Weird FPS issues

Still have crash issues. Win7 64 bits and Gforce 1050 Ti here.
osesek wrote:
From my experience this patch actually made the problem even worse.

Can confirm this, even even play for 3 minutes now, before it was like 15minutes.
Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get me.
Still cannot play aswell. Dropped from 60 to 3 frames in one fight at Temple....unplayable. Not gonna even bother trying to do anything right now.

Win7 64x
GTX 1060 Nvidia

My bf has Win10, RTX 2060, 16GB RAM and at the fight when i dropped to 3 frames he dropped from 120 to 60, this is just bad.
Last edited by Unik0rnu#9262 on Dec 23, 2019, 10:31:02 AM
with Patch today things getting more worse..Frame Time Spikes and FPS Drops all over the place again.

Win 10
Ryzen 3600
16GB Ram

COU is sitting around 35% and GPU at 60%
Last edited by Kirby1978#6030 on Dec 23, 2019, 5:23:53 AM
osesek wrote:
The most annoying part are GGG fanboys on reddit, when you try to report this issue there. "lOl iT's YoUr FaUlT fOr StIlL uSiNg WiNdOwS7".
Everything works smoothly on Windows 7 including PoE until the buggy patch 3.9.0d. And now apparantly it's Win7 fault?
No, GGG clearly messed up and doesn't know how to fix the spaghetti code. But fanboys can't admit that their company isn't perfect.

My warcraft 3 acted up a while back on win7, it had the exact same issue as POE has now where it leaks memory up to insane amounts. Just go with win 10 its fucking free and is literally the same OS but with focused support by developers.
And next time I just want to quickly check something, stare at the 2 hours forced update which adds useless bullshit like automatically changing wallpaper or handwriting reader tool?
No thanks, I have Win10 at work and that's enough.
Removing mtx didn't help, updating drivers didn't help. Needless to say, this is after "1gb of nothing"(c) patch. 3 seconds of channeling Whispering Ice got me to <1 fps, this shit is hilarious... mostly because it had been happening before and took tggg quite a while to fix. Guess I'll be skipping this league.
Last edited by zecoratul#4772 on Dec 23, 2019, 7:48:47 AM
Almost a week now with Fps Drops without any fix
Did a map fine until i started a Metamorph fight whit mtx.

Then i got 1-2 fps.

Its like its the initial loading of effects that cuause the lag sinse if i exit and reenter i get 0 lagg.


Started a map lagged on entering map . then exited game continued playing whit good fps . But then a beyond pack loaded and the game dropped in fps again. opened the game again an enter same map an beyond dont lagg.

2nd beyond spawned problem repeated it self
Last edited by TwoStroker#4520 on Dec 23, 2019, 9:03:49 AM
kowal86 wrote:
Almost a week now with Fps Drops without any fix

For me it´s never fixed since Betrayal League.. that was the moment when it´s started

Edit: Today the performance is the worst i´ve ever get since i´m playing this game.
I stop playing this game again .. cu maybe in PoE 2
Last edited by Kirby1978#6030 on Dec 23, 2019, 10:40:18 AM

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