[3.25] The Warbringer Slaming Serker [League Starter | Cheap | Smash the Atlas | MELEE BUFFED]

frawrst wrote:
was wondering about another thing after seeing your character though, why do you have earthshatter in there? did you replace ground slam with it or do you change depending on boss/clear?

Earthshatter feels great tbh, this build works iwth any slam skill

EQ, Ground Slam, Earthshatter

even the elemental ones (Ice Crash and Tect, just change burtality for ele dmg with attacks)

so you can try them all and choose which feels best

sweet, thanks for the answer :) will be checking more into it and see which i prefer later ^^
Does anyone know why my POB is not calculating Earthshatter and Fist of War damage? It says they are unsupported so I did a fresh install and no change.
OUAriakas wrote:
Does anyone know why my POB is not calculating Earthshatter and Fist of War damage? It says they are unsupported so I did a fresh install and no change.

look for local identity PoB fork, it is community updated (and much quicker then vanilla PoB)

frawrst wrote:
OUAriakas wrote:
Does anyone know why my POB is not calculating Earthshatter and Fist of War damage? It says they are unsupported so I did a fresh install and no change.

look for local identity PoB fork, it is community updated (and much quicker then vanilla PoB)


Thank you for the quick answer!

Frawrst, I wanted to get your thoughts on the main skill differences. I used Earthshatter, like you, but I also piano keyed my warcries in between shatters to maximize the explosion damage. Would you say that Earthshatter is probably more damage than any of the other skills but only if you are willing to piano key warcries? I would think that Groundslam would be the choice if you chose to roll with a single cry or the keystone that ties all your cries to one cooldown?
OUAriakas wrote:
frawrst wrote:
OUAriakas wrote:
Does anyone know why my POB is not calculating Earthshatter and Fist of War damage? It says they are unsupported so I did a fresh install and no change.

look for local identity PoB fork, it is community updated (and much quicker then vanilla PoB)


Thank you for the quick answer!

Frawrst, I wanted to get your thoughts on the main skill differences. I used Earthshatter, like you, but I also piano keyed my warcries in between shatters to maximize the explosion damage. Would you say that Earthshatter is probably more damage than any of the other skills but only if you are willing to piano key warcries? I would think that Groundslam would be the choice if you chose to roll with a single cry or the keystone that ties all your cries to one cooldown?

thats generally how it works yes

if you want to do 3 hits, WC, 3 hits wc, move etc, use earthshatter if it feels good

if you just want to slam slam slam, use GS etc

try both and see what works better for you and your playstyle
Hi! Newbie here - love the guide, but quick question.

I've read that it's better now to stack warcries, but we still have call to arms which only allows us one warcy at a time? or is that supposed to be changed? How would you stack warcries at that point?
DiviniLee wrote:
Hi! Newbie here - love the guide, but quick question.

I've read that it's better now to stack warcries, but we still have call to arms which only allows us one warcy at a time? or is that supposed to be changed? How would you stack warcries at that point?

stacking war cries is the best dps, being able to proc multiple warbringers in a row + intimidating + seismic for huge burst

call to arms is for lazy/quality of life

so try both, see what you like more and what your gear requires
new league looks like alot fun, ggg always impresses

i am hoping to do my rework of guide before 3.12 change, as i suspect there will be no major changes to this build (maybe some nerfs to earth shatter dps? other then that i cant imagine what. enduring cry is definitely going to be nerfed but thats overall fairly minor)

thanks everyone for keeping the thread alive with questions and answers, and glad to see more and more people enjoying the classic barbarian style

Last edited by frawrst on Sep 3, 2020, 2:25:46 PM
Entire guide has been reworked for 3.11 changes!!!

also updated the progression posts so people can see how i build out the char as you farm more $$$$

It is ALOT of text, so had to be split up into two posts at beginning (thank god i planned ahead)

the only nerf i see is to enduring cry as its very very OP

other then that, lets await patch notes and see how it comes ^^

i also got rid of most of the war cry nodes for the lvling trees and PoB

get them if you want but IMO Measure Fury is the only mandatory one, rest are preference

keep slamming <3
Last edited by frawrst on Sep 3, 2020, 3:19:59 PM

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