[3.25] The Warbringer Slaming Serker [League Starter | Cheap | Smash the Atlas | MELEE BUFFED]

Tyvm for the advice Tiffiklotz. I will try these things.
Karlore wrote:
Tyvm for the advice Tiffiklotz. I will try these things.

Now I can see your character.

Drop Rage Support, you get Rage with Crave the Slaughter. Also, don't use Fortify in your main Setup. You can get Fortify from Overlord (Cluster Jewel, ~1 ex) or link it to Leap Slam (consumes Exerted Attacks!). Use Ruthless, Pulverise or Concentrated Effect instead.

You should drop Redblade Tramplers for Rare Boots with Life/Res. Think about either using one Warcry with Call to Arms or multiple Warcrys which aren't instant. The Guide on page one is a little bit out of date, frawrst said, but you can check his profile, my profile or many others to get some ideas.

Your Amulet/Rings/Body Armour have low life rolls, you can get much more out of those items. Annoit your amulet (many people use Crystal Skin, I personally prefer Discipline and Training).

If you can afford, get a Ryslathas Coil Belt with 39% or 40% more Maximum, don't care too much about the min roll. Then use Abrasive Catalysts on your Belt to get 20% Quality.

Get Lion's Roar flask with 25% more Damage. Drop mana flask, you don't need that if you have mana leech. Use rare jewels, due to Harvest crafting you can buy really good ones quite cheap (6-7% increased maximum life, Chaos res and attack speed are nice).

I suggest to drop Increased Duration from your CWDT setup and link Enfeeble for more survivability.

There are many other options to "finetune" your char, depending on what you need. Feel free to ask anything if you need help :)
Tiffiklotz wrote:

There are many other options to "finetune" your char, depending on what you need. Feel free to ask anything if you need help :)

Thanks again!! I've played since open beta but have been away from the game since Harbinger and I feel like I'm way behind on all the options now. Stun is one of my favorite builds so thanks for the expert advice!

One additional question I have is how to get cluster jewels reliably? Is there a preferred method to farming them? I've been saving all currency but only have two Delirium orbs. I have a maximum life small cluster jewel but it's only lv74 and I need 75 for Fettle. Can you reroll implicits on cluster jewels?
Last edited by Karlore on Jul 29, 2020, 10:15:31 AM
Karlore wrote:
Sorry if noob question but I'm trying this build after not playing since Harbinger league and I can't get Atziri down to even half-health without being constantly one-shotted. It seems like I'm either doing too much damage and I can't survive her reflect or I'm not stunning her enough to get health on stun. Should I be using leech?

Level 92 4.7kHP, 5k armor tidebringer, ryslatha, tombfist, rest are rares, capped resist, Solaris, Yugul, Ruby Flask.

i see some good tips from Tiffiklotz below

another thing that may help; get conc effect on main GS link and drop rapid expansion jewel

this will make GS alot more narrow, so you dont accidentally hit the reflect atziri when dpsing a spear one

uber atziri has natural reflect so its a fair bit harder for our build, especially since aspect of carnage makes us take increased reflect (even 100% reflect immunity doesnt work)
Any tips on my character to make him beefier? Im working on rolling off the regen life for a 8% max life slot on the chest. I feel like the damage is fine at this point, but am just too glassy for most high end content other than clearing maps. Sirus has been a pain trying to clear anything above a5. max life right now only 5.5k
Last edited by zero974 on Jul 30, 2020, 1:11:28 PM
zero974 wrote:
Any tips on my character to make him beefier? Im working on rolling off the regen life for a 8% max life slot on the chest. I feel like the damage is fine at this point, but am just too glassy for most high end content other than clearing maps. Sirus has been a pain trying to clear anything above a5. max life right now only 5.5k

If you have some time, read previous pages of this thread, you'll find tons of tipps to survive. Just some of my thoughts about your character ...

- You can take a defensive Anoitment (e.g. Discipline and Training, Crystal Skin)
- You use Impale, I have no idea how good it works for us. I don't use it and I feel fine. Think about to respec Impale points to take more Life nodes (or invest into Clusters, read below, highly recommended!)
- Get a Cluster Jewel with 2 additional Jewel Slots. I love this combination, depending on what you can afford. I chose Fuel the Fight becaue I love the Mana Leach. But you can get it from other sources as well.
~50c https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Harvest/bkzanBKUL
~2 ex https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Harvest/Q3z0mEwSw
- Then fill Slots with good Jewels
- You can chose the bottom route of the tree to connect the left part, then you have the option to skill Juggernaut
- Get your Endurance charges of passive tree
- Devotos is a nice helmet, but a Rare one with flat Life helps more in Endgame. As you said, your damage is okay and you can get chaos res from the additional Jewels
- If you want to invest more in Cluster Jewels, think about 'Lead By Example'. It gives you free Onslaught when you warcry, so you can remove your Silver Flask and use Quartz/Basalt instead
Last edited by Tiffiklotz on Jul 31, 2020, 3:38:15 AM
Hello gonna try playing this build, but was wondering if it would work with 2h axe? like this one

as armor?

And also what would be the core mechanics I should concentrate on with this build?

Another question is regarding bleed, is it worth trying to max it out using this build?

P.S. Just tried this build out and with my gear it feels like Cyclone is a better option.
Last edited by 430714 on Aug 2, 2020, 2:31:43 PM
I just want to say thank you for the detailled build and the great community in this thread. Thank you frawrst for beeing so actime here! :D
I had a lot of fun this league. I will do some testing now and to afford that, I will sell some of my items. Feel free to write me and make your offers.

Almost max rolled Tidebreaker with 30% Quality

Explode, Life and tripple T1 resist (easy to get 3x 48% with Harvest crafting if needed)

Overlord, free Fortify.

Can be used in the left side of the tree to save many skill points, including 2% Overwhelm

Warning Call, 100% increased Armour

Lead by example, free Onslaught

I will add more items during the next days.
430714 wrote:
Hello gonna try playing this build, but was wondering if it would work with 2h axe? like this one

as armor?

And also what would be the core mechanics I should concentrate on with this build?

Another question is regarding bleed, is it worth trying to max it out using this build?

P.S. Just tried this build out and with my gear it feels like Cyclone is a better option.

axes are very viable but i wouldnt recommend king maker, thats a weapon for a minion/animated guardian based build

belly of the beast is fine for this build, generic life and resist

cyclone is indeed very good, but boring IMO
Tiffiklotz wrote:
I just want to say thank you for the detailled build and the great community in this thread. Thank you frawrst for beeing so actime here! :D
I had a lot of fun this league. I will do some testing now and to afford that, I will sell some of my items. Feel free to write me and make your offers.

Almost max rolled Tidebreaker with 30% Quality

Explode, Life and tripple T1 resist (easy to get 3x 48% with Harvest crafting if needed)

Overlord, free Fortify.

Can be used in the left side of the tree to save many skill points, including 2% Overwhelm

Warning Call, 100% increased Armour

Lead by example, free Onslaught

I will add more items during the next days.

glad to hear you enjoyed the build =]

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