3.7| Stress Free PoE - COLD HEARTED CURSER |Clear the Atlas w/ YOUR Items @ YOUR Pace (SSF & Co-op)

Wrecker_of_Days wrote:
That is SUCH a kind and thoughtful message. Thank you for taking the time to be so encouraging. I'm glad you're liking the game and found a totally different way to play and enjoy it! (Great job on the first Lab.)

It's funny. I LOVE PoE for its ENDLESS viable builds potential, but it's always hard to not play (every league) that first really successful character...you know? It was Zombies for me too.

If you have any questions or suggestion for the guide/build, let me know. It's nice to have you around again. And thank you very much :).

Gee, you are most welcome! Praise where praise is due, as I say. ;) I'm really enjoying this build so far. But yeah, the zombies are super much fun, too! I've made 11 levels now today and it's been a very pleasant and fluent ride. ^^

I have a question indeed, although it has been previously asked and answered but just for clarification: what exactly do I have to do to make the curses work (I got Temporal Chains and Enfeeble equipped)?

And also, how did my CWDT support gems level up to 3 when I never clicked to level them and they're supposed to stay at level 1? I'm not sure what mistake I made in this regard.

Thank you so much for valuing my input! Take care, mate! :)
PrincessOfAsgard wrote:
Wrecker_of_Days wrote:
That is SUCH a kind and thoughtful message. Thank you for taking the time to be so encouraging. I'm glad you're liking the game and found a totally different way to play and enjoy it! (Great job on the first Lab.)

It's funny. I LOVE PoE for its ENDLESS viable builds potential, but it's always hard to not play (every league) that first really successful character...you know? It was Zombies for me too.

If you have any questions or suggestion for the guide/build, let me know. It's nice to have you around again. And thank you very much :).

Gee, you are most welcome! Praise where praise is due, as I say. ;) I'm really enjoying this build so far. But yeah, the zombies are super much fun, too! I've made 11 levels now today and it's been a very pleasant and fluent ride. ^^

I have a question indeed, although it has been previously asked and answered but just for clarification: what exactly do I have to do to make the curses work (I got Temporal Chains and Enfeeble equipped)?

And also, how did my CWDT support gems level up to 3 when I never clicked to level them and they're supposed to stay at level 1? I'm not sure what mistake I made in this regard.

Thank you so much for valuing my input! Take care, mate! :)

if i recall correctly, OP links it to ice nova and arctic breath and another spell, together with curse on hit. the idea is that the spells are triggered when damage is taken, and curse on hit applies the curse to which ever mobs were hit by the spell. if you do not have the spell, then the curse will be casted (like a normal curse would) onto the mob - as opposed to applying to where the spell (like ice nova) would have hit (an area around you). personally, I didnt have many gem slots so I simply linked onto CWDT without COH+spell. in the future, I would be applying the curse via a weapon like this.
. but im a single curse setup. not quite the same as OP. so for applying 3 curses, his setup would be better and hits a lot of mobs.
Wrecker_of_Days wrote:
Kingx wrote:
not only lost 2k ES but the regen is just not there. maps i had no probs with now make me run around like a scared little bitch
CelticHound wrote:
Kingx wrote:
not only lost 2k ES but the regen is just not there. maps i had no probs with now make me run around like a scared little bitch

What are you taking for your ascendancy points?

(Edit - goofed - managed to have a 3.6 tree in path of building.)
Kingx wrote:
got the same set up as the OP
Hey Kingx,

Our 3.6 build had 308% increased ES from the tree, this build has 291%. GGG add a couple extra ES% nodes to the tree but reduced the amount of ES a bunch of nodes were giving. So I actually have more ES nodes selected in 3.7 than I do in 3.6. They also reduced some base values on ES gear. So ES got hit pretty hard if you're an Occultist like us.

But the good news is that we selected the only Wicked Ward available to us and as a result of it being on the normal passive tree, we then had the option for a damage ascendancy node. So with the node we're "forced" to select instead of the old Wicked Ward, (if my memory is serving me correctly) we went from 123'000DPS to 170'000. So it worked out well.

But ya, for those of us who were used to the old Wicked Ward, our playstyle was too easy...so since GGG made a change, we just have to play the build a little different than previous.

Don't feel like you have to like it though. Some changes are just enough for some people to not like a specific mechanic anymore...especially if you had a taste of what things used to be like.

I personally really like the changes.

holy shit 300% ES. I only have 230% xD. how are you getting your dps numbers? (are they shaper dps)? they seem too low. did you have the curses applied in POB? I think there's something off here. something in the config that wasn't applied correctly - either that or some curses not applying. I believe even with a 5/6L vortex the number should be higher, or is 170k the tooltip dps on screen?
As a super casual player (only level 50 in league atm as play a few hours a day max) I have to say this build is a godsend of easy playstyle run about melting mobs and run in circles around the bosses watching them die with ease

Fantastic build, awesome easy to follow guide, thank you Wrecker 😁👍
~ If it moves, kill it ~
SonsOfKorhal wrote:
if i recall correctly, OP links it to ice nova and arctic breath and another spell, together with curse on hit. the idea is that the spells are triggered when damage is taken, and curse on hit applies the curse to which ever mobs were hit by the spell. if you do not have the spell, then the curse will be casted (like a normal curse would) onto the mob - as opposed to applying to where the spell (like ice nova) would have hit (an area around you). personally, I didnt have many gem slots so I simply linked onto CWDT without COH+spell. in the future, I would be applying the curse via a weapon like this.
. but im a single curse setup. not quite the same as OP. so for applying 3 curses, his setup would be better and hits a lot of mobs.

