[3.25] The Warbringer Slaming Serker [League Starter | Cheap | Smash the Atlas | MELEE BUFFED]

danielsa1 wrote:
What is your key bindings? It seems we have a lot of skills to use

GS + vaal GS + Enduring Cry + Intimidating Cry + Seismic Cry + Ancestral Warchief + Berserk + Blood Rage + Leap Slam

i did

gs right click

steelguard left click

movement skill q

seismic w

enduring e

intimdiating r

vaal gs t

anc warchief crtl w

berserk ctrl r

bloodrage was on cwdt taken for me, but you can make it ctrl q or ctrl t
Can you help me and tell me what should be my next upgrade? 6l Mace or Ryslatha? Maybe something else?
Anaroin wrote:
Can you help me and tell me what should be my next upgrade? 6l Mace or Ryslatha? Maybe something else?

6 link is likely more dps, check pob for it vs ryslathas

looking at your char, your rares and uniques are fairly budget

get 70+ life on all rings and amulets

get a rare helm with -physical resistance to enemies or fort effect, or just big life and res

get boots with big life, big res, and maybe temple dodge

6link tide and ryslathas are big dps upgs, so choose what you need more (dps vs defense)
Last edited by frawrst on Apr 28, 2021, 11:28:55 AM
Was a bit lucky in 6 Linking my chest - so far I got Hateforge with a defensive setup running. Currently 1 shotting bosses in T13/T14 maps.
Now saving up for Ryslatha and upgrades to equipment in terms of defense.
Inspired Learning is quite nice :)

Sensylis wrote:
Was a bit lucky in 6 Linking my chest - so far I got Hateforge with a defensive setup running. Currently 1 shotting bosses in T13/T14 maps.
Now saving up for Ryslatha and upgrades to equipment in terms of defense.
Inspired Learning is quite nice :)

looks like a really strong version, nice work!

the cheap soul ripper and zerphis this league is hilarious
frawrst wrote:
Sensylis wrote:
Was a bit lucky in 6 Linking my chest - so far I got Hateforge with a defensive setup running. Currently 1 shotting bosses in T13/T14 maps.
Now saving up for Ryslatha and upgrades to equipment in terms of defense.
Inspired Learning is quite nice :)

looks like a really strong version, nice work!

the cheap soul ripper and zerphis this league is hilarious

Zerphis should also be strong, but grants us only attackspeed, which is not really necessary. So I'm going to stick with a nice amulet :)
Hey guys, first time playing Slam build so I'm kinda lost. Tankiness feels fine but damage is lacking.. that Bonk feeling. Just by viewing my profile what I can do do improve that, especially vs bosses, it takes soo long. Thanks
Can someone explain the playstyle using hateforge?

Are you only using the Vaal Slam as a source of damage? Seemed clunky when I tried. Which is making me think I am doing it incorrect.
Hi. I have obtained rapid expansion crimson jewel, do i need to use it with our ground slam build and how? Thanks in advance.
Dunno207 wrote:
Can someone explain the playstyle using hateforge?

Are you only using the Vaal Slam as a source of damage? Seemed clunky when I tried. Which is making me think I am doing it incorrect.

If you're using hateforge you should really be using redblade banner shield as well. When you use a warcry below 25 rage you instantly go back up to 60. You throw down around 4 VGS, warcry, then do it all over again. If you have high enough attack speed and warcry speed, it shouldn't feel clunky at all. The version I'm running is crit impale with soul tether. The only problem I've had recently is t16 Baran wrecking me. Other than that I'm about to finish my second a5 sirius and am finishing my atlas.

And yes, VGS is our only damage, I don't use normal ground slam.
Last edited by Waíseheill on Apr 28, 2021, 2:14:11 PM

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