[3.7] Rake's Tectonic Slam Equipment Guide - from League Start to Endgame

really nutty guide and very detailed! i like. but 88% hitchance on T1 gear seems kinda low, maybe we should grab some of the new nodes on the tree for that?
can a 2H weapon work with this build as well? such as oni-goroshi or ngahamu's or does it have to be dual foils/swords
Hi there.

This is a PoB Based on his latest update (06/06 at 11am CET +2)

You will find in this one all the Leveling + Final tree AND all items set from T5 to Godlike (t0)
This is how to change the Item Sets

Is Tectonic slam fire skill ?
Coz if not, then charge generationf from chieftain not workng.
Hey mate, just quickly jumping in to thank you for your super quick 3.7 update. I've been messing around with it myself but seeing your take on it is great! Thanks for this super detailed guide!

You have mistakenly skilled some staff nodes near templar start. Might wanna update the PoB ;)
Last edited by manuakasam on Jun 6, 2019, 6:53:26 AM
manuakasam wrote:
Hey mate, just quickly jumping in to thank you for your super quick 3.7 update. I've been messing around with it myself but seeing your take on it is great! Thanks for this super detailed guide!

You have mistakenly skilled some staff nodes near templar start. Might wanna update the PoB ;)

It is not a mistake. They are there for the Endurance charge generation chance only.
manuakasam wrote:
Hey mate, just quickly jumping in to thank you for your super quick 3.7 update. I've been messing around with it myself but seeing your take on it is great! Thanks for this super detailed guide!

You have mistakenly skilled some staff nodes near templar start. Might wanna update the PoB ;)

10% chance to gain an endurance charge on melee critical strike.
Kill the evil or zombies will become reality!!

IGN: Sid_Ashley
RangerHalt wrote:
Hi, can i use oni-goroshi on this build?

You could. But as long as i didn't missed something, Oni can only compete with 1ex foils. Everything above is more Damage for DW.

Baysique wrote:
Just want to say thank you for the time you have put towards this and will hopefully continue to! I will be using this for 3.7 and I am very excited. With the changes to both Smite and Tec Slam, do you plan on using Smite to level like you have recommended before, or do you think Tec Slam will be better with the changes?

Also, I am kind of confused about using Ahn's Might as I dont see where or how we get frenzy charges anyways, so why do we need to use a Pacifism Jewel?

Now that all gems are beeing reworked for a better leveling experience, i wueld guess we could take everything we want for leveling.
We want the Bonus for max Frenzy Charges and no Frenzy Charges at the same time. Ahn's Might x2 + Pacifism Jewel gives 0 Frenzy Charges max. So we are always at maximum Frenzy Charges and have no Frenzy Charges. It's just a small buff we can get for a 1c jewel at this point of Equipment.

Baysique wrote:
Pulverise and Precision look like they will be nice boosts here, Pulverise's massive upside with the only downside being 15% Attack Speeds looks too good to pass up and Precision is basically free at 186 mana.

I will have to wait till they are in PoB. But what i can tell right now - 186 Mana is unfortunally a lot mana. I had something around 200 left last league.

dookleeto wrote:

1- On smashing strikes, would it not be better to take lava lash, and use flammability to curse and maintain endurance charges when needed? or perhaps consecrated path to put down some consecrated ground. I am guessing skills in CWDT don't proc Tawhoa, Forest's Strength. If they do then wave of conviction should proc it reliably and flammability in a CWDT setup might be good.
Lava Lash seems to be a huge dps increase for 3 points.

2- any other solutions to mana leech than the node above Vitality Void, poachers or warlords mark seem clunky until shaper ring, and in SSF even that can take a while.

3- is it worth farming oni garoshi? the dps increase seems really big over more generic rare weapons, and I am not the best at crafting, and I may not have the currency for a while, although it would be a good opportunity to learn to craft weapons :)

4- any reason why you are using a high level immortal call in the CWDT? is it to just keep your endurance charges from being used too often? with 5 charges consumed the difference between a lvl 1 and lvl 20 is only 2.5% more mitigation. level 1 is 81.25% phys mitigation and level 20 is 83.75%. Or perhaps it is to have a high level wave of conviction?

1. Fire Damage is only a portion of the Damage of our Build (can differ when using Oni). So from a effectivness point of view we maybe get around 5% Ele pen from 8% fire pen damage wise. But you can always check that for yourself by looking for the dps gain per point by hovering over the node. At T1 Gear it would give 2.6% more damage per point. That's not bad. But there are better points to take. But that can ofc differ for different equipment. Just take what PoB shows you is currently the best (when you don't mind reskilling)
For Curses we have Elemental Focus on Gloves. You probably won't have that in SSF. You maybe could just skip the curse or take one in a cwdt setup. You would have to check for yourself if flammability would give more dps while using oni instead of elemental weakness.

