Sirus fight is making me quit POE

frostzor27 wrote:

TorsteinTheFallen wrote:

Dps isn't everything...

Wrong. If you one shot or insta-phase Sirus he doesn't do stupid stuff. But this works for all bosses in this game. Maybe Atziri/Uber Atziri is an exception.

Do I agree with it? No. Stupid DPS and powercreep was wich lead us to Sirus.

Have you seen the video? Do i instaphase him?

It's entirely your choice to choose the build. So either play something with defenses or go with something dps oriented and learn the fight.

How many builds that are not mirrors worth or meme instakill Sirus in last phase?
TorsteinTheFallen wrote:
frostzor27 wrote:

TorsteinTheFallen wrote:

Dps isn't everything...

Wrong. If you one shot or insta-phase Sirus he doesn't do stupid stuff. But this works for all bosses in this game. Maybe Atziri/Uber Atziri is an exception.

Do I agree with it? No. Stupid DPS and powercreep was wich lead us to Sirus.

Have you seen the video? Do i instaphase him?

It's entirely your choice to choose the build. So either play something with defenses or go with something dps oriented and learn the fight.

How many builds that are not mirrors worth or meme instakill Sirus in last phase?

you didn't understand. I'm in no mood to explain.

Bt you are correct: you either builddefenses or you build for DPS. Either way you need specific builds. So no, not all builds can do Sirus.
"There's no thing like random one-shots in this game. You only die because you take 353,456,237 hits in 0.2 seconds."

"The best items in the game should not be crafted, they should be TRADED." - Cent, GGG
sometimes its buggy
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Fuck Sirus... Going for the harvest boss EGG. Way cheaper and way more available.
"There's no thing like random one-shots in this game. You only die because you take 353,456,237 hits in 0.2 seconds."

"The best items in the game should not be crafted, they should be TRADED." - Cent, GGG
GrumpyMcElbows wrote:
Since I last posted, I've killed him three times: in A0 with 4 deaths; A4 with 2 deaths; and A5 deathless. (I also fought him in A8 and gave up with a portal left because I just wasn't dealing enough damage.) I just fought him in A6 with the following sequence:

Death 1: I get him down to the final phase very smoothly and quickly and was expecting another deathless run when I double flame dash bug into the middle of a storm and die.
2: He hovers over and in between several storms and I die trying to navigate my way into and out of the fight.
3: I get stunned by an invisible 'die' beam (which fired before his audio cue) and then die to the actual beam.
4: Double storms spawned right in front of the doorway and I die trying to get by them.
5: I'm slowed by the 4-way beam, panic, and fail to avoid a triple 'void' beam. (100% my fault.)
6: I get back to the fight and get him down to near culling range, successfully avoid the 4-way and the various 'die'/'void' beams when something invisible hits me. I see the visual effect of the impact (a little silvery splash) but not the actual effect of the spell/attack nor do I hear whatever audio cue that supposed to accompany it. I'm guessing it was a bugged 'die' beam because the first hit cleared ~90% of my life and then something else invisible hit me immediately after. I fall over and die.

Ended up killing Sirus in A7 later Delirium. Can't remember if I died or not. Just fought him for the first time this league. 5.7k hp, 500es, ele capped, positive chaos res, some spell block, no watchstones (A0).

1. Spent several minutes waiting for the fight to start. Seemed to get caught in a loop of the volcano explosions & Rain of Stars. Could not get the fight to trigger no matter how many times I ran underneath him. Eventually get 1-shot to one of the volcano explosions with no audio cue.
2. Come back to the fight, and it actually starts this time. Sirus keeps instantly phasing every time I hit him. Comes down from his chair, gets hit, immediately goes back up. Repeat. Eventually whittle him down to ~1/3 hp. Takes forever. Giant pain in the ass. At some point, storms block me in up on the section above the stairs. Can't escape the lightning storm that 1-shots me.
3. Hear the audio cue for Sirus's 'Die' beam, so I flame-dash away -- right into his avatar's volcano explosions. The only safe area is back the way I came. I flame-dash back -- right into the die beam. 15-20 minutes into the fight and I've had maybe 30 seconds of actual gameplay.
4. Get stuck behind three storms surrounding the entrance. Run to the upper gap; storm A & B overlapping. Run to the lower gap; storm B & C overlapping. Run back to the upper gap and wait. Nothing. Run back to the lower gap. There's a tiny sliver of space between storms B & C, but not enough to get by without risking another death. Run back to the upper gap. Nothing. Wait. The storms are supposed to move, right? Run back to the lower gap. None of the storms have moved. It's been at least 3 minutes of just waiting. I risk the sliver of space. Sirus comes down from his chair. He says, 'Die.' I flame-dash away. Right into his avatar's lightning storm. It 1-shots me. I alt-f4. 20-30 minutes of a boss fight, maybe 2% of which was spent actually engaging the boss.
TorsteinTheFallen wrote:
Before all you quit PoE i suggest that you try few things:

