[3.13]Champion Perforate+Bladestorm| 2H Impale | All Content Starter viable|POB | Videos

Oh, Inspirational! Didn't see that
Am I using PoB wrong? Why do I have a total DPS of your character (MeleeInFullofLAGLEAGUE) 700k?
Should I use Ryslatha's Coil in this build?
Will work +1 radius on these gloves? It seems not((
jdth6h wrote:
Am I using PoB wrong? Why do I have a total DPS of your character (MeleeInFullofLAGLEAGUE) 700k?
Should I use Ryslatha's Coil in this build?
Will work +1 radius on these gloves? It seems not((

Bladestorm dps dont reflect well on pob because it counts the main storm you are swinging, not including the lingering storms

Ryslatha coil is not bad, assuming resist isnt an issue

+1 radius doesnt work, it only work with cyclone
My Builds/Stream

Just thought I'd mention something but I won't go too far as this is your build thread.

Perforate has both better single target and clear speed than Bladestorm. The issue is most Perforate builds don't scale AoE and only focus on damage. So you're stuck with a build that can kill a Guardian in 1 or 2 seconds but then feels slow for clearing. If you pull out some damage and scale AoE you can push Perforate to quite a large radius in Sand stance. AoE scales both the reach of the spike and the width. Perforate actually has wider coverage than Sweep.

If you dump all the stuff on the right side of the tree and go with cluster jewels on the left you can keep your life and damage up while getting large bonuses to AoE. I know you're not playing this build right now so this is just a suggestion for others to try if they only want to use one skill.
Last edited by kan333#1064 on Jan 25, 2021, 4:27:52 PM
Astarift wrote:

Bladestorm dps dont reflect well on pob because it counts the main storm you are swinging, not including the lingering storms

But if I run PoB not by your nickname but by the link on the first page then DPS will be 2kk even after the tree is converted to patch 3.13.
I do not understand anything.
In PoB, Bladestorm has an attack hit and the storm hit which are represented in the drop down box. You can have 3 concurrent storms or 4 if you grab the helm enchantment. So to get total DPS you have to add the attack and then multiple the storm DPS by 3 or 4 if you have the helm enchant. That then will give you your max possible DPS for Bladestorm.
Where is my damage?
Last edited by jdth6h#0680 on Feb 13, 2021, 8:18:58 AM
Last edited by takukuku#5463 on Feb 7, 2021, 5:36:17 PM
So is there a 3.13 tree that I'm missing?
Astarift wrote:

Budget version is strong enough to clear all content

Lol no!
I cannot kill the minotaur, uber atziri, sirus with this gear:

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