Exile! Do you know what last month was? It was Einhar’s anniversary month. No, I am not married. It is not that sort of anniversary! It was just over a year ago that I, the mighty Einhar Frey, captured your stupid heart. I had planned a big celebration feast, but a rhex broke loose and ate my cookbook. Do not worry! I ate that rhex the very same night, so in a way, I ate my own cookbook! In a more concrete way, I ate book paste drenched in rhex goo. It was not good, because I did not have my cookbook available when I cooked my cookbook.
While wrestling the beast to the ground with my impressive brawn, I knocked over a crate that I scavenged. It was addressed to some gear manufacturer (or possibly destroyer), and contained very thin, soft armour and books with many beautiful pictures. These are not the objects of a survivor, so I do not need them. In fact, I don’t really remember scavenging them, but Einhar does not remember many things, such as where I live! Do you want these glossy books and flimsy vests? You look like you need them. I also have many very beautiful armours which do not make you any better at living or killing. Survivors have no need for such things, and they are taking up valuable rhex corpse space. Oh, Exile! I have just thought of a most wondrous idea! Show Einhar what he means to you. You do not need to impress me, for you are already my best friend, but please try anyway. Show me your talents! Paint a heroic picture, or write a mighty poem, or eat a very large haunch in impressively few bites, just like Einhar. I do not like to take my mask off for very long, because my face gets cold. Impress me however you want, and you may receive these useless artifacts. Whatever you do must include me somehow. The best three, as judged by Einhar -- that is me! -- will get an opportunity to design the name and appearance of a Rogue Exile. Perhaps they too will be Einhar’s best friend! The three most worthy will also get some dusty crate junk from the gear factory (or dump). The next best seven only get these disappointingly un-soaked-in-beast-blood objects, as well as an artist’s rendition of me, looking handsome (though you cannot see it behind the mask). Runner ups (runners up? (people who run up? (is that not flying? (I guess just birds)))) also get 250 “points”. I do not know why you need so many arrowheads. I am looking for submissions which display the most skill, entertain or compel, and most importantly, make Einhar look as fierce and stylish as he naturally is. You have until Monday the 29th of April at 5pm NZT, which stands for Nice Zana Time, which is all the time! Poor Zana… I think maybe she is going mad. She gave me a painted rock and told me it was a map. Rocks are not maps! I still have her rock. It is not one of the prizes. Here are some other things Einhar has been told to say. Ahem:
If you want to enter then you must post your entry in this thread. I do not know what any of that means. How do you put something into thread? There is no room! It is just hair! Now go. The First Ones are watching you. Do not disappoint them! |
Just in case Einhar's mad ramblings have you confused, here's what we discussed with him about this competition!
In the year since we introduced Einhar, he has captured the hearts of Exiles across Wraeclast. In his honour, we are launching an Einhar-Themed Talent Competition where you can submit any Einhar-themed content to compete for microtransactions, T-shirts, Art Books and more! If you love Einhar and you know it, now is the time to show it. This talent competition is all inclusive! We welcome all submissions - anything fan art, videos, music, fan fiction, cosplay, baking, crafts, gifs, screenshots, comics, interpretive dance or anything else you can think of! Anything you can create that's Einhar-themed is welcome. PrizesTop Three Winners
4th - 10th Place
Runner Ups
The number of runner up prizes awarded will depend on how many entries to the competition there are. How to Enter Just post your entry to this thread to be entered into the competition. It's ideal if your content is easy to consume. A general guide for this is that your submission should take no longer than two minutes to read, listen to or view. It's permitted to post content that is longer than this but in some cases it may put your submission at a disadvantage if it's significantly difficult to engage with your content. The winning submissions will be selected based on the following criteria:
Best of luck to everyone who is participating in this competition! We have always loved seeing the Path of Exile-related content that you create and once again are eager to see what you'll come up with. |
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You're the real prize, Natalia.
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You are captured, stupid artist!
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Someone else read this with Einhar voice?
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edit : gimmie dat chaos t plz in chris we trust <3 Last edited by Gojiras#7459 on Apr 4, 2019, 7:35:15 PM
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I'm about to cook the most baller ass food for y'all.
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" Yes! I read everything in Einhar's voice. |
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the dude himself wtf in chris we trust <3
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Haha, awesome
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