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GooberM wrote:
(not trade)

lol love you guys

~ There are spectacular moments.
I've been playing since 2013 and have a lot of positive things to say about the game and expansions.

The most annoying part of POE is that if you have 2 hours(or less) to play you can easily chew up a good chunk of that trying to get stuff you need to have a satisfying play experience. That play experience is then condensed into a smaller timeframe which leaves you feeling annoyed.

Start of the league - trade is brisk and fun(after the api lag has gone). You don't always get what you want but at least players will reply and say sold.

After 3 weeks - most players are still motivated to sell and trading is mostly ok but can be hit or miss

After 6 weeks - there's a lot of afkers and players who won't reply for a trade even though the item is still listed 2 hours later(price-fixing not included)

I'd much rather have a trade feature that takes a bit of time but guarantees buying an item, if it's still available.

Bottom line I want to play the game as intended and not have to play the afk trade gamble experience!
100% Ethical, most of the time.
hope essences get reworked, no one is using them.

and 4 days after league ends another one? seesh
The fact that you even knew to include "not trade" while writing this announcement in advance speak volumes.

Hearing what people are saying, and being stubborn in your mindset, simply for the sake of sticking to some outdated manifesto, is toxic and arrogant.

I mean do whatever you want, but wow.
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln
MasterAxe wrote:
(things like making Sulphite and Betrayal state shared between all your characters in the league

Are you serious? fucking stupid to link betrayal to the account instead of character. Maybe just fucking maybe people like to have different set ups to do different things.

this means less items from betrayal overall if you think about it.. several characters in 1 betrayal board.

it's mostly a nerf to betrayal, expect the scarab prices to ramp up in price if they don't do something with betrayal rewards in general..
"Parade your victories, hide your defeats. Mortals are so insecure."

Once you break the cycle of fear no angels or demons can whisper you their sweet nothing words.

poe2 = ruthless 2.0 = bad.
I think this is gonna be a small league. Wow classic coming, GGG understand no need to compete with that. Better provide less now and provide more when it's the right time.
VarianArdell wrote:
please let there be some update to enchantments, the number of helm enchants alone is enough to make farming for the one you need infuriating to say the least

Eh...with such heavy hitters as Legion with the melee improvements, and Betrayel with the spell improvements, atlas league, etc...leagues like this are more filler to me. It'll most likely hold my attention for 4-6 weeks depending on the league mechanic itself.

Trade 2.0 keeps getting bumped which to me is the next major item Im looking for. Alt tabbing to a website is just...<shrug> People laugh when I tell them this.

After that, a nice pass to minion passives, gems, and items are needed.

Calling it... 4.0 will be the trade league with the trade update!
Last edited by cesmode#5569 on Jul 29, 2019, 11:39:37 PM
darktuga wrote:
GooberM wrote:
(not trade)

lol love you guys

rly? you love that they keep ignoring a major flaw with the game?

Not a flaw, a feature. Your wishes are flawed.
Last edited by Augusten#0864 on Jul 29, 2019, 11:34:00 PM

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