1. learn and practice the fight (ticket is free)
It becomes very easy when you know what you are doing and what to expect. Your skill makes a difference.

2. invest into defenses of your character
Dps isn't everything...

Check out this video. Defense investment in raw currency costs less than 1ex.

Toying with Sirus 8 (last phase) - no clusters, no legacy gear, no Harvest crafting. With and without Molten Shell.

I won't argue that fight is annoying and not interesting...

I'm pretty sure that HoA is one of the highest dps builds you could have against Sirus since it keeps dpsing it while you run around, if you can keep a certain number of stacks up or refresh them real quick ( which you can apprently ), so ...
( and also one of the cheapest ).

Yeah, playing and HoA character that refreshes the stacks very quickly from a distance makes the fight somewhat easy ... that is no news.

PS : the annoyance of this fight is probably the main issue, because its design is just trash.
SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading.
Elhazzared wrote:
Baharoth15 wrote:

Dude people have done AL8 Sirus on a pure frostblink build. Any and every build in the game can finish AL8 Sirus with like 5 ex budget. Just needs a somewhat decent player. Unlike uber elder the fight has no time limit.

Call the fight shit all you want but don't act like it's hard or limiting in terms of builds, because it isn't.

Allow me to correct you on that. It doesn't just needs a somewhat decent player. It needs an absurdly good player. Like top 10% is your bes case scenario here that can do it with most builds.

Even with 100ex worth of gear, 80% of the player base can't do it because the fight requires too much out of the player. It requires half a second reaction time to dodge the die beam. it requires the player to be able to find Sirius when he's off screen which more often than not, doesn't happens and if you didn't find him, it requires luck to dodge in the right direction.

Max block builds can do it even if the skill level is lower, but that just means that 80% of the player base need a max block build to be Sirius viable which in turn means, little build variety if you want to do it.

I don't know what your definition of an "absurdly good player" is, but in my book that would be people like Mathil or Steelmage and it certainly doesn't need that level of "skill" to beat Sirus.

I can do the fight on AL8 using low budget off meta builds, and i am an old man with a fulltime job. If i can do it then any healthy human being can do it with some practise. And no it doesn't require luck to dodge his beam, it just requires practise, if you were spending your time practising the fight instead of whining about it i am sure you could do it as well because it's fucking easy once you've figured it out.

Max block builds are a way to trivialize the fight, but they aren't needed.

You can throw that "80 of the playerbase" statement around as much as you like but at the end of the day it's nothing more than a random number you've pulled from your rear. The only statistic from Sirus we have is from 3.9 so it's hardly even applicable at this point and the picture it showed was way different from what you are trying to get across here.

Bt you are correct: you either builddefenses or you build for DPS. Either way you need specific builds. So no, not all builds can do Sirus.

If you want to trivialize the fight then you can go both routes. But if you just learn the fight you don't need either. You can kill him in a 10-15 minute fight on builds that get oneshot by any single one of his non default attacks if you just know what you are doing. I know because that's exactly what i am doing once a week.
Last edited by Baharoth15#0429 on Aug 18, 2020, 1:13:56 AM
Fruz wrote:
TorsteinTheFallen wrote:
Before all you quit PoE i suggest that you try few things:

1. learn and practice the fight (ticket is free)
It becomes very easy when you know what you are doing and what to expect. Your skill makes a difference.

2. invest into defenses of your character
Dps isn't everything...

Check out this video. Defense investment in raw currency costs less than 1ex.

Toying with Sirus 8 (last phase) - no clusters, no legacy gear, no Harvest crafting. With and without Molten Shell.

I won't argue that fight is annoying and not interesting...

