[3.9] Aziire's Deadeye Galvanic Arrow - Maximum Projectile Speed/AoE, God Speed!
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Guys, need some advice
Tried to copy @Chnams 's gear, but have not as much dps, as i hoped. Still need last lab and Arcing Blows on amulet. Can try another Circle of regret with double damage. But maybe there is something else i missed? Last edited by EVGrinch2#6520 on Feb 28, 2020, 2:21:39 PM
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Your gear is pretty insane as it is. Arcing Blows and Uber Lab would be a massive boost to your current setup. The gear you have should be plenty enough for doing the end game. If you are looking for bonkers levels of single target you would need to really min max the build. Things Awakened Lightning Damage Support, Awakened Elemental Damage with Attacks, looking at possible getting a Watcher's Eye with things like Damage Penetrates while Affected by Wrath and Increased Damage while Affected by Precision. Another very expensive upgrade is Bottled Faith. This build was really fun, but it did struggle a little when it came down to very end game fights. Like everything the problem can be solved with money but it's just up to your personal budget and what you are willing to throw at the build. I hope you have still enjoyed the build regardless. |
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" Thank you very much for answer Yeah, it is very fast and interesting build! |
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Sorry for the newb question but, when is a good starting point to use Galv and why the lightning arrow?
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Nothing wrong with new questions, it's kinda the whole point of the guide. To be able to answer questions about a skill. I started using Galvanic Arrow once I hit Blood Aqueducts. I'd suggest using it once you have finished Blood Aqueducts though. My Toxic Rain levelling was still crushing, and I probably could have gotten to Level 70ish way faster if I had just farmed with that setup instead. Lightning Arrow is a really good alternative, most peoples variation of Galvanic Arrow uses Lightning Arrow to clear and Galvanic for single target damage. I found I was able to clear just fine with Galvanic so I played the skill like that. I only really struggled when pushing into Tier 15s and 16s. |
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I also see build with assassin. What's the main difference and what do you think about it?
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I think the Assassin build would overall be a lot better. This build was focused on trying to make the Lightning Cone portion of Galvanic Arrow as big as possible. Deadeye has bonuses to Projectile Speed, which we needed for our build. Assassin however has massive bonuses to Critical Strikes as well as access to Elusive, which is a super strong offense and defense mechanic. Pairing the Ascendancy up with things like an Inpulsa, Voltaxic Rift, and other conversions like a Call of the Brotherhood would result in far more damage and overall a better build. I still personally enjoyed the Deadeye variant, however a lot of people do not share the same opinion. I build for memes, and a lot of the time as someone that makes guides I'm going to get a lot of criticism because people are looking for the absolute best. |
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heya i was curious on what the vaal pact is doubling? it might be a dumb question but shouldn't we have some initial life steal for it to be useful and i cant seem to find any on the tree or items so i was just curious if i was missing something?
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We get Life Leech from both Blood Rage and Golem Drinker on the tree. These are enough for us to reach the Life Leech rate cap which we then double with Vaal Pact. |
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