[3.10] Memoria's Icicle Mine Saboteur [SSF, League Starter]


Hi and thanks for the build,
mine mechanics is a bit different from how I used to play before but I'm getting used to it :)
I wanted a gear advice.
Leaving aside the gems I am leveling for other characters, what is preferable as a torso between Shroud of the Lightless and Skin of the Loyal?
Currently I don't think I can access The Eternity Shroud and all the other shaper objects.

More tips?
Thanks in advance :)
Sorry for my english, made in google translate :|
I really want to like this build; It seems I just don't enjoy piercing projectiles as much on a miner as I would a bow user. (Scourge arrow, etc.)

I think I'm going to adapt it a bit and try to run pyroclast mine instead; But overall great build!
I just need to see where i can match dps with clear and aoe with pyro but use your build as a good basis.
Jin86 wrote:

Hi and thanks for the build,
mine mechanics is a bit different from how I used to play before but I'm getting used to it :)
I wanted a gear advice.
Leaving aside the gems I am leveling for other characters, what is preferable as a torso between Shroud of the Lightless and Skin of the Loyal?
Currently I don't think I can access The Eternity Shroud and all the other shaper objects.

More tips?
Thanks in advance :)

You're welcome :)

I'd go for Shroud of the Lightless. Other than that, if you're resistances are capped I'd focus on getting better wands. You can get a huge improvement in DPS for basically nothing. Focus on Spell dmg, crit chance for spells and added cold dmg to spells.

Astroknight wrote:
I really want to like this build; It seems I just don't enjoy piercing projectiles as much on a miner as I would a bow user. (Scourge arrow, etc.)

I think I'm going to adapt it a bit and try to run pyroclast mine instead; But overall great build!
I just need to see where i can match dps with clear and aoe with pyro but use your build as a good basis.

I played pyroclast as well and it could be a gearing issue but I prefer Icicle over Pyro, single target wise it's just so good.
I'm crafting a shaped Diamond Ring w/ Assassin's Mark right now and need input on the last Prefix...

9-12% Resist All
Shaped Assassin's Mark

17-20% Increased Damage
41-55 Max Life

The two bench mods that jump out to me are:

Adds 12 to 16 Fire Damage & 12 to 16 Cold Damage
Non-Channeling Skills have -8 to -9 to Total Mana Cost

But I'm not sure how reduced mana cost interacts with mines and/or inspiration support. Which of these should I choose? Should I choose something else entirely? Thanks for input!
Is it the case that we get all the benefits from two wands? Or does the implicit for one only apply?
Hmm getting my gears together for end game but I feel that my dps for blighted map is still somewhat inadequate, or is it a matter of the content itself? Have no problem with normal red maps, but sometimes the blighted map mobs are too hard to clear. Perhaps I need more clear with chain/fork/pierce instead of more dps?
wiwigvn wrote:
Hmm getting my gears together for end game but I feel that my dps for blighted map is still somewhat inadequate, or is it a matter of the content itself? Have no problem with normal red maps, but sometimes the blighted map mobs are too hard to clear. Perhaps I need more clear with chain/fork/pierce instead of more dps?

The damage is scaling very well with better gear.
Still bosses in red blight maps will be some kind of tanky.
But that is a thing with nearly every build.
The normal blight mobs shouldn't be any kind of problem.
Sign_Up wrote:
BeerLeague wrote:
Had a full Eternity Shroud version, wasnt a huge fan of the survival. Sold it off and went LL w/ the build. Feels far safer and the damage is really similar with the extra 2 auras and PA.


I achieved 6k of life pool by using 3 of the Anatomical Knowledge Cobalt Jewels. Your on screen DPS may looks similar, but you’re missing out on the ignor chaos resistance and that is a big different when it come to the end boss killing.

I had 6800 life and it still felt bad. Ended up with 10k ES and nearly 40% pen w/ the LL version. The DPS is higher, survival is higher, cant complain.
Hey, can u suggest what mods crafted mods to put on this ring?

SSF btw

What end-game flask setup would you use if you wanted to prioritize defense?

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