[3.9] Aziire's Deadeye Galvanic Arrow - Maximum Projectile Speed/AoE, God Speed!
Just wanted to stop by and say thanks for the build guide again, and update how far I managed to take this build
Even though I went a slightly different route by building around voltaxics shock, this guide inspired me and has been the only character I played this league. I'm close to quitting the league now since I've done 36 challenges, cleared all content, and upgrades are now very expensive With my gear probably being worth roughly 40-60 ex at this time - DPS is roughly 2-3 million sustained boss DPS without flasks, 3-4m fully buffed. (Can probably reach the same or more DPS with 20-30ex but I wanted more survivability) If crits and initial shock from lightning arrow line up, awakening 8 drox can be bursted in <10 seconds without him dropping any flags. Clear speed is great in general (I use lightning arrow), bow characters rarely have problems here. Survivability is OK but not great, my character runs 4.8k life, 200es, flesh and stone, wind dancer from brutal restraint, elusive on crit, 15% blind chance, 50/40/50 dodge/spell dodge/evade I die usually once at A8 sirus (last phase die beams), and once or twice at uber elder, but that might be my lack of skill if anything EDIT: Facetank Minotaur kill in 10s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j_h6FyLEPbg Last edited by Stainfree#4785 on Jan 23, 2020, 3:15:32 PM
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Quick update since it's been a while, I managed to beat Sirus at awakening lvl 4 on my first try (I did watch a video beforehand, let's not kid ourselves).
Here is my current gear : I'm not entirely sure where to go from here, though. I have 5436 hp but still feel kinda squishy in some situations, but maybe I'm just not playing well enough. Can't facetank everything after all, especially not as bow. Still, if anyone has any suggestions as to what else I could do to squeeze more dps and/or survivability out of this, I'm open to ideas :D Basically, what I changed since last time : Got farrul's fur, removed Marylene's Fallacy as an experiment and ended up removing farrul's bite in favor of Fractal Thoughts (39% crit multi, 37% elemental damage, 32 hp). It's a bit low on the defensive side, but it's a nice helmet. A nice alternative might be a simple lightning fossil crafted helmet for "nearby enemies have -9% to lightning resistance", although that requires you to stick close to your target but it also maximizes Point Blank, so overall, a good choice still. I got a ring with ele weakness curse on hit, but I might just drop it and put a cwdt coh wave of conviction setup with lvl 20 ele weakness curse...Not sure yet. I'll certainly have to rearrange my links for that, so it's a WIP. Also added an intuitive leap and a thread of hope on strategic spots to save a couple points on the tree : Here :
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I got a 6L Storm Cloud yesterday and so I googled builds that can use it. Thanks for posting!
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Isn't Galvanic good for mapping or you just find it easier to clear with Lightning Arrow? Also is Voidfletcher the absolute BiS or the Mechanism quiver can be a nice sidegrade? |
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" Galvanic is pretty good for mapping, and almost as good as lightning arrow. I use lightning arrow primarily to apply shock, since the little hits from galvanic barrage don't have the numbers to shock bosses like shaper or sirus. Also, lightning arrow has a shock multiplier on it. When combined with voltaxic and painseeker a hit of 100 000 damage would shock as if hitting for almost 4 000 000 damage (x3 x3 x4). " I'd say that would be a decent side grade. Voidfletcher adds about 300-600k DPs but a lot of burst damage. Those aren't build defining numbers so there should be plenty of good alternatives Last edited by Stainfree#4785 on Jan 25, 2020, 10:25:25 PM
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Hello. Good build. But please tell me what are the Heavy Draw and Deadly Draw talents? Because physical damage is almost zero and there is nothing to increase. Bow is no physical damage. I'm only level 24 so far, so maybe I'm not getting something, but I don't understand this. Thanks for the reply.
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I am enjoying this build, at the end of the league. I did spec in Lioneye's fall to hit all of the switched claw nodes, and left out revenge of the hunted/forces of nature tree. I usually kill before worrying much about life (only 3K ish) I may experiment with other bows, equipment, and such as I do, but right now the gear you suggested is working great. I originally wanted to build this for inpulsa, but Hyrri's became a must.
Thank you for an interesting fun build! |
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omg this build is really garbage, 3.8k hp, no damge, no clearspeed
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For Ascendancy:
TLDR: Tailwind > Far Shot > Endless Munitions > Powerful Precision Do you mean: Gathering Winds > Far Shot > Endless Munitions > Powerful Precision? |
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how do we convert physical damage to lightning damage at 100%? I see that the galvanic arrow already do 50% conversion, where else to get the rest?
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