Exception [Present]

I've been dealing with it crashing every few seconds once I get in the game. This is the only workaround that works for me. I am on a laptop with a 1060, I go to GeForce Experience, and at the top right where it says the driver. I click it and pick reinstall driver. I have to do this daily. My routine is I start PoE, go to Bloody Aqueducts and let it crash. Then I just go to GeForce Experience and reinstall the driver. It lasts for the day, perhaps it's restarting my PC afterward that issues the problem. It's worked around with a reinstall of the latest driver for me though. Total rear end when I start a map without remembering the routine and crash as I walk in sometimes losing 10% exp lol.
This is only getting worse for me, especially after the most recent patch. I have re-installed the game, updated drivers daily, tried every single driver created this year and combed every single post here and on Reddit trying to find a solution. Nothing worked. I went from once every 10ish minutes to shortly after each login. This is out of control and not even an acknowledgment. Pathetic support from GGG. Two weeks in and the league and game is over for me.
This Exception present error started after latest patch 3.7.2.
This patch just made things worse for me. Now sound is terribly distorted on some maps, which did not happen before, this game started running really choppy, so I cannot do many timed missions because of freezes, such as syndicate lab and now that!! Game just froze with EXCEPTION PRESENT error and that's it, end of story!

What have you guys done with this game?
Last edited by Natthy#0253 on Jun 20, 2019, 11:27:06 PM
Same here, exception present error started after latest patch 3.7.2, tons of exception error after selecting the character and the game crashed.
Same here, trying to play this morning, game crash at the loading screen 100% of the time
Impossible to even log in the game, i have to shutdown POE trough the task manager. I never had any problems before legion but after, the game crashed from time to time (and raised my GPU usage quite a bit too)
It only became worse with the patching, and now it became 100% unplayable

edit : changed a bunch of parameter (resolution, msaa..) and the networking mode to lockstep. I managed to log on, changed back all the graphics option and killed malachai. Then got an exeption (present) and game crashed.
I changed the networking mode to predictive and game crashed on loging, as before, with the [CreateShaderResourceViewEx] error. This one force me to shut id down trough task manager
Last edited by Krël#0215 on Jun 21, 2019, 1:05:54 AM
Been having the same issue since yesterdays patch.Turns out the MTX'es are causing all the exception errors.I've logged in into all my characters that didn't have any mtx'es on them and i didn't get a single crash or error but as soon as i starter putting them on i've instantly got a bunch of errors.Hopefully GGG can see this and fix it asap because it's beyond annoying right now.
After reading the poster above me I thought I'd try out their theory:

PC specs: i7 7700k, 1080ti, 16gb ram, running 3440x1440, Vsync on at 100 fps, maxed graphics settings (before 3.7 I had no issues and FPS according to in-game monitor - hovered right around 99-100 when playing). Right before this, I had scrubbed my Nvidia drivers with Display Driver and reinstalled the most current Nvidia drivers (5/27).

Sat in my HO and fully loaded up Eclipse MTX with seraph wings...FPS immediately starting jumping up and down between 50 and 100. Took off MTX, FPS stabilized at 100. Did the same with Infernal Armor set with Abyss wings - results were the same. Bounced up and down between 50-100..removed all MTX and FPS stabilized at 100.

Next, I put the Eclipse set back on and jumped to Blood Aqueduct. Made it about 1/3 of the way thru, Exception: Present CTD. Reloaded the game and switched to Infernal Set. Went to Quarry, almost instantly Exception Present CTD. Reloaded the game and removed all MTX. PLayed for 45min and no exceptions and no CTD (Blood Aqueduct, Quarry, and 10ish maps). Went back to HO and switched to Eclipse MTX and loaded into Quarry, Exception Present after about 3 minutes running around. Reloaded the game and removed all MTX. Played for 30 min with no Exceptions or CTD. Went back to HO, put on Infernal Set and headed to Blood Aqueduct. Made it about halfway and Exception Present CTD. Removed all MTX after re-logging and played for about another hour with no issues.

Also note: with MTX removed, FPS constantly pegged at 99-100 even through heavy combat/monoliths only dropping when zoning into a new instance. With MTX on before crashing, FPS fluctuated wildly between 40ish and 100.

So, at least for me removing MTX completely solved the issue for me, for now. 2 hours of playing really isn't enough to say if it completely solved them for me but if you're having these issues and wearing MTX it may be worth giving a shot. I'll report back if I encounter any more issues while wearing no MTX.
Last edited by Drwaz99#6908 on Jun 21, 2019, 6:34:26 AM
Drwaz99 wrote:
After reading the poster above me I thought I'd try out their theory:

PC specs: i7 7700k, 1080ti, 16gb ram, running 3440x1440, Vsync on at 100 fps, maxed graphics settings (before 3.7 I had no issues and FPS according to in-game monitor - hovered right around 99-100 when playing). Right before this, I had scrubbed my Nvidia drivers with Display Driver and reinstalled the most current Nvidia drivers (5/27).

Sat in my HO and fully loaded up Eclipse MTX with seraph wings...FPS immediately starting jumping up and down between 50 and 100. Took off MTX, FPS stabilized at 100. Did the same with Infernal Armor set with Abyss wings - results were the same. Bounced up and down between 50-100..removed all MTX and FPS stabilized at 100.

Next, I put the Eclipse set back on and jumped to Blood Aqueduct. Made it about 1/3 of the way thru, Exception: Present CTD. Reloaded the game and switched to Infernal Set. Went to Quarry, almost instantly Exception Present CTD. Reloaded the game and removed all MTX. PLayed for 45min and no exceptions and no CTD (Blood Aqueduct, Quarry, and 10ish maps). Went back to HO and switched to Eclipse MTX and loaded into Quarry, Exception Present after about 3 minutes running around. Reloaded the game and removed all MTX. Played for 30 min with no Exceptions or CTD. Went back to HO, put on Infernal Set and headed to Blood Aqueduct. Made it about halfway and Exception Present CTD. Removed all MTX after re-logging and played for about another hour with no issues.

Also note: with MTX removed, FPS constantly pegged at 99-100 even through heavy combat/monoliths only dropping when zoning into a new instance. With MTX on before crashing, FPS fluctuated wildly between 40ish and 100.

So, at least for me removing MTX completely solved the issue for me, for now. 2 hours of playing really isn't enough to say if it completely solved them for me but if you're having these issues and wearing MTX it may be worth giving a shot. I'll report back if I encounter any more issues while wearing no MTX.

Don't know how it is for others,but atleast for me,any character that had any mtx on during legion at all is fucked and give me exception errors while loading into the game.Any new characters made or old ones in standard that didn't use any mtx in a long time are fine as well,but as soon as I put anything on them - instant crash.Literally locked out of playing my main on legion for a 2nd day now...
Getting the present crash over and over and over. I have a better pc now, too. PLEASE FIX THE BUG
Thank you for hint about MTX, guys! I will take off all my cosmetics now and try.

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