[RETIRED] MUSCLEMANCER 2 | Souleater Winter Orb JUGG | Insane Clearspeed | Immune to Phys Damage
" It also happens when you use just 1 flask... Super annoying bug |
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Is this build still fine and as fast as shown in the videos?
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"Yes BUT only if you have around 30ish ex to spend; Otherwise no. For example you absolutely NEED the Inspired Jewel to clear red maps (without it you are a really slow clearer the difference is massive) and you need the bodyarmor and you at least 2 rather decent scepters and the watchers eye. Thats about 14+7+2x4+2=31ex for that alone. |
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" Wait wat? Inspired Learning is MANDATORY to clear red map? Since your last post, i was thinking you were a kind of joke, but that's confirmation right here... I'm not completely fully used to the build's playstyle (because yes, it's requires some adaptation from another "classic" build), so there's still some deaths here and there but yet, it's really fun, enjoyable and when the trigger is pushed that's just a blast. At some point you should stop trolling and try an introspection to see and understand why you failed to play that build, maybe. Maybe. To me, that build is pretty sick and fun, it's maybe not the most -stable- and smooth one (again, that's maybe because i'm not 300% used to it), but right now, it's fkn fun and i have a huge smile sometimes when you reach some spiky 400-500+ stacks... Not that many builds give me that feeling. Here's a random map/session on a Shaped Bazaar (15) with my not optimized gear/gems/setup... as a friend wanted to see how it goes... Yeah sure, Inspired learning is mandatory, kappa. https://youtu.be/zhOWe_2ji1U?t=107 |
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I have a bug/problem that you do not seem to have (https://streamable.com/f8kx4). So I assumed that inspiring is mandatory to fill in the gaps. This is NOT explained in the guide.
Also You got the Vitality aura. How do you do that? The mana degens so extremely fast for me that I can't activate it. I tried switching areas and spamming the aura but nope the game starts degenerating before my client loads (this should be changed/fixed by GGG). You also have amazing sceptres btw. Mine are still garbage and I use a crappy jewel from my main character so my DPS should be lower than yours. I'm not trolling. This guide is a mess. PoB has several errors and the new and old build are kinda intertwined here and it's rather confusing. <snip+edits, see new post> Last edited by silverdash#0964 on Jun 23, 2019, 12:16:12 PM
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Here is the proof of my problem on a t1 map for demonstration purpose (watch soul stacks):
https://streamable.com/f8kx4 And this happens like non-stop so my clear/dps/etc. is insanely low and completely screws me on red maps. - Mana was not full. - No flask was used to trigger a reset. - Flasks were still active. - Not using Inspired jewel. - I got chilled but that should not matter. - The guide does not explain this. But somehow killing that magic pack killed my stacks and reset them to 0? Magic pack mods: gains power charges and resists cold. I also looked at the map mods but nothing odd there either. So please instead of calling me a troll just explain to me what I'm doing wrong I followed the entire guide, read it multiple times but it looks like a bug. Last edited by silverdash#0964 on Jun 23, 2019, 12:13:39 PM
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I had the bug when sometimes (almost all the time), when i used the 3 mana flask at the same time. Few seconds later, 2 of then ended up ticking and i had only one active. (and remove/reset the Soul Eater buff)
Right now, i'm using almost only one mana flask to keep Soul Eater up, waiting for a possible fix or to trully get and understand the reason behind. (i should try with a macro to activate all 3 at the exact same time for science) And yes, i don't do a full map in one go most of the time, i've stop here and there to pickup some loots and stuff, so the buff reset, i'm not in a hurry. ^^ When i want to rebuff and get Vita/Disc/Ash, i remove Shav's, hit a pot and let the mana regen, slowly. One drink get 2 aura (and the mana starts degen again), another drink to fill my mana to full, enough time to get my 3rd aura. Equiping Shav' again, good to go. Missing one Prefix on the main-hand scepter, still working on syndicate to get the T3. The guide is a mess, maybe, yet i've seen way worse. That's a guide, people should be able to grasp the idea and concept behind and scratch things around to adapt and/or improve it to their own version/gameplay. There's different report about Soul eater/flask/stacks bugs, so... probably that? Dunno, it's indicate multiple time previously. One suggested solution was to use only one flask. And so far, working great for me. Sorry not sorry, but people should just stop whinning and try a little bit harder instead of just complaining "that's not working, it's a sh*ty build, you need 150ex + HH and Inspired learning to make it works". (nothing personnal here, that's just a global thing). Edit : yes "troll", because saying "you really need IL to do something with this build" is either a troll, or just a complete missinformation. In both case, the work behind doesn't deserve that. :) Last edited by Ae_Evo#5363 on Jun 23, 2019, 12:19:06 PM
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" " I tried EVERYTHING I could find online and nothing works for me. I read the guide like 50x and Googled my behind off. Nothing works! This completely breaks the build for me. Nobody explains it to me, the guide does not explain it, wiki does not explain it, I have no idea, you have apparently no idea... What must I do... Wait for GGG to fix it next league? "Thanks! Now I can run Vitality. (EDIT: was also not explained in guide but it's somewhat obvious okay) " I have all right to claim that when the build doesn't work for me as you see in the video and no explanation after days. You try running red maps w/o soul eater stacks and w/o inspired jewel. You'll see that it takes like 5 minutes to kill a boss and you will even fail Alva. Last edited by silverdash#0964 on Jun 23, 2019, 12:32:33 PM
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"IT's not troll if nobody can explain it after days, guide does not explain it, wiki doesn't, etc. Hell I don't even know if it's a bug or not but at least someone should explain this. I provided you with evidence and my profile is public so please explain what I do wrong. Until then it's not troll and I can claim this IL to be required. EDIT:
if this turns out to be a bug (which kills my build completely) then I also have every right to claim that IL is required until the fix. This has nothing to do with the honor of the work behind it. But before we can establish this you already claim me to be a troll which is not exactly honorable isn't it?
If it turns out I was misinformed, then yes I was completely misinformed. But still not a troll since nobody so far can answer it. Last edited by silverdash#0964 on Jun 23, 2019, 12:43:51 PM
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And yet, people keep playing it, doing 4-5 sextant vaaled 130IIQ T16 without IL, while encountering the same "bug" sometimes too. How weird it is... *sigh*
Yes, you can't faceroll brainlessly the map sometimes and need to take a step back to get your stack up again, still, you can clear content without IL. It's just being dishonest and to be of bad faith, nothing more. There's 4 pages with the occurence of "bug" in this thread. With some explanation too. Maybe not the "answer", but still. Oh, have you filled a report or something, or just complaining? Asking for a friend. Last edited by Ae_Evo#5363 on Jun 23, 2019, 1:54:39 PM
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