Reverse most of the hideout changes from 3.9 please | Waiting for an update ?
" They might have updated part of the engine though, making old "variations" of those lightnings just simply not available. That said, I agree that "it's not your game, deal with it" is quite a silly answer to a valid complaint. To me, the problem here is the lack of communication from GGG. SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading.
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the number of times these un needed changes occur are frustrating.
you take hours to design something , getting it to not look weird due to strange uneven grounds, or edges. then they change the geomoetry slightly on the ground or with the piece and sometimes i had to spend several hours fixing something that was done! just make the edges bigger in all hideouts, never make it smaller. how is this a hard concept for them? how bad is there system to generate ground evenly from patch to patch i wonder. |
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All I can say as a software developer is that it's not always possible to make everything backward compatible and just keep on adding stuff. I'm sure there's a reason behind all of these changes and sometimes you just have to make sacrifices to move forward. They're working on 4.0 and some things just have to go to introduce new/better stuff.
I get your disappointment that you have to redo the hideouts and GGG didn't update everyone on this, but even if they would have made an announcement, would that make you feel better? You'd still have to do it anyway. |
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As someone who spent pretty much two weeks entirely (4-6H per day) building a hideout from scratch, this is the kind of thing that makes me leave the game and never come back. Because if they toyed with this NOW, who knows when will they mess it up AGAIN (let's say, next month)?
They added hideouts, then they improved the hideout system to an awesome level just recently, they added a way to save and share your efforts, then they completely mess up with everything the community has created so far? Why. I see no benefit at all. I can ignore the lighting updates, the tileset should've been something optional for already existing hideouts, but HOLY SHIT messing with the placement of already existing decorations is unforgivable. It's like they threw out of the window all the work they did improving the hideout system. Please revert this nonsense at once. Last edited by Harmona#0540 on Dec 21, 2019, 7:36:38 PM
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" Who do you think pays for the game? All the diehard fans, or do you think GGG does it for free? Without our funds there is no Path of Exile. To take peoples' work away after they spent God knows how many hours isn't right. It should be backwards compatible. That's a standard practice in computing. Clotho |
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" They made changes to Lioneye's Watch. Whatever they needed to test could have been tested there. They should have just left the hideouts alone. I can only imagine the work that went into the one I use. I'm thankful someone took the time because I'm not artistic enough to create something like that. They shouldn't spit in the faces of these peoples. It's not like this was some third-party application. They have an import/export function just so people would do what these good folks did. To screw up their work isn't right. If changes were needed for the hideouts they could have waited until 4.0. People are saying the developers should just fix it. Well I made some changes to the one I downloaded. You want me to have to fix that too? I don't even remember what they are. So it's not just the designers getting screwed, it's some of us end users as well. Clotho |
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" No, you're wrong. This game is ours (supporters) too, because we support it by our $$$! And btw, who are you, to decide such things? P.S. It's kinda really disappointing, that ggg mostly don't care about player's achieves, goals, opinions (especially old players, diehard fans), and most of that - players time, that they had spent. ...Maybe some day all will chenge? |
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And how about increasing decoration limit? :) 750 doodads for some big hideouts (like Glimmerwood or Celestial) is really too few...
UPD: Remind you, that at this moment you NEVER had increased that limit, NEVER! Maybe time has come to do so? Last edited by FoxFluffy#2652 on Dec 22, 2019, 5:09:09 AM
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" The decoration limit is there for a reason, to lessen the load times to your hideout and to lessen the data flux of their servers. FYI, the actual limit is 762 decorations, it's such a specific value it's hard to believe it's random. I'm pretty sure there's some math behind it. To prove this, you can do the following "experiment" on a clean hideout: place 762 "glowing embers" decorations around the waypoint. I'm pretty sure you'll notice a huge increase in load times because both the server and your graphic card are struggling. If your graphic card is anything like mine, it'll need a weekend at the spa after this. So, don't expect an increase in decoration limit, because it's there to maintain a healthy connectivity response. Unless they upgrade their servers (huge $$$ investment) or they optimize even further their game (huge time and effort investment), the limit is going to stay as it is. Just accept it and live with it, as I did long ago. Don't get me wrong, I'd love an increase in decoration limit, just not at the expense of server stability. |
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" Agreed with you, and i'm sure that this value (762) is definitely not random, but... hope dies last right? :) Maybe there is a way... with "lesser blood" than heavy $$ investments... Maybe something like restriction for certain area, not for whole location...? |
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