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Please completely remove the Syndicate mechanic from 3.8.0.

It's the least fun aspect of the game and so ridiculously complex people need to have a chart permanently on their second screen to understand it. Even then people still don't know what they're doing save the few geniuses Betrayal was aimed at. Those who have figured it out only do a few of the Masters anyway.

The Syndicate mechanic isn't fun, slows down overall game play, especially when having to unveil items, whenever a map has Syndicate my dopamine levels drop drastically as it never feels rewarding as it's extremely tedious and Intervention is just a terrible encounter for hardcore only players.

Syndicate should never have gone core - please remove it.
IGN: deefa • Guild: <ACE> Alpha Crucis Exiles - poeurl.com/wpA • Discord: deefa#3298
I am waiting when the server becomes better than now. It still annoying to see character move a distance and after a few minutes back to location before move.
Just waiting for 4.0. Until then, playing Last Epoch
"I've played a lot of videogames. It's my primary recreational activity. Best games ever: Elden Ring and Diablo 4."
~Elon Musk, 2023
Great job GGG thanks for everything and good work for the next league. Thank you.
Sorry to hear that Betrayal will be "account bound" rather than "character bound". I like having separate playgrounds for each character.

VERY GLAD to hear that sulfite will be shared, however. THAT is cool.
I am quite frequently not so miserable as it would be wise to be - T.H. White

As playtime approaches infinity, access to content approaches unity.
- Azraeil (2014)
I feel like you guys are my family even tho we have never met!
Keep up the great work. Thanks for having me all of these years :)
I have made a few friends playing this game. Some from around the world.


Hopefully there's improvements for latency fluctuating so much and game performance. The delve/betrayal changes are gonna be interesting too.
deefa wrote:
Please completely remove the Syndicate mechanic from 3.8.0.

It's the least fun aspect of the game and so ridiculously complex people need to have a chart permanently on their second screen to understand it. Even then people still don't know what they're doing save the few geniuses Betrayal was aimed at. Those who have figured it out only do a few of the Masters anyway.

The Syndicate mechanic isn't fun, slows down overall game play, especially when having to unveil items, whenever a map has Syndicate my dopamine levels drop drastically as it never feels rewarding as it's extremely tedious and Intervention is just a terrible encounter for hardcore only players.

Syndicate should never have gone core - please remove it.

YAY I'm a GENIUS cause I can remember where to put 4-5 masters in which spot...

Syndicate is ruined now with the shared garbage for anybody that actually leveled up a couple characters if you wanted one for mastermind running and the other for syndicate farming. yay for casual plebs ruining more of the game for people that were willing to learn and use the system to their benefit.

I'm predicting a massive sulphite nerf to balance out for speed farmers getting for their delve alt. I for one cant wait to get 400 sulphite from a t16 map.
I'd rather no news over tongue in cheek jabs at players who want trade to be fixed and actual justice served to people who abuse the awful system that exists.

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