Boss Balance Changes in Path of Exile: Conquerors of the Atlas
" Yeah because the only possible source of income is rich/ocd/tryhard apologists. I totally didn't spend 200$ plus or anything >.> I'd have been spending 30 a month if they weren't so damn shady, and there were fewer of you. Too much censorship that you never even see. Totally removed posts and silenced accounts across all communities. Last edited by Innomen#6153 on Dec 2, 2019, 10:46:57 AM
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People really need to get a reality check on what is easy and what isn't.
Sorry, but its really sounding like you are claiming something is easy just so you can feel better about yourselves cause nothing else is voting for you in life. Id love to be proven wrong, but after 30+ years of gaming it has been 9 out of 10 times the prime reason people try to assert that kind of mentality. Low self esteem too perhaps. And who knows what else. 1) For the game to be easy, it means that every skill and every character build anybody can think up of for creating will be able to complete all the content without issue. This is not the case, not by a longshot, and as some of you have wanted to point to, the devs said most builds are horrible. If this is true, which again I have claimed is showcase that the game doesnt do a good job to show you on its own what the good builds are outside of data mining and youtube channels, then the game isn't easy. Realistically speaking, it has a learning curve that is not easy, and a variety of builds and skills that simply are not that efficient. Whether they are "horrible" or not is not the point. Some people have played the "not-horrible" builds as well and found them boring. In which case they set out to do something creative that they will enjoy playing with regardless of how far it can go because they enjoy playing the game. And with a game that gives you that many options and makes a point of advertising its flexibility in "customizing your character as you want" then you better pray that all the lower end builds can do content up to a point and not be completely useless. Also, with a game that has so much grind for something even like a six link (if you arent outright buying it ofc and/or started fresh) to make even a more creative build half viable, NORMAL people that don't play 120hrs a week find it even harder to complete certain content. Are there builds that can do the content much easier? There are. Does this make every build as viable? It doesn't. Which makes the claim that the game is easy false. And people seriously need to stop measuring sizes with such comments. If the game is too easy for you then go play a more creative build that you come up with on your own on hardcore and stop meta-wh@#%ing on YouTube. Having that said, I like more of a challenge on bosses and attack animations etc, it makes them more immersive and I too like my challenge in PoE otherwise I'd just fall asleep from boredom. So I like what I see in this video. As long as its not straight up power-buffs and health buffs, I am cool with it. To the devs- Stop trying to change the game to make it harder, it has finally gotten to a place where a larger portion of your player base can play a good amount of the content it has to offer. And even now there is a good number of players that haven't even done Shaper much less Uber Elder, and in their case in fact they haven't even finished the entire game before a new End Game is thrown on them. Many of us have lives as well, and if your grind gets in the way of enjoying the game we will definitely vote for "life" over grind and stop playing your game all-together. I think with Metamorph you have one of the best ideas you have come up with to date. So stop "revamping" the difficulty of the whole game and focus on just adding more difficult and clever end game content. Metamorph can really be your shining jewel for end-game. As it could allow for some really wacky boss fusions into some really insane end-game encounters for all those that simply wont give up with the false "ez" comments. Can't wait to try this new league out yet also cautious with all this "make it harder" comments... Harder as in more challenging encounters? That could be ok. Harder as in straight up power-buffs? No thanks to that. I sure do hope the new Atlas isnt privy to a few meta builds all up and ends up making all the other builds utter useless garbage. If those builds are not meant to be played, then you might as well delete them from the game. The best part about PoE is creating characters to me. So if I see my more creative build that can push tier 6 maps and I think rightfully deserves it, be so useless that it can barely do t1 or even t3 maps, its going to seriously affect my want to play this game anymore and I think I am not alone in the bunch that feel this way. Last edited by HazaRdReborN#3855 on Dec 2, 2019, 11:17:10 AM
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NICE! s2
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" That is cute, and although I don't know your argument with said person overall and can't be bothered going back to read it (meaning I could very well agree with whatever point you had mentioned), this elitist mentality is quite cute indeed. Do the math, 1k people paying 100bucks a season or 50k people paying 10 bucks a season? Doesn't take a genius to figure out their elitist mentality is false in its ways period. Not meaning that it doesn't help. Ofc it does. But if you think this is the reason to the game existing and in turn feel entitled to some imaginary honour points for this then you really need to wake up to some real sense. p.s, if your contributions were so amazing TenCent wouldn't of even been involved. So stop calling people kiddos, douche, for all you know you are talking to people your age or older that for whatever reason do not agree to or do not have the flexibility of your support. Stop flexing and measuring sizes. p.s, I too think that GGG have done amazing work, simply brilliant over the years and are an example of a developer. I also think 50% of the feedback from their community is utter sh!t and for this I fear to what changes they will implement in the future. And so like others, I too share opinions on said content in hopes that they continue to keep on track with one of my favourite games period. Opinions don't make people "kids", idiots that disagree do just because they can't accept a difference in opinion. Peace out. Last edited by HazaRdReborN#3855 on Dec 2, 2019, 11:13:45 AM
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This convinces me to finally go HC to lose my char easier
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Vaal Boss AI still seems like stupid.
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" Truth. At this point poe is like a mobile phone that explodes in your pocket. Even if you add features it still explodes in your pocket. |
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" Np, diablo 3 is free to play also. No wait... But its a great causal rewarding game right? It seems your not sure what you want |
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I wait with the judgement till I beat them. Hard to tell, if the changes do mean anything to gameplay at the current state of power creep...
Let's explore new playstyles - Play it your own way, not just like the others. Quality management is one of the most underrated success factors in every business... Last edited by Synopse#1990 on Dec 2, 2019, 12:16:34 PM
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" why melee unfriendly? i prefer to play ranged characters and with rare exceptions i stand next to bosses balls almost touching because it's much easier to avoid attacks if i only have to move 20 pixels to avoid damage (and i like point blank). |
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