Watch the ExileCon Livestream and Win Microtransactions with Twitch Drops!
" A chance to get an MTX. It does seem like something's broken, for fairness's sake, but it's still wild to see people imply that there was/is some 'guarantee' to get anything. |
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But after watching 5.5 hours there is high chance that SOMEONE will get mtx for sure. And...? It's like not "high" that they claim it will work but it's "very very small chance" for anyone who watched whole stream to get any drop. They just lied to us in their news, just go to the page one
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" It takes a hysterical, delusional and uneducated child to unironically confuse 'there is some technical difficulty that ended up making things work not as intended' with 'they lied to us'. |
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" Umm... but i saw responses from GGG support and they CLAIM it all worked as intended, just bad luck? So wtf? |
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Looks like someone does know how randomization works: that it takes an average of 5.5 hours to get a drop doesn't mean that it's guaranteed that you get one in 22 hours.
For one that receives a bundle after 5 minutes there is another one who doesn't get any drop in 22 hours. /oos
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For info : you have a 76% chance to get at least 1 drop if you watched the entire 8 hours of content. Which means approx 3/4th of the people that watched the stream for 8h while being registered should have gotten at least a reward.
Is this the case? Not really, no. |
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Decided to go to sleep about 15 minutes before the stream ending.
We (six of us) enjoyed the stream for a while because of the announcements - about five hours in we started talking about whether or not we got drops. Checked our messages, emails and in-game. None of us got anything. That just ticked everyone off. At that point three of the six left, another left after 6 total hours, myself and the last 8. That's 37 collective hours, or 2200 minutes. 444 pulls = ~666% average chance of there being at least one drop between the six of us. Figured there could've been some sort of backlog considering there were 1,000 people watching so I went to sleep. Woke up just now, nothing. Mates reporting the same. There's clearly an issue, you won't catch me watching the rest of the event when GGG isn't even bothered to comment on the issue. Last edited by Zykor#0921 on Nov 16, 2019, 7:44:18 AM
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But they said EVERY 5 min all watchers will have 1.5% chance to get ANY drop. So... lets say the stream had 100k viewers from begining to end. So, every 5 min there should be 1500 people receiving something. EVERY 5 MINN. Now you get that there should be a lot more people claiming they did get a drop?
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" Support guys are not the ones who made the initial dealings with Twitch and they are also most likely not the people trying to figure out with Twitch stuff what exactly is going wrong. Other people have already posted their replies from support that claim that there IS a problem on Twitch's end. I am almost certain that there is a problem indeed, but I consider it to be utter insanity to even imply that it was GGG's intention to promise one thing but make the chances a lot lower, thus justifying the term 'lying'. |
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" 37 hours is 37*12 chances to get a drop, 444 pulls, so your chance of getting nothing is 0.985^444 = 1/820 chance. It's POSSIBLE that the drop chance was 1.5% and that there was no error. But it's very, very unlikely. |
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