Developer Q&A - Part I
" That's because current game balance state makes PvP too simple and "griefer"-friendly. It's not interesting and frustrating at the same time. Remove one of the properties and it's going to be fine. Problem: impostor syndrome Solution: nerf everything Result: depressing mess Last edited by a_z0_9#4860 on May 2, 2019, 9:26:46 PM
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Thank you for your candor and clarity, as always.
I have played a good amount of Synthesis, and have played PoE for a long time, but the league mechanic feels overwhelming...not insofar as i cannot understand, but seeing the NPC and the memory map stresses me out. Not to mention, the NPC takes up such a large section of an area and displaces mobs! Please create a queuing system for maps like a pez dispenser so we can chain content mindlessly like running Blood Aqueduct. -juo Last edited by juo#0098 on May 2, 2019, 9:36:51 PM
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Right now in std no matter how you up grade an atlas a map the drops are at their worst I have experienced and then trying buy them so overpriced an many of traders that are supposed to be on line are not t15 maps are the rarest to drop which if your running T16"s then I have to buy many just to do the master missions then very few drop in the atlas where i already have sextants out seems to me your making to hard as you can to keep players from reaching level 100 then add the surprise 1 shot monsters after all that grinding buying an crafting just makes endgame suck
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"after 20 mins of trying buy maps I quit playing an stream movies buying maps since drops suck so bad is hard in California also so many are off line but trade site says they are |
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I have a question that has been on my mind for a number of leagues now. Is there any chance that you can make the game playable in an offline mode, say a standard version where you can just enjoy the core game and maps without worry about any connection related problems?
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An alternative to Battle Royal
Tidal Island. Tower Defence meets Zombie Apocalypse Survival. You alone or in a group wash up on Tidal Island (a real small island). And from the sea, monsters rush in, in waves (ala Tower Defence) to kill you. You have to make do with what the monsters drop, till the next wave arrives. --- --- --- --- --- Small technical problem, items will eventually overload the instance and the instance crash. Thus items have to be removed after every 2nd wave or so, or the oldest (time measured) vanish or there is only a set amount of items on the ground possible/limit till new items drops replace old items on the ground. The second small technical thing to solve, one would have to write a simple lobby like WC3. To create groups and games ad hoc. And events ladder (how many rounds you survived) this tech already exists. And for the ladder purpose, the lobby or the POE website should have the option to create a permanent group or clan for ladder purposes. Last edited by RPGNoobANKA#0714 on May 2, 2019, 9:48:14 PM
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I wish you all the best guys. I've been following POE since Alpha and I have high hopes for the game and what direction it's heading.
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Thank you for the nice chunk of console information. It was seeming more and more like a ghost town over here.
TrueAchievements -
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" I don't think Chris understands our concern. When we talk about "opt out", we mean increasing the chance of leagues we want to run at the expense of others being reduced or outright removed. I love Betrayal, but I know some hate it. These people would love to just "block" their chance of spawning and increase the chances for the other leagues. " Then let players choose whether or not they want to take that risk if it means playing content they actually enjoy more. I hear plenty of people say how much they like Delve, and since the mines lack the other masters, they wouldn't mind sacrificing all the other leagues if it means spending more time collecting sulphite and exploring the mines. " I don't like the idea of league cycling, not at all. Like I said, I love Betrayal, and I'd rather spend more time tackling still-overtuned syndicate members and their safehouses over other content. Scarabs are the closest thing we've got to leaguestones, which were the best thing you've guys ever made in giving players control over what they want to engage in. I don't see what's wrong with just adding all the leagues to core, without cycling, but limiting their appearance heavily if you're not using leaguestones/scarabs. PoE players: Our game has a wide diversity of builds. Also PoE players: The [league mechanic] doesn't need to be nerfed, you just need to play a [current meta] build! MFers found strength in their Afflictions. They became reliant on them. I am not so foolish. Last edited by Pizzarugi#6258 on May 2, 2019, 9:52:51 PM
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