An Update from Chris

Christ Wilson is the savior we need. With his disciples at GGG, we will have the content we deserve, such as synthesis. Albeit we have trudged through the valley of betrayal death and bugs, our Father who art in New Zealand, will deliver us from these evils and provide us the re-balanced Heavy Strike we truly desire.

Mythreindeer wrote:
Is not the obvious solution to HIRE MORE DEVELOPERS!

Found the schmuck who's likely never run a company, in any industry.

Cheers for the openness and communication, Chris.

P.S.: I absolutely love this line -

I will not run this company that way.

So blunt and forthright. <3
Last edited by Exile009#1139 on May 2, 2019, 6:50:25 AM
"It will not be merged into the core game in 3.7.0. Maybe we can do something with it in the future, but we have no current plans."

So you Developed the BEst league in craft terms that POE had ever , and now you wont MERGE it ???? i dont get it and im not agree . This just sucks .

well now play this league was uselles ....

Hope you merge it somehow in the future like you did with the shit Pokemon league .
Seriously, other game companies should take lessons from you.

You're 100% invested in your game, and it shows.

So what if a league is less fun / broken, we will survive, and PoE is still an awesome game. We whine, we moan, we criticize, sometimes with good reasons, sometimes not, but because we care.

As long as you stay true to your values, we'll be there.

Thank you for your honesty, and keep up the great work.
Thanks for interacting with us (the community) in such considerate way. Looking forward to the Flashback League!
Last edited by Tandaren#2773 on May 2, 2019, 7:05:40 AM
chris has bitten off more than he can chew with multiple simultaneous projects (3.7, xbox, ps4, exilecon, korea, china, 4.0) spreading resources too thin, resulting in a slew of mediocre league launches going back to at least abyss with the same mentality of 'ship it now, fix it 1-3 weeks into the league'. he's stated that they shifted all console resources to ps4 as soon as xbox launched, leaving little to no resources to fix the myriad problems with xbox and now ps4 is suffering the same fate. we got a rushed bestiary last year which was hatched over the christmas break with even less qa than normal, and a year later the same mistake is made with synthesis.
the severe lack of quality competition in the arpg state has been the real mvp in poes success. if blizzard didnt shit the bed with d3 and then immortal, ggg wouldnt have gotten away with a fraction of the garbage theyve been spewing out lately with the promise of fixing it at a later date
gamers crucify other companies for these same practices but ggg just gets a slap on the wrist and they promise to do better next time lol

and that excuse about no custom event for league end lmao ok mate. all you had to do was make a mayhem league for those who want some voided fun and turmoil for those who want a character in standard that theyll never play again. wouldve been better to never even utter the words mayhem/turmoil when announcing the event
I wasn't expecting much out of 3.7 before this announcement but after reading this I'm really not expecting much. This entire update reads 'We've had so much going on we haven't showed the game the attention to detail it deserves... but we have even more to do going forward.'

At this point I'm afraid you guys are so far behind that it would take a miracle to get out of the hole you've put yourselves into and hearing that you promised tencent that you will release in Korea alongside 3.7 tells me that not enough is going to be done to make it a league that isn't riddled with bugs and full of previous league's content that is unbalanced, unintigrated and also riddled with bugs.

Best of luck though I'm pulling for you.
Well, this is kind of more than I expected, in someway it feels like the community is bullying the developer.
And this thread
is the cry to stop :D

Whatever atleast we got one thing to know, there are actually support teams and a team of people who are reading all the threads.
For example I bought myself a new GPU and the nvidia gamecenter needs an account to update your graphic drivers ( u could still download them on the website), unfortunately I forgot my data and when I try to change my data, it says "this site doesnt exist"-

I rather have a game with some issues where the developers keep working, than some kind of developer who gives 0 actually fuck.
Chris you did it all wrong... I've learned from watching literally every other gaming company (including other FtP cosmetic only MTX games) that...

You're supposed to call us all toxic dickbags, tell us that you'll do whatever you want regardless of what we want, and introduce mechanical advantage lootboxes for pay to win mechanics as a cheap cash grab to disrespect your players, and of course, also switch PoE to an exclusive platform and distribution while blaming the gamers for the technical challenges you encounter.

Seriously guys, get with the times, this a throwback to dinosaur ages when devs gave a crap about what their players wanted and cared about whether or not their game was fun.

If you guys continue on this path it's possible that at least 1% of the people complaining will chill out a little and be understanding of the intense development cycle and your intent to provide work/life balance in an ethical way so that your developers can focus on putting out the best product possible given the limited resources... if that's what you want, people exercising some patience and understanding then just keep doing what you're doing, but I'm telling you that if that's what you really want and you do that you'll spend a lot less time making cheap cash grabs and exploiting your customers.



Last edited by klokwerkaos#1838 on May 2, 2019, 7:31:14 AM
As a new PoE player. This is the best ARPG I've played in a long time. Every League a new design (not a silly theme). Plenty of bug fixes happening every week. A team that listens to it players.

Keep up the good work GGG

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