[3.16] ShakCentral's (Pre-3.16 Skill Tree) Leveling Guides

Looks interesting vortex
It's one of my favorite builds. Great when you feel like tanky and low stress, doing most content on 1-2 buttons and a budget.

Planning as my league starter. thanks for very detailed guide. For all of old farts out there, greatly appreciated ;)
Question regarding the wand craft -
As we are going to switch to creeping frost now very early for clearing, is a topaz ring still the way to go or should we use a sapphire ring for +cold damage?
Good lord. Trying to level as creeping frost and stormblast mine is soul destroying. It must have taken me 4 times longer.

Nearing vortex time, hope this guide picks up now x
Hello thank you for the guide. However I noticed a very small mistake in the guide as I was following along. In chapter 3 you write "TP to town, buy Vortex from Nessa, and start leveling Vortex in an offhand." I was quite confused when I arrived at Nessa as she only offered Blade Vortex. I then went to Clarissa and she is the one that sells Vortex!
Thanks for a great guide, having a lot of fun with this build.
It is a bit different always being on the move but a lot of fun.
I've followed your guide pretty closely except that I have Blasphemy+frostbite, at least for now.. I'm just at lvl58
Why do you take Zealot's Oath before CI or LL? Or do i miss something?
Hey y'all, I've been practicing speeding up my acts clear using this vortex build; one issue I'm having is that I can't socket LMP using the default amount of dexterity so having it for clear relies on getting a decent extra chunk of dex on some piece of gear early on. Is this the expected solution to the problem, or am I missing something?

Thanks, Shak, for the detailed guides!

I've been using the leveling guide for years, and now it has been removed, right before the league start.

I am lost now!

Is there at least a copy/mirror of the generic leveling guide?

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