Thank you so much for your prompt reply and sorry for the late answer! You are absolutely right, of course! It's the Ice Nova and Arctic Breath that have to get linked with CWDM, not the curses! Got that mixed up somehow.

Anyway, I did that now and though it still says "skill cannot be used" for both of them (which of course they can't because they trigger automatically), they still activate when I take damage. I'll be setting up the curses once I have better items with more sockets and better linkings equipped (god, I'm short of currency!).

Cheers and thanks again for your help! :)
Wrecker_of_Days wrote:
Chokiito wrote:
I think im doing something wrong, im running 2 curses, each on one CoDT setup, but no one are proccing, The CoDT trigger the skills(Artic Nova and Cold Breath) but not the curses ;-;


nvm, i think the low level of the curses was the problem
Good job figuring it out. Ya, the CoH and Curse have to be a outside the trigger range of the CwDT gem (so higher than 38). Good job.

Hey man, I'm pretty new to this game and your guide seemed like a great starter for me. But, "higher than 38"? I thought that gems only level to 20?
TerrorkillerpainofDoom wrote:
Wrecker_of_Days wrote:
Chokiito wrote:
I think im doing something wrong, im running 2 curses, each on one CoDT setup, but no one are proccing, The CoDT trigger the skills(Artic Nova and Cold Breath) but not the curses ;-;


nvm, i think the low level of the curses was the problem
Good job figuring it out. Ya, the CoH and Curse have to be a outside the trigger range of the CwDT gem (so higher than 38). Good job.

Hey man, I'm pretty new to this game and your guide seemed like a great starter for me. But, "higher than 38"? I thought that gems only level to 20?

he meant the level requirement of the gem, not the gem's level.
PrincessOfAsgard wrote:
...I have a question indeed, although it has been previously asked and answered but just for clarification: what exactly do I have to do to make the curses work (I got Temporal Chains and Enfeeble equipped)?
CoH and your curse(s) linked to CwDT have to have their character level requirement HIGHER than the character level requirement of CwDT. The spell that CwDT is casting to apply the curse has to be lower than CwDT's character level requirement.

And also, how did my CWDT support gems level up to 3 when I never clicked to level them and they're supposed to stay at level 1? I'm not sure what mistake I made in this regard.
On console gems level automatically. You have to stop the gem at its desired level prior to it automatically leveling beyond. On PC gem don't level until you tell them to by clicking the plus sign on the right of the screen. Maybe you did it subconsciously? To get the gems that you don't want to level off your screen you right-click the plus sign instead of left-clicking to level it.

Thank you so much for valuing my input! Take care, mate! :)
You're very welcome! It's always a pleasure! Enjoy the non-zombie build ;)
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
Last edited by Wrecker_of_Days#7691 on Jun 10, 2019, 1:17:36 PM
SonsOfKorhal wrote:
PrincessOfAsgard wrote:
Wrecker_of_Days wrote:
That is SUCH a kind and thoughtful message. Thank you for taking the time to be so encouraging. I'm glad you're liking the game and found a totally different way to play and enjoy it! (Great job on the first Lab.)

It's funny. I LOVE PoE for its ENDLESS viable builds potential, but it's always hard to not play (every league) that first really successful character...you know? It was Zombies for me too.

If you have any questions or suggestion for the guide/build, let me know. It's nice to have you around again. And thank you very much :).

Gee, you are most welcome! Praise where praise is due, as I say. ;) I'm really enjoying this build so far. But yeah, the zombies are super much fun, too! I've made 11 levels now today and it's been a very pleasant and fluent ride. ^^

I have a question indeed, although it has been previously asked and answered but just for clarification: what exactly do I have to do to make the curses work (I got Temporal Chains and Enfeeble equipped)?

And also, how did my CWDT support gems level up to 3 when I never clicked to level them and they're supposed to stay at level 1? I'm not sure what mistake I made in this regard.

Thank you so much for valuing my input! Take care, mate! :)

if i recall correctly, OP links it to ice nova and arctic breath and another spell, together with curse on hit. the idea is that the spells are triggered when damage is taken, and curse on hit applies the curse to which ever mobs were hit by the spell. if you do not have the spell, then the curse will be casted (like a normal curse would) onto the mob - as opposed to applying to where the spell (like ice nova) would have hit (an area around you). personally, I didnt have many gem slots so I simply linked onto CWDT without COH+spell. in the future, I would be applying the curse via a weapon like this.
. but im a single curse setup. not quite the same as OP. so for applying 3 curses, his setup would be better and hits a lot of mobs.
Sexy weapon :)
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
SonsOfKorhal wrote:
holy shit 300% ES. I only have 230% xD. how are you getting your dps numbers? (are they shaper dps)? they seem too low. did you have the curses applied in POB? I think there's something off here. something in the config that wasn't applied correctly - either that or some curses not applying. I believe even with a 5/6L vortex the number should be higher, or is 170k the tooltip dps on screen?
Ha ha. Ya, I hear "defense wins championships" so if damage isn't an issue, I go defense.

The DPS numbers are from the PoB, the same Pastebin from the guide. Because I'm such a curse fan, I've gotten in the habit of always having my configuration in PoB to be vs. the Shaper. The build's DoT DPS is 290'000 against normal enemies. But PoB doesn't add the amount of "enemies killed recently" to the damage calculations of Malediction so we are missing that.

But honestly I found last league's damage more than enough. It cleared and killed end-atlas maps/bosses easily. So the changes GGG made excited me after I finished pouting about them. :)

Take a look at the Pastebin in the guide and see if you can find what you're looking for.
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast

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