Posted byiDeeVo#3495on Jul 9, 2019, 4:11:21 PM
kompaniet wrote:
Iangyratu wrote:
Isn't it a bit RNG-based, since you need Sacrifice at Midnight to open Atziri portals? A strange race goal, if so.
you need 3 more besides that. it's 4 fragments in total to open to portal to atziri.
Pretty cool.
As far as sac sets go, my thoughts are players will have sets before they are ready for her anyway. Getting something like a tabula is far more critical I mean I have dropped one as early as a2 in a new league and for an experienced player getting their hands on one that early can determine the outcome from that moment on.
tabula is not needed for this low content. also i think you mean looted.
Tabula isn't needed to beat the content but it speeds you up a lot, as does a Goldrim (by stopping you ever needing to care about resists)
Le Toucan Will Return
Posted bysirgog#5608on Jul 9, 2019, 5:32:41 PM
cgexile wrote:
Pretty cool.
As far as sac sets go, my thoughts are players will have sets before they are ready for her anyway. Getting something like a tabula is far more critical I mean I have dropped one as early as a2 in a new league and for an experienced player getting their hands on one that early can determine the outcome from that moment on.
you can't get midnights until a certain ilvl I think like 60ish, I wouldn't say its rare to finish the story without a set but it isn't that uncommon either. Obviously the more corrupted areas you get/complete on the way the faster it goes.
Posted byDraegnarrr#2823on Jul 10, 2019, 7:48:02 AM
Interesting goal, given I got 92 and finished my atlas before I found a single Midnight piece
Posted bySyrhcez#1666on Jul 10, 2019, 10:10:43 AM
Posted byKhastro#7367on Jul 15, 2019, 9:28:55 AM
When will we be able to sign up/join the event?
Posted bydormleand#2661on Jul 20, 2019, 6:28:08 PM
Excited. ( :
Posted byiGenno#0705on Jul 23, 2019, 9:59:38 PM
Events like this are super cool! You guys are great for doing this. I would neve be in the top 10.000 even, but i still enjoy events like this!
Posted byDownfall89#2050on Jul 25, 2019, 9:31:05 AM
impureworld wrote:
Iangyratu wrote:
Isn't it a bit RNG-based, since you need Sacrifice at Midnight to open Atziri portals? A strange race goal, if so.
They drop from Vaal side areas, corrupted maps, and the Legions now. This is a great way to get people to interact with the league mechanic during the race, so I'm pretty excited to see it.
Pop one fragment in your mapdevice and run it. It should drop a fragment or fragments at the end. Easier than hoping for a Vaal area in campaign areas.
Posted bySwitchBL8#1097on Jul 25, 2019, 3:09:35 PM
SwitchBL8 wrote:
impureworld wrote:
Iangyratu wrote:
Isn't it a bit RNG-based, since you need Sacrifice at Midnight to open Atziri portals? A strange race goal, if so.
They drop from Vaal side areas, corrupted maps, and the Legions now. This is a great way to get people to interact with the league mechanic during the race, so I'm pretty excited to see it.
Pop one fragment in your mapdevice and run it. It should drop a fragment or fragments at the end. Easier than hoping for a Vaal area in campaign areas.
But do not forget to check of Phys/Ele reflection since it is HC ;-)