An Update from Chris

Nice post, thx!
"Metas rotate all the time, eventually the developers will buff melee"
PoE 2013-2018
New player here. I have no idea what's going on and I'm having a blast. I can't believe this game is free. It's literally (and mathematically) worth an infinite amount more than I've paid for it.
might not be the best league ever but i enjoy it^^ so does my in game friend.
can't wait till i can play 3.7 and even 4.0 :D
"Now all that's left is for you getting on your knees."
if you know thank me:) i'm dying to find out x'D
thank you very much, chris

ps: remember when whiteknights claimed that console poe will not negatively impact pc poe? how could it not? at least it's now confirmed.
Don't over do it.. KISS, keep it simple stupid. Lately you've been pushing out some spreadsheet level leagues noone wants to spend half of the game(if not more) in 3rd party sites watching what the hell to do with items they just got... most of us are not in Wallstreet you know.. even Onslaught league were fun compared to these overdone cookies.

I miss actual mapping... having the thrill of getting some good item to drop. Nowadays it seems it's all about crafting and getting exalt drops or farming HH cards till your eyes melt because rest of the items has to be filtered out as they are pointless to pick up.
The fact that you actually give feedback to us makes you the best game dev there is.
1.Synthesis not going core = PRAISE be to Le Toucan!
2.I hope by improvements you mean mean performance improvements/optimization as well. (like it was mentioned in the Betrayal lag post that there will be loading improvements coming soon)
3.I understand that you have a lot on your plate and understand that you take the long view, but some of the failings (like intervention freezes, synthesis being crappy, map stash tab in std etc) have really pissed a lot of players off. It's good you're trying to strike a balance between short term and long term stuff.
Last edited by Paldamus#1328 on May 2, 2019, 5:08:24 AM
Thank you, for taking the time to send this to the community. GGG is the greatest company out there. You guys make sure you by you're work/life balance. We alll have to get paid and all are entitled to our fun. I am on pins and needles waiting to see what comes next. Thank you.
A post like this takes courage, and I think you pulled it off well.

My only hope is that 4.0.0 won't suddenly destroy performance.
Thank you for the information.

Yet from what I've read it just spells "Wait for 4.0".
You have crapton of side projects and 3.7 won't be something spectacular.

As a player I want to play game and not live on future promises of grandeur. I guess 3.7 is a skip.

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