Watch the ExileCon Livestream and Win Microtransactions with Twitch Drops!

"Your Path of Exile account is currently linked to your Twitch account."
i have a Twitch Prime subscription.
"Twitch Prime Drops: Your account is eligible to participate in Twitch Prime Drops."

I've been watching all the stream

And surprise... no drops
I do believe that it is connected with the discrepancy between the required status that can be found on 1st page and our (at least mine) setting on the Twitch connection screen:



No surprise that only fraction of us were eligible to participate in lottery.

Can we have any confirmation from GGG that it is a bug and should be fixed, or clear statement that it is not relevant and just vast majority of us are extremely unlucky?

Looking forward for 3.9, 3.10 and so on till 4.0.0.

See you Exile in the Wreclast!
ING: Leesaurk
During the link process, I don't have any possibility to chose between Twtch or Twitch Prime. If I follow the link posted here, it connects my account automatically to Twitch Prime.
I'm doing something wrong ?
Last edited by Mist53#5231 on Nov 16, 2019, 5:40:23 AM
Mist53 wrote:
During the link process, I don't have any possibility to chose between Twtch or Twitch Prime. If I follow the link posted here, it connects my account automatically to Twitch Prime.
I'm doing something wrong ?

You're doing everything right. Problem isn't on your end. Same for me.
It didn't even show notification that drops were enabled like any other stream does.. literally feels like drops were not enabled... and considering how stream was barely running.. seems like the one setting up the stream didn't know what he was doing.
myhorseisamaz1ng wrote:
well, chance is like 0.015(chance)*12(ticks per hour)*8(hours)=1.44, so everyone should obtain at least one mtx, and almost half of viewers should obtain two.

well played GGG.

That's not how probability works.

The chance of getting something with probability P in N attempts is

1 - (1 - P)^N.

In our case, N = 12 * 8, P = 0.015; the actual probability ends up being ~0.7656. Still a lot, but nowhere near as close to be called 'guarantee'.
Sixtysan wrote:
Seems like if you have the "twitch prime drops", you are not eligible. Would explain only 12 000 signing.

Where did the number '12000' come from?

new poe account, new twitch account and still get "Twitch Prime Drops". I don't thing we have problem here
Last edited by twitchtes1234#2877 on Nov 16, 2019, 5:57:51 AM
TheSwarmIdentity wrote:
Why would anyone be upset about not getting a drop? The drops should not be the reason for watching the first ever Exilecon stream.

Did anyone seriously watch the stream only for a chance to get free MTX rather than to watch the first convention of the game some of you who complain in here are claiming to be playing since beta? So after all these years, the only reason for watching the biggest news that the game has to offer since launch is because of MTX? In a free to play game offering a free to watch stream you seriously care more about some trivial ingame drops than the actual event?

The drops were just an additional bonus either way. Staying up 8+ hours for the stream without wanting to actually watch is not healthy and sounds like compulsory behavior.

Many of us have a life outside of POE, it was deep at night during Exilcon for many of us. We were told we would get an MTX and we did not get any, that´s why we are upset.

We could rewatch the show during day too, no need for watching it at night, except for the free MTX.
Ygidua wrote:
TheSwarmIdentity wrote:
Why would anyone be upset about not getting a drop? The drops should not be the reason for watching the first ever Exilecon stream.

Did anyone seriously watch the stream only for a chance to get free MTX rather than to watch the first convention of the game some of you who complain in here are claiming to be playing since beta? So after all these years, the only reason for watching the biggest news that the game has to offer since launch is because of MTX? In a free to play game offering a free to watch stream you seriously care more about some trivial ingame drops than the actual event?

The drops were just an additional bonus either way. Staying up 8+ hours for the stream without wanting to actually watch is not healthy and sounds like compulsory behavior.

Many of us have a life outside of POE, it was deep at night during Exilcon for many of us. We were told we would get an MTX and we did not get any, that´s why we are upset.

We could rewatch the show during day too, no need for watching it at night, except for the free MTX.
No no no, you were told you have a CHANCE to get a drop. its 1.5% chance every 5 minutes. You could watch 10/100/1000 hours and still not get a drop if you are unlucky. They never said you would get a MTX. go reread the post jesus christ.

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