Boss Balance Changes in Path of Exile: Conquerors of the Atlas

a harder way for rushing the bosses anymore, this is nice.
Arimil wrote:
Xystre wrote:
taifuniwe wrote:
Is poe acting like Dark Souls? 5 min boss fights in campaign IS TOTTALY NOT NEEDED in this game.

but that's what most of this forums want.. I don't know about reddit but they want bigger sponges to hit for longer time..

expect more buffs to HP..

Sorry that I think it's fun to see new bosses and learn their mechanics rather than faceroll my keyboard and watch them die before they do anything.

Except see, it's a hack n slash loot based ARPG. If you like ooing and aawing at long boss fights, and story progression vs grinding....this isn't your genre.
GGG's sudden fascination with making boss fights longer and more tedious serves no purpose but pleasing folks like you, while doing nothing for the game play or the genre.
They need to make bosses actually rewarding, then I'd give a crap.
Last edited by DamageIncorporated#7815 on Dec 4, 2019, 6:38:09 PM
DamageIncorporated wrote:
Arimil wrote:
Xystre wrote:

but that's what most of this forums want.. I don't know about reddit but they want bigger sponges to hit for longer time..

expect more buffs to HP..

Sorry that I think it's fun to see new bosses and learn their mechanics rather than faceroll my keyboard and watch them die before they do anything.

Except see, it's a hack n slash loot based ARPG. If you like ooing and aawing at long boss fights, and story progression vs grinding....this isn't your genre.
GGG's sudden fascination with making boss fights longer and more tedious serves no purpose but pleasing folks like you, while doing nothing for the game play or the genre.
They need to make bosses actually rewarding, then I'd give a crap.

I'd argue those things go hand and hand. The issue is what could GGG add to these early bosses to possibly make them worthwhile since most of the items around this level you're lucky to be wearing for an hour or two.
I'd argue those things go hand and hand. The issue is what could GGG add to these early bosses to possibly make them worthwhile since most of the items around this level you're lucky to be wearing for an hour or two.[/quote]

This. You'd think people playing ladder races would want it to be a bit harder to get through as well. Actually make them interesting to watch/play. The game was probably overtuned when I first played, but right now, so far, everything just dies. I normally can't even read the names of the monster yet alone what affixes it has. I'm even fully behind the idea that grinding is a thing...but the journey to endless grinding, and hopefully PvP, should be a little bit more interesting.
Last edited by Utukka#5444 on Dec 5, 2019, 4:43:49 PM
At this point, I simply don't understand why GGG didn't originally made PoE into a full action game instead...

Playing "hit and dodge" with your mouse is very annoying, because having to move and attack with your mouse might lead into situations where you can't react properly in time to avoid an enemy attack, even though the attack itself is easy to dodge.

Now if the game was designed as an action game like Devil May Cry, dodging those boss attacks would have been much less tedious and the gameplay would feel more responsive than adding these mechanics on an action rpg with bird view camera.

There's a reason why pretty much every PoE player plays the game with no skill assigned to their left mouse button. Because it would make the game extremely clunky to play and you could easily die by attacking something while trying to avoid a oneshot attack from a boss.

GGG should've just made PoE 2 into an action game instead, because this is the genre they actually want to work on... they just refuse to admit it.
Utukka wrote:

Didn't they say that each league release has beat the last? D4 wont even be out for most likely minimum 2 years....and quite frankly, I don't believe anything they are currently saying. What they have shown, looks like a dark reskinned diablo 3, except they have skill trees which eventually unlock every skill regardless, ending up just like D3, and a few "talent" modifiers that you can respec. They still lock you into spenders, generators, and long cooldowns on a 6 spot locked skill bar.

That and their rune system which we will see if it even gets in, yet alone if it does anything interesting, or if it's just D3s current runes but in item form.

Please tell me I'm missing something.

