It's almost 2020(Now its actually 2020) - Lets have Male and Female versions of all classes.
" If you have the sound disabled you certainly won't hear the difference but i can definitely see the difference and then there is the mental factor that i know that i am playing a young woman.. I also don't have all the sounds disabled so i can certainly hear a lot of it. So perhaps you aren't noticing it but i certainly am and so are plenty of other people playing the game. ______________________________________________________________ To the naysayers in general: Does anyone have a real argument as to why this should not happen other than (i don't care) because obviously it requires some level of caring about it to post something on the topic even if that something is literally nothing and i've yet to see a nay sayer provide anything other than (raawwrrrgggljsdkfsdljfd) as to why other than (there are more important things to be worked on) which if anyone reads the OP was covered. Anyway if you don't care about this.. there are plenty of people who would that are not playing this game for various reasons this one included and with changes coming as late as 4.0 a lot of people might be trying this game again if they hear good things, having this as an option would only help further widen the base of players who may give this game a shot long enough to get hooked like many who have posted here and do not care about x y z feature have been hooked due to other features of this game be them minor or major. Innocence forgives you Last edited by SilentSymphony#3358 on Oct 21, 2019, 8:32:55 PM
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I think it is disgusting that the witch has smaller biceps than the marauder.
This is clearly sexist and racist. It is also incredibly hatefull that you assume the genders of the different classes. However, it is far more distressing to me the amount of co2 emited from the farts of all the monsters, especially in very high pack size maps, which should be banned due to their effects on the enviroment. I would like to see pack size reduced to 0% by 2020. |
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" it simply doesnt offer anything usefull for the amount of work it would take. as far as i know most ppl would like the option,but they dont see it important enough to justify the amount of work when poe has other problems. that why many ppl say "let us use the witch (or any other class) as a mtx and start from templar with templar ascendencys" Last edited by ciel289#7228 on Oct 21, 2019, 8:51:05 PM
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" You could say that about a lot of things, But attracting more users is not useful? Immersion is not impactful on someone continuing to play this game and therefor useful for GGG to invest in ways to promote that? New Hideouts and League Rewards must not be very useful either.. except they are because they appeal to certain users and those things have to be recreated over and over where these character models only need to be made once and voiced once seeing that (supposedly they cant even get the voice actors for the original characters anymore anyway) so /shrug i disagree strongly but at least Thank you for not trolling lol. " That is a different topic entirely and I'd rather see them add some cool stuff like changing out the model to be a skeleton or something actually substantial. Innocence forgives you
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To those who say that it's all irrelevant given the fact that we don't really see our character :
- most players don't reach maps, and during the story/progression, unless you put Mtx everywhere ... you definitely clearly see the character. And it matters for the voices anyway. " ???????????????????????????????????????? Consistency with the game, with Wraeclast's universe, with what the hell else would that be ??? " From this either : - you're a ginormous troll - you don't understand English, you don't understand the meaning of words you're using. In either case, I don't see any point into trying to discuss with you further, I value my time more than that. " I should have specified I guess, but I meant outside of malformations SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading.
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"Well, it could have been consistency with the real world, as I wondered. But thanks for clarifying. Either way, not having a "gender" box at character selection isn't inconsistent with Wraeclast's universe, so I guess there's no problem. I mean, fundamentally, character creation exists outside the universe anyway. Options for gender, appearance, naming your character OMGWTFBBQ, etc are not things that are "within the fiction". We aren't pretending these are objects that are real to the exiles; they're not sitting there looking up and seeing giant sliders move in front of them making them taller or whatever. "Oh please. The understanding of gender as a social construct is decades old discourse. I understand if it's something that's new to you for whatever reason, but that isn't a limitation on my end. |
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No, we don't need both (main)genders for each class.
Had this topic before and it's still the same: * no priority, they should focus there work on more important parts * don't tell me some bullshit about "immersion" because of the "wrong" / "correct" gender of your char UNLESS you actually can jump with a heavy plate armor and a 2handed mace 10 meter and shock the ground with a radius ~3 meter, >3 times a second of course, or when you can shoot fireballs than somehow don't burn yourself * another bullshit is this playerbase argument, yes PoE would easily have 9999999999 times as many players if they only would finally support more genderoptions for the classes. SURE BUDDY, OF COURSE... |
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" Noone said or even implied that. " No it doesn't. Dominus is literally telling you the story, you as a player, the reason why you are getting exiled. This is the character creation and it is the game already. " What don't you understand with the words "male" and "female" ???? HOW is this hard to understand ? Apart from some rare malformation cases, everybody is born either a male or female, period. How people feel and all the social implications are irrelevant and unrelated to this fact. " As pointed out earlier in this thread, nice combination of nonsense and strawman here.
" The same applies here. And the qrguqble lack of realism regarding jumping wearing a heavy plate ( which could be explained by the fact that all exiles are being imbued by thaumaturgic power, just by using gems ) does not justify avoiding any realism all together, obviously. SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading. Last edited by Fruz#6137 on Oct 22, 2019, 2:55:21 AM
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" other than (other things should be focused on) which i've had to repeat that this was included in the OP that i think it should not be priority to do this.. Fairly sure none of the nay-sayers bothered to read OP in full. Can you come up with 1 legitimate reason why this should not be done? (other than other things should be focused on) Can you deny that it might bring some new players to the game? I highly doubt the above can be contested by any logical means thus the highly over exaggerated arguments in the quote above this post. Innocence forgives you Last edited by SilentSymphony#3358 on Oct 22, 2019, 2:48:44 AM
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" Most of the flak you are getting isn't that people don't want the extra choice, but rather that some of the reasons you give are really terrible. I know girls have cooties, god forbid you ever play one of them... -_- |
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