Synthesis Week 2: What we're working on

dachoppa wrote:
i will wait until next league and hopefully by then you will have fixed enough to get me interested again.

i wonder what your 1k hours playtesters even do before leagues. or do things get completed so late that their suggestions and bug reports cannot be considered in time? why do you regularly write about "simulations" that were done to see if rng things are balanced and yet there are so many issues with synthesis loot that such a simulation should have showcased.

it also takes ggg way too long to acknowledge problems. remember the low spawn rate of abyssal depths? took them two months to admit that there was an issue because a zone could only have one sub-area. until then you were hammered by whiteknights and called a conspiracy theorist if you brought that up. then chris made fun on baeclast about "nets are eating my currency". yea so funny. what else caused alch orbs to be called "exalted orbs of alchemy" because these things were so rare other than nets or a deliberate change in drop rates? conspiracy, of course! this league: map drop rates were busted. conspiracy theory! oh, wait, they were indeed increased. joke's on you, chris!

but yes, "hurr, free game!". i don't want a free burger that gives me diarrhea, no thanks. but next league will again be such an ambitious mess of a league mechanic instead of something simple that actually works and is fun, i'm sure.

alpha testers had 1 day to play league
It's all just too much at this point. Off to find a simpler ARPG. Best of luck to you all.
Better late than never on the release option for Betrayal. I did voice my concern about not having it with multiple encounters being possible in a single zone. When I learned about incomplete encounters messing up further encounters in a given zone I felt vindicated. Now I am just glad it is finally happening, thank you.
Would have been nice to have these changes last league. Typical though. Glad I quit supporting this company when I did.
Thanks GGG!
“He who fights for nothing, dies for nothing”
Thanks GGG!
“He who fights for nothing, dies for nothing”
So no fix for Nexus whatsoever, still trash reward trash modifier , trash mechanic, buggy as hell decay, punishing more than rewarding.

Only more nerf to Betrayal which already took ages to unlock recipes if we don't resort into the quarry spam. Guess ggg really doesn't want us to craft at all.
Took way too many number to unveil to lv3, yet all ggg did is keep nerfing it so no-one can craft.

We have to trust those craft sellers to craft our stuffs after the patch, and if we get scammed, ggg ofc would do nothing about it.
Thank you GGG!
Imaginaerum wrote:
i really like how most of these synthesis league updates are betrayal updates

You are correct. This league does suck lmao.
how about fixing the alva bug where you cant access an incursion sometimes if you die in the first one? happened to me twice already this league. I mean if we're not going to fix synthesis issues...may as well fix broken things from other leagues.

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