3.8.2 Patch Notes

"Fixed a rare bug where kill credit was not properly awarded to players when killing a monster through the use of damage over time skills. This affected awarding of the Defeat Rogue Exiles challenge."

I knew I wasn't crazy, even went back and checked the corpse of the rogue. Thank you for addressing it. Now I just need to find the last rogue.
One cannot help but wonder how such a lust for loot can affect a persons mind. Although these exiles appear to be our salvation, it would not take much for them to turn on us as easily as they fight gods and demons.
hey they didn't even do an announcement of the preview of the patch notes! they skipped a step!
since I have no hope for significant game design improvements in this game I am officially done with Path of Exile. done for good
LeetbakaDX wrote:
Mathias_Furr wrote:
geo1475 wrote:
Cool, can you please bring back the new shatter sound, thank you.

When the stress kills Chris this is a good example of why. NEVER has a community been so impossible to please.



If he dies it'll be because all that excess China Cash and no physical labor/exercise will go straight to his gut...not someone else in the company swapping an audio file.

lol. maybe he can go to a chinese "fitness" camp to slim down then
since I have no hope for significant game design improvements in this game I am officially done with Path of Exile. done for good
dachoppa wrote:
Crix10 wrote:
3. Voided league just for fun where nothing is kept... make it all crazy... Crazy Fun!

it's crazy fun for a few days until you burn out and don't show up for the next league. that's not what they want so it's not gonna happen. there is an article about how league of legends did this mistake and how the community reacted. too much candy isn't good.

do you know what "clarify" means?

league did what? huh? what are you talking about
since I have no hope for significant game design improvements in this game I am officially done with Path of Exile. done for good
Fixed a rare bug where objects could sometimes have the wrong model. For example, a monster using a tree as its weapon.

stuff like this should have its own checkbox in options to enable it to randomly happen as a way to break up the somewhat monotonous grinding gameplay
generally dangerous
Captain_Proton_chan wrote:
Mathias_Furr wrote:
geo1475 wrote:
Cool, can you please bring back the new shatter sound, thank you.

When the stress kills Chris this is a good example of why. NEVER has a community been so impossible to please.

yeah, if only there was a way to reward Chris for what little stress he has from the game.

maybe if some game company could give him many millions like Tencent did ?

yeah he really has it rough.

Yeah, I'd really like to see you in his place... to see how well you handle the game + a legion of crybabies that will whine about the slightest shit.
eralduspr wrote:
Yeah, I'd really like to see you in his place... to see how well you handle the game + a legion of crybabies that will whine about the slightest shit.

Yeah, it must be really stressful being a millonaire and "balancing" things around your business mostly while only accepting bits of criticism and repeat the same cycle every league.
"Parade your victories, hide your defeats. Mortals are so insecure."

Once you break the cycle of fear no angels or demons can whisper you their sweet nothing words.

poe2 = ruthless 2.0 = bad.
codetaku wrote:
So... still no news on bannings for the people who made massive bank on selling the exploited anointed items that got deleted?

I see you've now deleted all the exploited items. This means you tracked down the exploited items. Which means you should know who created the exploited items.

So, why no news on bannings yet? Because they had to be supporters to perform the exploit? Are you okay with being called Pay To Win forever more, if it's fine to exploit mechanics that you had to pay for?

Because that's the message you're sending by not banning people. Next time people find such an exploit, even more people will make use of it. Because you aren't fucking banning people for doing so.

I don't get why people want to get other people banned for a BUG, r u jealous u didn't "make bank"?
Be glad the exploited items are removed, this should warn people to not make use of an exploit next time or at the least hint that their exploited items may get removed.

Banning the people who made use of this trick doesn't make them liable and contrary to what u say that more people will use exploits next time?
No, I think not, since in the end the items are all destroyed now and this should be seen as a warning when something similar occurs.
I'd like to see optimisation for Icestorm please, it's a PITA when all the mad stuff happens with blight encounters on regular maps, got a GTX 1070 and my screen comes to a halt. As for blighted maps, why is the drop rate so low for primarily what this league is about ?
Dang, I wanted more monsters to use trees as their weapons, not less.

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