Legion League FAQ

Very cool
Is there any info about eternity shroud? Plan to nerf it? Or non-chaos as extra chaos mechanics in general?
How are you gona fit the Divine Vessel into upgraded map device that has 5 separate slots and not space for divine vessel? Just thought there might be problem with this.
When can we expect the changes to the Map Tab that specifically help Standard users?

I like the fact it's first question, because I would like to see it fixed as soon as possible since it's so annoying.
Can you unfreeze mobs with DoT?
How does Contagion work with frozen mobs, will it spread on "unfreezing"?
ign: UpForJava
I imagine GGG like a kid with a stick poking at an ant hill watching the ants scurry around wondering if the world is going to end.
pls include an option to unfreeze all monsters at once.
if you dont do that, every slow or low aoe build gonna feel super bad.
or block/damage reflect builds etc.
dont fore ppl into clear/aoe/speed meta even more.

IGN: TerraTango
Thanks for posting - the new league sounds like it will be fun. Like others have touched on, low-AOE or slow clearing builds might struggle doing this content. That's what I found in Synthesis with my builds and gave up trying certain content if the build had low-AOE or slow clear speed. Maybe consider extending the timer for kills?
Breaking out all the frozen monsters before within the time limit....I have 2 builds that are perfect for this =D

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