It's almost 2020(Now its actually 2020) - Lets have Male and Female versions of all classes.
" Eh i didn't really look into how far off 4.0 is so yeah maybe it would be nice and maybe it would be achievable especially if they gave us some proper flashbacks to free up some devs to work on that and other things, god knows a lot of people would be super hyped to have the return of several popular past leagues. Didn't know about the voice actor unavailability, damn they seem to run into these problems where old assets cant be updated because people are gone a lot lol.. Thats a difficult one since a lot of people are very used to the voices we have now and if they changed all of them all i can really say is (i wish you luck GGG) but hiring some new ones to simply replicate ever so slightly modified lines of the pre existing characters to fit the new genders added is what i was thinking when writing the OP. I strongly disagree with making people pay for the alternatives for just male and female but also strongly agree with them adding alternate options on top of that in the MTX store because the more money they make the more they can spend on hiring people to both fix and make the game better overall.. I'd probably be tempted as hell to buy a skeleton skin for any of my characters especially for a witch(or male witch) Innocence forgives you Last edited by SilentSymphony#3358 on Oct 20, 2019, 9:32:56 PM
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"L0l its 2020!!! So do what i personnally want!!!"
I have never ever heard anyone complain about something as trivial as gender ever in this game. I think devs should focus on way more important things. Don't you? |
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+1 to OP
I've always been really surprised that they haven't had dual genders for each class. Even severely inferior games like Diablo 3 have masculine and feminine looking models for each class. I really hope they do make the effort for 4.0. Art Videos:
PoE Fan Art Entry: |
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Keep politics out of gaming.
The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.
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" This has less to do with what i personally want and more to do with one of the things i think people who do not play this game and many friends i've played with or tried to get to play this game have said over the years and the fact that MANY games are supporting this by default for a reason.. and the ones who do not generally see a fair amount of their player base requesting this sort of update and it is not limited to simply RPG. And because it may seem trivial to you does not make it Trivial to others.. I do in fact agree there are MORE IMPORTANT things for them to work on and had you read the OP you would have seen this and the fact I said they should work on this in the long run not get it out as fast as is possible because of that very reason. " This thread literally has nothing to do with the above statement. ___________________________________________________ General Statement to any nay-sayers: GGG has been looking at a lot of competitors lately i think it was even mentioned by chris at some point that they are trying to stay competitive and something such as this will widen their user base even if some do not believe it. So "Competitive" is kind of a funny thing because POE is insanely complex and it would be a very difficult venture to even try to compete against POE's skill tree and large base of items however because of that and a lot of years of things being constantly added a large focus by the player base has been put on polishing the content we have and optimizing the game and adding these gender options would definitely fit under the category of polishing the game. If it is not made a major priority i cannot see any logical reason for anyone to be against this unless there is a personal bias against another gender being able to enjoy this game the same as everyone else whatever their intended designation. ___________________________________________________ " Ty for supporting the thread and yes! diablo 3 is an inferior game for sure haha, No game has come even close to the customization available in this game. Innocence forgives you Last edited by SilentSymphony#3358 on Oct 21, 2019, 4:21:42 AM
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It would be a nice addition to the game eventually imo, I personnally don't really care about it though, but many certainly do.
I would care more about having alternative pseronnalities ( as voices / lines ) for characters, because I enjoy the ranger as a class, but I don't like her complaining and personality so I just stop playing the class. Same goes for templar and duelist. But that is a different topic :). " It would not be a take based on the gender, but purely based on the personality of the character. Sure, gender might have something to do with some things in there, but let's not try to categorize character's reaction purely because of their gender please ( I not, it was probably not intended that way ). " Why the hell not ? There is already Karui strong women in the game, why not being able to play one ? Casia is the perfet example of an insane templar female too ... " If you are making an immersive game with human beings as main characters, and have only gender less characters .... you're giving up on realism for a majority of player from the start. You are aware that physical gender do impact the physical appearance of a person, right ? Then unless you let somebody modify everything ( and you would need a powerful enough customization process with generated models and everything, many games do have this but that is asking for more than just adding a new set of 7 models to the game ), 'you need physical gender' attributes (at least here and there) for realism purposes. " Are you aware that (likely) most player identify themselves to their character to a certain extent, if the game is immersive enough ? Yes, I am saying that immersion is linked to one's indentifying with the character/world/environment of the game. => playing a character that isn't yourself is irrelevant here. SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading. Last edited by Fruz#6137 on Oct 21, 2019, 4:29:37 AM
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"First of all, this is a game where you chase down a woman who's become a giant crab's tongue and throw fireballs out of your hands; it's not about realism. But I didn't suggest "genderless characters". I suggested not having a box to select gender. That isn't the same thing. Human beings don't need their gender selected by an out-of-world creator in order to identify or be identified as having a gender, and the same is true of our exiles. You can continue to play your gendered Marauder and Ranger, same as ever; not selecting their gender isn't taking that away. "Well, no, because there's no such thing as "physical gender". Fundamental to the acknowledgement of nonbinary folk is the concept that gender is social rather than physical. Genetics influence someone's appearance, of course. But there are clearly far more than two possible physical appearances, right? There are tall women and short men; bulky, muscly women and matchstick-thin men, and so on for essentially every other little 'typical' physical difference. We're playing individual characters, not incarnations of statistical averageness of Earth human populations, so there's still no need to tie gender and appearance together. Last edited by GusTheCrocodile#5954 on Oct 21, 2019, 5:09:33 AM
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" Nice mix of nonsense and strawman here. Wrraeclast is supposed to be an immersive universe, it can only do so by basing itself on concept / notions that people know, which is part of 'realism'. Having magic in a universe or anything that isn't exactly like our world does not mean that there cannot be anything realistic in it, at all. What matters is consistency. You are here implying that exiles ( that players control ) are not human being, which is showing incredible bad faith, it's quite amazing if you're not ashamed of this imo. thus => Nice mix of a nonsense and strawman here. " ??? YOU don't. Pretending that gender is not an element of identification from one player to her/his character is again - incredible bad faith -. It's one element, of course it matters to a lot of people, this thread is an obvious proof of it. " Are you telling us that there are people in this world that are not eing born with a male or female body ? Please enlighten us. THUS -> physical gender (This is exactly why I specified for fuck sake ... ) SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading.
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"Okay, so consistency with what? The real world, where people go around with a character sheet attached to them that pops up into view when other people press C, and specifies "male" or "female"? Having characters just exist and go about their business without a label attached telling you what gender to think of them as is entirely consistent with everyday human experience. "Uh...not in the sense you mean, I don't think. I compared exiles and human beings, yes, but not to make the statement "exiles are not human beings". Rather, it was because you brought up realism - I was discussing the ways that POE's characters (not human beings, but fictional representations thereof) can/should/do reflect human beings. "I wasn't pretending that. When I said human beings, I meant human beings - actual, real human beings, not characters in a game. It was an example to establish a concept. "Yes, 100% of people. |
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" Actually, yes there are. I'll agree that it would be nice to have extra character choice (either through gender-swaps or MTX that allows you to have a character start as the class of your choice, which would allow to sell new characters not bound to a specific class). I find some of the reasons offered for the change really negative, though, so I'll just opt out of the main discussion. |
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