase , should not be able to target you from 2-3 screens away either. Like what the fuck am i supposed to do as i make my way through the maze, only to be sniped by a beam you have no idea is comming.
This thing picks me off mid whirling blades.

i wanted to give ggg lots of money , but they release broken ass shit like this and go on break.

here is a thought, dont release major content changes before christmas , or be prepared to cancel vacations. Else, test your shit for once GGG.

You are assuming that GGG cares. I don't think they care even slightly.
Yes yes yes, I hope that GGG would change the environment in Sirus fight.
longbin0405 wrote:
Yes yes yes, I hope that GGG would change the environment in Sirus fight.

Too late, the damage is done.

It's been 2 weeks, and the only 'fix' they have done is stop a stationary zone spawning at the door...

There is no acceptable excuse for such poor delivery.

- He STILL auto paths to the stairs, where the maze is pretty much-guaranteed death.
- The zone AOE is STILL larger than the effect. You cant even navigate the paths without losing half-hp. (and minions just walk into it dying instantly)
- The map is just too damn small. 80% covered in no-go zones.

The zone-phase design itself is just horrific.

On-top of the dozen other bugs during the actual fight, that just seems completely random.


Bottom line, unquestionable confirmation that this was not tested one bit. By anyone. At all.

I have NEVER exited a game out of frustration, feeling like I literally wasted hours of my time getting to a boss, until this, twice now.

Thats it.

Last edited by Chalace2#1463 on Dec 28, 2019, 9:14:37 AM
Forum pvp
Just ripped my 5th Sirus fight. Again cause the entrance is full of clouds cause i died once in his 3rd phase and the clouds got in the way. How is this still not fixed? Are you kidding me? I dont even get to fight him, cause i cant enter the area since the clouds will just insta kill me. So you more or less need to be able to kill him deathless or the clouds will fuck you. Nice design!
Honestly, the fight is not that hard but what makes it "difficult" is the TERRIBLE design of interphases (this and many other things)... I have, by far, the dps and survivability to kill him but i'm failing every time because the boss afk if you're not close enough when he is immortal... Why not just put a timer on it or make the boss come to you if you're out of range ? This simple thing makes the fight awful if you have bad RNG with the moving clouds..
Last edited by wine_not#0907 on Dec 28, 2019, 9:26:31 AM
Forum pvp

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