Exception [Present]

I got constantly the exception:present - crash, couldn't get past the brine king with 2 characters since blight league start. Had also a very high chance for the same crash at the glyph wall/entrance submerged passage and in the cavern of anger near nessa and the black flag.

Changing my resolution to pixel graphics and fullscreen mode "fixed" it for me. Still extremely laggy throughout but at least not crashing anymore.
I'm also having this ''Present'' crash and it's no where near Christmas time for such presents.
Worth noting that I just started the league and wanted to start the league with the Oni-Goroshi sword. As I was farming the damn sword for days, I haven't had a single crash on any of the 3 mules. Once I entered the town the crashes started happening every 2 minutes randomly and haven't stopped ever since, making all those hours spent farming pointless and very frustrating.

Please find a solution for this. It is depressing not being able to enjoy this amazing game.

Edit: Think it is worth mentioning that a lot of people affected by this problem have new high end graphic cards. Couple of them stated the problem going away when using their old card. I myself have a new graphic card, Asus GeForce RTX 2070
Last edited by Jimiboner#7233 on Sep 16, 2019, 8:05:44 AM
And another one with with this problem, consistent appearinf when doing "old" content like monoliths and betrayal missions.

should have quit the game as said many times before, the technical state is beyond acceptable (dont call it f2p, you need people to purchase mtx to keep it running, why spending money on such a mess of a product?!)
Same same here. Crashin' every fkn time.
That's nice to have to resummon all your menagerie to play again.

Uninstalled and reinstalled the game to try to fix FPS/stuttering issue, hoped that solve Vorici too, but nope.

Starting to get annoying.

If you have a Hard drive (not ssd) change the steam libriry or install the game in there. Run the game (remember to change the desktop .exe if you created one for the x64).
You will have awfull load time when launching the game (even more the first time) and It may look like crash/froze but it will continue. Once ingame try some tier1 map and expect the load to be long. Give it some minitues once in.
It worked for me. Share with us if you still have crashes/present error.

My problem:

Since the start of the league I had crashes everywhere and with all content. Zoning, Cassia, idle, opening boxes, fighting and with all type of error like: textures, present, created buffer, stoped working..etz. All this problems didn't happen on last league.
All this error and crashes only happened to me with steam game which the game plays better fps/performance. Meanwhile with the standalone (web download) game I have no crashes but the perfomance and fps tanks to lower than 10 and freezes constantly.

I had tried all the tricks of the books: minimum options for all ingame, nvdia force options, fresh install, commands on exe..etz but nothing worked.
So! After week+ of crashes (steam) or unplayable freezes (standalone) I gave a try to change my game to my HDD (hard drive no ssd) and I had a surprise.
First of all I still have to crash a single time. I can do all content (can't try blight map, don't have one/currency) cassia encounters, legion, betryal with only about 20 or 30 max fps drops from 60 (capped by vsync) but without a crash.
I have done 14 maps so far (with all encounters inside) and have no problems.
Of course It has a downside which are long load at startup or zoning in maps but at least can play.

If you want to try here It's what I did (It's simple):


Install on hdd (no ssd). Make sure to not use the old .exe with lead to the old folder install, make a new one.

Launch the game and wait till login screen even if It looks like freeze/windowsmouseicon like crash.
Once ingame go to some Act zone and let few minutes 1-3 for the game to catch up. Next just open a Tier 1 map and once in wait a few minutes too. It may appear like you have black textures on enemys, minions..etz; just wait patiently and kill one or two. Eventually the game will catch up and now try to do the map/encounters (cassia preferible which has the worst performance).
If you experienced no crashes try one or two more tier1 maps or do jun-alva mision if you are ok with wasting them (in case it crashes).
If this helped you, reply here and give us some heads up on which ssd (brand, etz) you have. Maybe it will helps GGG to find some kind of especific bug-error.


Create a steam library folder on your HDD (no ssd). If you don't know how to google it with "how to create a new steam library folder", the first search explains how to. Install the game there.
If you already have the folder created and game installed, open your steam > library > games > right click on path of exile > properties. On the pop up window go to the last tab (local files) and click on "move files". Select the new folder which is in your hdd (ssd) and acept.
It will take several minutes 5-10 depending on yours hard drives.

Launch the game and wait till login screen even if It looks like freeze/windowsmouseicon like crash.
Once ingame go to some Act zone and let few minutes 1-3 for the game to catch up. Next just open a Tier 1 map and once in wait a few minutes too. It may appear like you have black textures on enemys, minions..etz; just wait patiently and kill one or two. Eventually the game will catch up and now try to do the map/encounters (cassia preferible which has the worst performance).
If you experienced no crashes try one or two more tier1 maps or do jun-alva mision if you are ok with wasting them (in case it crashes).
If this helped you, reply here and give us some heads up on which ssd (brand, etz) you have. Maybe it will helps GGG to find some kind of especific bug-error.


Before angry/trolls start saying my ssd was the problem or It didn't help you, I posted it here in an attempt to help you. I can play so if I wanted I simply could not give a damn F and keep playing.
In addittion my ssd works fine. I have no problem with other games, work, etz and this problem started with this league.
My ssd is a Kingstone and my HDD no F idea to be honest.

Gl, hf and thanks for your time.
Same issue here, have no idea for a fix \o/
Hello again. I'm the weirdo who posted change the game from ssd to hdd (sp?).

I manage to get a blight wharf drop.


Here are 3 images:
Before start with mods (alchemy + chisel) tier 1 blight wharf map
Succesfull complete
ClusterF of items

FPS performance stable @45fps near the pump. The lowest fps and performance drops was when I got cocky and stoped upgrade tower which lead to have too many monster closing on pump. It was 10fps and lasted about 5 seconds.
For the rest of the run was a stable 45-30 fps which is decent seeing how performance tank the map can be.
No crashes or freezes. Got disconnected by misclicking Alt while trying to hoard the loot once the run was finished (yeah I know, I'm quite a retard myself, you see). Upon connecting again portals were up and could finish looting.

So yeah, changing to my no ssd helped. gl exile
Happening in literally EVERY research encounter I get atm because Vorici is there and he is 100% one of the causes of this.
I tried a couple things and played like this for months but it turned out I just needed to turn off VSYNC haha
All the Time, if its not fixed soon i guess i skip the league


and again

Last edited by el0ka#0035 on Sep 17, 2019, 8:16:54 AM

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