It's almost 2020(Now its actually 2020) - Lets have Male and Female versions of all classes.
" What other model could there be there apart male and females, in the case of the human being ? Seriously, social gender debate is a thing that is completely unrelated to the topic here but that internet SJW keep wanting to bring in for some reason. Nobody cares here about the number of potential social genders in the world, this topic is about MALE and FEMALE models in PoE. Until proven wrong ( which nobody can ), everybody ( who isn"t subject to a malformation ) is either born male or female, and that include the exiles in Path of Exile, the topic here is only about this, being able to choose either. Some people would rather play female characters and some others male characters, regardless of the social gender of the player. If you want to start a debate about social genders, go do it in the off topic section ffs. SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading. Last edited by Fruz#6137 on Oct 24, 2019, 12:32:18 AM
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" It's not holding me personally back from playing anything, I would say that playing a male witch on some builds might be more immersive for me though. Most of my playtime is on Witch and Scion with some Templar/Marauder thrown in on the side. Given the amount of customization available in this game i feel that it would be nice to add that little bit extra to allow the choice and to feel the same connection with their character whatever may be their personal preference. I agree there are more important things to be worked on btw but i also said that i think if this is worked on at all it should be done over-time and not made a priority over other things that are much more critical to the success of this game. Innocence forgives you Last edited by SilentSymphony#3358 on Oct 24, 2019, 12:58:12 AM
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I'm a woman, and I do find it more immersive to play a character that looks more like me. If that makes me unimaginative, sexist or not a true RPGer (things that have been insinuated in this thread), then so be it. It is what it is.
I have played all characters in PoE, but favour the witch and ranger. I would love it if we had a female shadow, or big marauder women like Brienne of Tarth....maybe a Joan of Arc like character for the templar. I'd love it. if that never happens, it'll be a shame, but I'll keep playing because it's a fantastic game. There are games that I almost bought and then didn't when I found it there were only masculine characters to play (Elex, Vampyr, Technomancer). I also probably wouldn't have bought The Witcher all those years ago had I known that you had to play as only Geralt, even though I'm glad I did now. I also remember being pretty ticked off after buying Two Worlds (which featured a woman on the cover) and then finding out I had to play an ugly mofo with a goatee beard. Overly dramatic? Maybe, but there are enough good games where I can play as a feminine character that I don't need to bother with these other games...and I think that is the point of this OP. Some people might overlook the game for something like Diablo 3 (which allows dual characters for each class) instead of PoE. We know it's their loss because PoE is much better, but what can we do apart from the OP request? I agree it is in GGG's best interests to create masculine and feminine versions of each class. They certainly don't need to label them "MALE' and 'FEMALE' and get all the SJW's up in arms, but a masculine and feminine model for each class - maybe even a third androgynous one is something I think GGG's art department could easily handle. Artists aren't the ones working on important stuff like performance, etc, so why not? Also how long would it take to record some new voice artists? A week? What does it matter? I think people are fighting against this idea unnecessarily. Art Videos: PoE Fan Art Entry: Last edited by 51R3N#2385 on Oct 25, 2019, 3:48:57 AM
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well my first post on this topic was trolling
but i wanna give it a shot Its incredibly important to not just use a stick figure when you want your player get attached to a charakter, but to use a personalized figure which doesnt look like a 2005 video game charakter. that be said this game lacks individuality 100% you just look like every other templar, witch, duelist ect. sure you can spend 5000€ to look just like others who also bought this...yeah thought so the point is: many rpg´s tend to get pretty short on this point, i would love to run around with a nice ..selfmade something. beside the gear in this game tends to make us look like clowns >_> code vein is a nice example in that matter! [Removed by Support] Last edited by Nichelle_GGG#0000 on Oct 28, 2019, 9:52:20 AM
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As someone who only joined PoE recently, I was quite shocked that there is no choice of character model, outside of class.
Pretty much every other RPG has this. I will freely admit I only read the beginning and end of the thread, so I don't know if this was already recommended, but how about this: Character model skin transfers? Allow a purchasable, consumable cosmetic item that lets you pick any class model for your character, regardless of which class they are. I mean, I'd prefer it was free, but GGG has to make money, right? Then we can have Marauders that look like Rangers and Witches that look like Scions, and so on. That also opens up the possibility of special pay-only models. | |
" TYVM for your epic feedback on the thread this is exactly the kind of stuff i want GGG to see! " If GGG decided themselves to make a character creator that was more advanced i certainly would not say no but considering the resistance over just some extra models can you imagine what asking them for a character creator with advanced options would result in, would not stand against it but definitely not a fight i think is worth fighting in the games current state anyway. " It has been mentioned before but that's ok, I really think enabling the base character models as MTX would be an insult if anything, They should be making custom content to sell in the MTX shop as far as the character model goes they could do things like adding in a skeleton model or zombie model and other things. Character models are an untapped thing for GGG right now and i definitely think they should delve into that but i would never pay for a male scion or female templar etc personally.. It upset me when they started releasing parts of the actual storyline as payed hideouts especially end-game content like the atziri map hideout when it would have served the game better(imo) to have it as an obtainable hideout to encourage this map/content to be ran even more than usual but i do understand GGG needs to make money so obviously not upset enough to make a thread and rage about it. ______________________________________ Thanks to all of you for the constructive input, It's important to get multiple perspectives on something like this be it for or against the addition of such a thing. Innocence forgives you Last edited by Nichelle_GGG#0000 on Oct 28, 2019, 9:56:30 AM
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" I replied with all the possible genders, but the post got deleted. All my posts in this thread are sarcastic btw.. I agree with you lmao "Path of Exile's engine is currently modern, lean and fast." - Chris Wilson, September 19th, 2019 "It looks like we broke something with 3.10.0. We don't know what it is yet." - Bex, March 16th, 2020 Last edited by girng#7675 on Oct 25, 2019, 9:24:13 PM
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As an RPG fan who has played through the campaign with every class just to hear the dialogues, I totally support adding the gender option. I know that if it happens I will do a play-through for each and every one of them again.
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" Never got to read it.. Someone must've reported it, RIP. I'm 100% for supporting every configuration that there is out there i just don't see it happening without a legit character creator, I could totally see newer games supporting this direction but they have the benefit of working from the ground up with a concept rather than adding to an older and possibly harder to modify system. " Thanks for the feedback, That is exactly one of the reasons i think this could benefit the game, Say you or someone else liked the way their character talks that could reinforce playing even more and even influence the builds that they make. Innocence forgives you
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poe 2020 - to be more inclusive, we've added xxy, xxxy, xxyy, and xxxx character models. using skills provides a .5% chance of requiring medical assistance. xxy has an accuracy penalty made exponentially worse with each additional x chromosome. weight has been increased while strength has been halved.
a new attribute has been added - weight. a new support gem has been added - testosterone injections. for only 700 points, you can unlock cosmetic mtx for xxxxxx and xxxxy (these are real medical conditions [ie: klinefelter syndrome] and actual characteristics described [including needing TRT, having poor coordination, etc], so this post really isn't trolling or out of line. that said, gazillions of other posts were deleted from this thread that seemed to not violate the ToS, so...) [Removed by Support]
"Your forum signature was removed as it was considered to be inappropriate and a breach of our Code of Conduct." was quotes. from the forum. lolz! |
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