Steelskin and the Guard Skills
" You can't rely on CWDT IC on HC unless you deliberately avoid elemental mods on every map you run, corpse destruction is a far safer alternative for spike beasts and the rest you have to build in anyway. Give it time i think you'll find with any kind of foresight (they are instant afterall) you can really soften the spikes. |
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seriously considering skipping legion all together because of Immortal Call changes
is going to make leveling up anything evasion based extremely tedious and infuriating. oh hello pack of exploding spike douches .........blah dead hello again i ran back ............... blah dead ........please don't .......blah dead .........fuck sakes i dont want to kill you just let me pass............ blah dead you get the idea. |
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" Only thing it is nice for is when you accidentally blow up an entire pack of porcupines. So yeah guessing one gets used to it. And like some guy up here said deep delves. Never had a build on hc that could do that. never tryed that cheesy flask build in delve that made you immune.. This league i tryed chaos for the first time and have to say i love it. reflect = ignore :D |
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thanks for taking the immortal out of immortal call. once again another nerf that nobody ever asked for. leave melee alone go wreck the casters builds. they dont have to worry about engaging hard hitting enemies or a gazillion porcupine spikes fired off at random when they can clear shit from 3 screens away
Last edited by idrankyourbeer#1700 on May 30, 2019, 4:11:46 PM
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Why is everyone playing casters or ranged? Because they can kill most stuff from a big distance and are thus much safer and easier to play. Additionally they deal insane damage and do not require too much player activity. With some builds you can literally watch TV and clear endgame content.
Compare that to melee, the announcement even says they want the player to be more involved. And that is the problem: a lot of players don't want to be too involved. Even if melee were as strong as the other playstyles people would still not play it because they want to just steamroll through the game. Now GGG needs to decide what to do. If steamrolling should not be possible they had to make massive changes to casters / ranged characters. If they want to make steamrolling a possibility they would have to make that possible with melee as well. The current announcements do not indicate either, so I assume GGG just does not play its own game and has no clue. To improve the situation there would still be the possibility to make melee play more rewarding. Maybe the item drop rate / quality of loot depends on the distance you made the kill from, so melee would at least benefit from better drops. That would compensate the higher difficulty of a melee character and motivate people to play melee characters. Last edited by hochl#6509 on May 30, 2019, 6:41:27 PM
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Now... I don't really care what the other players may think of my opinion, but I'm just going to float this concept...
This is the opposite of how I imagine melee "improving", though I -am- looking forward to the new skills, stances, etc, etc... When I think ranger, I think movement, timing, and so on... I think of player skill, anticipation, and active play... Exactly what I -don't- want to bother with... When I think caster, I think "powerhouse"... I think of protective magics, self healing, damage stacking, and buff rotations to make the most of damage output... When I think melee? I want to right click and drool. (But not with cyclone. I cant stand the visual...) I want to be some steamrolling, brain dead beast, that is tough enough to faceplant into a pack of wants-me-dead things with nothing but a big hammer and a bad attitude... and still doesn't die... Because lets be honest... Melee is tactically foolish to begin with when you can -SHOOT THE THING THAT WANTS TO KILL YOU-... But no, we're going to run over where it can get at us and wrestle with the soul-eating-squid-monster instead... Yeah... That's a great idea... Give rangers and casters the powerful, but timed defenses... Give melee lasting enhancements that still hold up... That's just my opinion. :-/ As a casual player, I agree with an earlier post saying *character power* is the reward I'm looking for... The more you ask me to track, the less I want to play your game... When "recently" became a thing I got a bad taste in my mouth... I don't even like -having- to use flasks... So for this league, I'm thinking some sort of hybrid melee-summoner... I want to be able to relax when I play... I'm hopping passive defenses will still be an option... It's great to reward the type-A's for being able to properly "time" their skill rotations along with the 12345 button mash... *Ahem*... "Skillfully" pressing their 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 keys... But for this Average Joe, I'll be back here in low maps and shallow delves, wishing the game was "better"... *shrug* At least maybe now when I look up new builds, I might see something besides, "Skill of choice 6-l, second skill of choice 6-l, dual blasphemy or aura/herald combo 4-l, Move skill linked with fortify 4-l, oh yeah, and always keep your flasks up... What about that last four-link? That's for you CWDT IC with ID and MS/PR/BR..... DUH." Even casters have to have "melee" buffs in Wraeclast... Can't say I'm excited, but it's well past high time for IC to take a fall. Good luck, and thanks for keeping poe f2p. :) |
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" THIS! |
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" If you want to relax, just go fo sleep. |
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Let's wait&see.. But i have the feeling it will be harder to survive
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Molten Shell looks just up my alley for my Inquisitor. Steelskin and the updated Immortal Call look to be great as well. Can't wait to test run them when the update goes live.
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