I'm pretty sure that HoA is one of the highest dps builds you could have against Sirus since it keeps dpsing it while you run around, if you can keep a certain number of stacks up or refresh them real quick ( which you can apprently ), so ...
( and also one of the cheapest ).

Yeah, playing and HoA character that refreshes the stacks very quickly from a distance makes the fight somewhat easy ... that is no news.

PS : the annoyance of this fight is probably the main issue, because its design is just trash.

Its my Ultimate Poison Pathfinder. I used Viper Strike and lowered the dps to get even more defenses. Its update im planning for 3.12. clears 100% t19.
HoA doesnt do any damge here except the culling strike.
Last edited by TorsteinTheFallen#1295 on Aug 18, 2020, 2:41:43 AM
Baharoth15 wrote:

I don't know what your definition of an "absurdly good player" is, but in my book that would be people like Mathil or Steelmage and it certainly doesn't need that level of "skill" to beat Sirus.

I can do the fight on AL8 using low budget off meta builds, and i am an old man with a fulltime job. If i can do it then any healthy human being can do it with some practise. And no it doesn't require luck to dodge his beam, it just requires practise, if you were spending your time practising the fight instead of whining about it i am sure you could do it as well because it's fucking easy once you've figured it out.

Max block builds are a way to trivialize the fight, but they aren't needed.

You can throw that "80 of the playerbase" statement around as much as you like but at the end of the day it's nothing more than a random number you've pulled from your rear. The only statistic from Sirus we have is from 3.9 so it's hardly even applicable at this point and the picture it showed was way different from what you are trying to get across here.

Then you are absurdly good. Simple isn't it? You may want to say that you aren't but let me put this in no small words. At best, 20% of the playerbase can do Sirius. Only 10% of the playerbase can do Sirius with any build. Only 1% can actually do it without struggling on any kind of build. If you think being on the top 1% of the player base does not makes you absurdly good, I don't know what does.

The fight barely requires any practice at all. I fought him like 4 times. First I died on AL 4, Second i won on AL 7 and last 2 on AL 8 I lost... The one time I won was due to nothing else but pure luck. The moment he decided to beam me I was using a movement skill looking for him and was going in the right direction which is the only reason I won.

The problem is still that he gives half a second or less reaction time to the beam from off screen with other things on the screen that all deal so much damage that they are not ignorable. Did you know that the majority of people have well above 1 second reaction time and even if they train a lot, the majority still cannot get their reaction time below 1 second?

Perhaps now you are starting to understand the problem here. You being old or having a job has nothing to do with it. If you have the skills and the reaction time you will be able to do it. But the problem is that most people don't have that.

You can keep buring your head on the sand and say it's not a problem because it doesn't affects you. But the problem is real and it's causing problems for the PoE player base. It's probably one of the major causes for people to abadon the game right now.
"The heavens burned
The stars cried out
And under the ashes of infinity
Hope, scarred and bleeding breathed it's last."

Have you tried these builds: <-- add minion impale cluster (don't worry about the other rolls) <-- Use Bone Offering for max def. and cap your chaps resist (ONLY the DIE BEAM will 1-Shot you so you just need to walk in circles keeping your offering and minions up (they stay up for a long time) <-- change the tree for Glacing blow and using Bone Offering.

^All these builds are under 10 exa (In this league its less then 5 exa) and all you need to do is walk in circles to dodge die beams.

Tip: Circle inside his red circle and not in the middle of all his clones

You mention that you farm 70-80 exa before so you could even try for the max block glad builds (cost you 20-25 exa) my first Sirus kill was with bladestorm (1m DPS is enough) or other highly tanky minion builds so you can cheese the fight and learn.

- - -

Early Farming tips

Play ED (use Spell slinger if you hate pressing two button) and farm white and yellow map you can do those REALLY quickly with ZERO dps gear // dont even 6l or need life in your gear just cap your resist. Focus on Alva and Jun (watch videos in how to abuse them for quick exa)

Always sell league items if you don't care about challenges.

- - -

Please try these things... you don't need too be absurdly good.

I know you think the game shouldn't be gear or skill orientated and just allow you to facetank Sirus with passives alone but this isn't BG2 its more like Dark Soul or Remnant of the Ashes where it rewards people who enjoy challenges.

P.S. If you hate minions and don't mind farming 30 exa ANYTHING which TorsteinTheFallen builds is solid.

Last edited by magicdownunder#6346 on Aug 18, 2020, 8:23:41 AM

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