2. Normally i don't like Warlords Mark. Maybe it's a solution for SSF. Otherwise, i would just take the node.

3. Oni Goroshi is damage wise comparable to 1ex foils. In SSF it's probably quite impossible to get such foils. You could craft T2/T1 Foils for yourself. But i guess that already would need quite a big efford in SSF.

4. The Gem Section still needs to be reworked. And yes, i don't wanted to lose all endurance charges from every small hit. For 3.7 the Gem Section will be reworked as soon as PoB gets updated and i take my first break from leveling

UchihaShisu wrote:
I am kinda noob so excuse my question if its silly.

Isn't tectonic slam a fire/phys damage build? Why do we use hatred as an aura? Doesn't Anger scales better?

Also "Soul of steel" looks way to good to pass on the skill tree wouldn't you agree?

Also you said bottled faith is removed at the end but its still in the guide.

At the current state of the Tree each point we invest more in defense is a big damage lose (assuming 4 points for Soul of steel is around 15% less damage). But you can ofc adjust the tree as you like it.
Like GlobalIdentity already explained, Anger is unfortunally a very weak Aura.

I keep diging around Tectonic Slam Chieftain.

What if we use Ngamahu's Flame ?

I really don't know. I can just assume it would be terrible. But i didn't tried it.

Theraton_ wrote:
Hello, super nice build!!

Noob question - can i go 2h axes instead of dual wield? just would like the style of it - maybe atziris disfavour?

Sure, you could. But you would have to use a pretty different tree for Axes and will probably lose quite a lot Damage. But i didn't checked this in PoB for 3.7 (only for 2h swords - the damage was noticeable worse)

Dge4Dge wrote:
What about "Inexorable" and "Soul of Steel" passives ?

You can make the build as defensive as you wish. Just keep in mind that you will lose around 2.5-3.5% damage per point you spend defensive wise. That gets quite a lot pretty fast.

p1Shinji wrote:
Really nice guide but i have one question in ur early gear setup u use powerless how it works this? i mean generate we in any way frenzy charges otherwise?

And why we will have +1 Power/Frenzy charges on the end gear?
Sry when the questions are just stupid

You mean Pacifism, right? It's to get full use out of Ahns Might.
Power and Frenzy Charges are a good Damage boost we can get relativly easy on Rings. And i don't count something like Frenzy Charges on kill (Blood Rage) as real dps. We probably won't have them when we need them the most - hard bosses.

dekebal wrote:
Hi im noob, is this build viable for uber lab farm?

Sure, it should be pretty easy. But you can't compare them to the 2 min speed farming lab builds ofc.

pbrayer wrote:
This is the first Tect Slam guide I've seen that is well written. I must just be bad at Googling.

As a HC player I should probably roll with T H I C C Jugg but with recent Chieftain changes I might be stubborn and do this instead.

Have you played this build much in HC? With defensive improvements I imagine it would be viable? Anything else you might take in HC that you wouldn't in SC

I've never played HC. I could imagine that another, more defensive oriented Tree could be better for HC. Maybe even a 2H Sword to remove the need of traveling at the tree that much to have more points for defensive stuff. You probably want to use other Auras as well like Flesh and Stone for example.

I really can't tell you whats the best for HC. Currently as it is, the damage is good and the defense for SC is great imho. But i don't know if it would be better to have more defensive and for eg 50% less damage.

Miliriadh121 wrote:
really nutty guide and very detailed! i like. but 88% hitchance on T1 gear seems kinda low, maybe we should grab some of the new nodes on the tree for that?

Yes, 88% is pretty low. On my own PoB i just made a jewel with +1000 accuracy (400-500 on helmet, rest on Rings and Amulet).
The Problem is, with the change to Chieftain, the shown equipment now lacks the needed Accuracy as long as we don't get the "Hits can't be evaded" Foils. But i can't right now just buy new gear to show better exampels. The market is pretty dead on Standard (and if something is available - it's 10-20x times the normal price).

I could adjust the items i have in PoB for now. But it will probably take some weeks to replace some items i've shown in the guide because i would have to buy them first.

Hi there.

This is a PoB Based on his latest update (06/06 at 11am CET +2)

You will find in this one all the Leveling + Final tree AND all items set from T5 to Godlike (t0)
This is how to change the Item Sets[/img]

Damn, somehow i missed this option in PoB. Good to know that the possibility exists. Thx!
Last edited by Rake7 on Jun 6, 2019, 7:40:51 AM
Okay what the hell this is nuts I thought my version was OP but this is just stupid
Kinda low life for a HC viable build, but I suppose you don't really need several million damage

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