Ok. Here's what you're missing:
1. You deciding to talk about D4 just because you mentioned it was unnecessary.
2. No one asked for your opinion.
3. Did you even see 10 seconds of the trailer? You'll get more than a "dark reskinned D3", even though people wanted Diablo to be dark again.
4. No one asked for your opinion.
5. Diablo 2 also had those skill trees. And so what if you can respec? Why mention that?
6. No one asked for your opinion.
7. Once again, you clearly didn't see anything past 10 seconds of Diablo 4 footage cause you would've caught a glimpse to how runes work
8. No one asked for your opinion.
Last edited by Entrr_username#6754 on Dec 7, 2019, 12:28:45 PM
DevilDog92 wrote:
Awesome! Great improvement. Make everything harder :D

Yeah how bout no. Lot's of people seem to have the false idea that "more difficulty = fun", which isn't always true. I'm not saying the game needs to be more accessible but I also think that the game doesn't need to be challenging to the point that even the first boss is too demanding. It's already ridiculous enough that "tips" for newcomers include interacting with other players for trading and using third party websites.
mucker wrote:
Sounds good, hope you stick to you guns on this and don't scale them back when there is whining.

It has been lame how completely unchallenging and undangerous you let so many of the story mode boss fights become. Even on league starts I don't think I've used a single life flask once on Dominus since Fall of Oriath came out.

I really wish you would restore the Piety fight to what it was back in the day. It has been so weak since you redid the arena.

Difference between whining and thinking that the difficult bosses are little bit too much. Amazing that a long-time player like you doesn't know what makes the game better
crunkatog wrote:
Chris has repeatedly stated he doesn't want this game to be universally accessible. He envisions a hardcore game with a steep attrition rate, and doesn't view acts as the "tutorial" most of us do.

Remember that he was designing PoE when acts were the endgame. Hence, Chatters, Brutus, and Piety difficulty. Only after bloating up to 10 acts + a long RNG-gated endgame did players start viewing the storyline as training-wheels for mapping.

Since then, early acts bosses got neutered for convenience sake. Streamers dying in HCSSF Axiom Prison is hilarious the first few times, but makes for shitty product placement - in the long run, you want more people to see more content, not less.

What GGG is trying to do here is simple. When Chris says, "Only X% of players make it to Act 2", he may currently see analytics showing them getting bored and abandoning the game, a gradual dropoff in playtime per account starting with the ship graveyard.

His goal may be to invest mature, serious players in Acts by directly challenging them. If he's right, and the gradual dropoff is the shape of boredom, then the dropoff will be sharp and severe at boss fights, but more players retained overall as they internalize the challenge and rise to meet it.

If this is also the philosophy behind the Poe 2 campaign, then it's only fair the original campaign get some buffs.

As for boss area denial and stun locks coming back, and BA and ranged totem cheese being the only way to get around it, that's been PoE in a nutshell since day 1. Ranged >>>> melee. There are other games for players who don't want to use what works.

You clearly don't know what makes the game better. And if Chris truly believes that, then he shouldn't be surprised when Diablo 4 ends up doing well.

And it's hilarious how your last paragraph contradicts the entire point of your post. Getting pass area denial and stun locks and only being to get around it through some specific skills? "That's been PoE in a nutshell since day 1". Why excuse is that?

And don't even get me started on your "ranged > melee" comment. Why even have melee in the game then if your excuse for it not doing so well being that ranged is better? "There are other games for players who don't want to use what works" speaks for itself.
Last edited by Entrr_username#6754 on Dec 7, 2019, 1:05:58 PM
Entrr_username wrote:
DevilDog92 wrote:
Awesome! Great improvement. Make everything harder :D

Yeah how bout no. Lot's of people seem to have the false idea that "more difficulty = fun", which isn't always true. I'm not saying the game needs to be more accessible but I also think that the game doesn't need to be challenging to the point that even the first boss is too demanding. It's already ridiculous enough that "tips" for newcomers include interacting with other players for trading and using third party websites.

Yeah how about you read opinions for what they are. Opinions. I feel the game could be considerably harder. That's my opinion. Go be triggered by opinions somewhere else.
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