3.7| Stress Free PoE - COLD HEARTED CURSER |Clear the Atlas w/ YOUR Items @ YOUR Pace (SSF & Co-op)
" Glad you like it and no problem. Currently clearing T14 much with no trouble. Just need to get my es a bit higher (currently 5900es). Im only LV 79 and there still a lot of es to grab off the tree. here a more refined and updated version. view my character for tree |
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i am currently levelling with your build. its is a walk in the park for now. However , as it is not my first char, i know at some point, i will be hitting a wall. so i have some questions: 1- from a DPS perspective, did you feel a little subpar at some times? how did you solve it? just by levelling your gems? 2- from a tanking perspective, i heard that Occultist had been nerfed in 3.7 especially ES nodes, making this build Much less suitable, what do you think? 3- you did not mention any preferable gear. no Uniques in mind that could help our dps or our tanking skyrocket? Thanks anyway for your very smooth build. |
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Hey konflict1,
"Thanks! I'm glad it's going well. I'll do my best to answer your questions. "Until I had all of my ascendancy nodes (I always save offense for last) there were times, while leveling, that some boss battles could take a little bit more time than you were used to with mobs in maps because we didn't have the damage bonuses from Malediction. After getting the Malediction node, very few enemies even get a chance to bathe in our DoT. Most just explode in the initial hit. If you take a look at some of my recently played maps, you'll see how efficient the character is with subpar gear and gems under level 20. Occultist is REALLY strong. With my tree, Malediction was the BIG difference maker. "I originally thought it was a nerf as well. But when I got thinking about it I got really excited. I think they made the Occultist even stronger! (For my build anyway.). You see, Wicked Ward and Malediction were MUSTS for me. So that left the Malediction path the only offense in the Ascendancy for me. Now that Wicked Ward is on the actually Passive Tree, we still get to select it and still have a major ascendancy node to pick from! And only crazy strong offensive nodes are left to pick from! Because our our emphasis on curses (Frostbite), if I remember correctly, this build's DoT DPS went up 40'000-50'000. In terms of GGG lowering ES values on the tree and adding a slowed recharge rate to Wicked Ward, It doesn't do much for us. The 3.6 build has 308%(?) increased ES and this one has 291%. Pretty close. And the slowed recharge I haven't found to be a factor at all. I've actually enjoyed it because it means our shield will be "constantly" recharging. I feel this build got way better with the changes. "Because of my personal preference of crafting and such, I don't really pay attention to uniques. I just collect them and then sell the ones I already have. But my two personal FAVOURITES that I always consider dual wielding on occasion are the Heartbreakers. They aren't the best, but they fit the build really well. They also have a neat glowing skin in game ;) But I'd love to get a Shaper Chest piece with high ES (item level 75+) that has "Recover (5–6)% of Maximum Energy Shield on Kill". A high ES roll with that mod as well would be worth 6 linking for sure! "You're very welcome! I'm glad you're liking it. And if you have any suggestions for the build or guide, please let me know. I'm always looking to improve both. Thanks for you compliments and great questions! https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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So, the build its not great for league mechs ofc, but, its good for everything else, im at lvl 85 and doing tier 12 with no problems, i have 7,3k ES
And god this is the best league starter i have in years. Last edited by Chokiito#1449 on Jun 12, 2019, 7:24:57 PM
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"You're very kind! Thank you! I'm glad you're liking it and having such an easy time with it. I like your setup! I love seeing what gear people end up using and flying through the game with. Thanks for the kind words :). https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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Hey, nice guide and im working on it right now. Few questions.
1. HC viable? 2. Did you go straight to CI or just take life nodes until you had the gear to transition to CI and regret those life nodes into ES nodes |
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Hey RatedPG,
"Thanks! I'm glad you're enjoying it. "I don't play HC. But my guess would be a strong YES. Especially with a Quartz Flask. I'd honestly just have 5 of them. 2 for Bleed, 2 for burning, 1 for Freeze. The build focuses heavily on defense but doesn't lack the offense as a result! "I go to CI as soon as possible...but I don't play HC. That's WAY less of a risk now that Wicked Ward is is only 13 nodes away from the start of the game, instead of your second Ascendancy. One reason I don't fear getting it early is because the sooner I don't have to have life on my gear, the sooner I can start getting gear that'll help what I'm trying to improve. Are you currently playing HC? (Good questions) https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast Last edited by Wrecker_of_Days#7691 on Jun 13, 2019, 3:00:23 AM
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Just a update on my light radius version. If anyone want to try this out. view my profile for tree
Lv:89 ES: 7172 Gear: Shaper Down Deathless ![]() |
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" UBER Elder Down -2 deaths (not very experiences at this fight yet. ![]() |
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"Awesome job! I love the concept of Light Radius. That's really cool :). Fantastic job making a build your own and taking Uber Elder down! Great job! Sounds like you're be doing Uber Deathless in no time ;). https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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