Synthesis Week 2: What we're working on
" I don't know who you're talking to (I'm assuming it wasn't me because this has nothing to do with what I said), but the "release" function won't let you skip encounters, all it will do is let you end an encounter without making a choice so that you don't mess up the other encounters in a map if both choices are bad. |
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Please don't nerf Syndicate farming unless you buff crafting unlocks at the same time. Add more veiled item drops or un-nerf unlock XP or preferrably both.
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+1 to just dump the garbage Betrayal altogether. It sucks. It isn't fun, it adds unwanted complexity.
Delve was fun on the other hand, and it is more gated than ever. |
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"Areas prior to Maps will only spawn a single Betrayal encounter"
Thats a bad thing pls dont do it - I farm them to get some cash from scarabs or breachstones when I dont have any cash- without it - no cash anymore....just instead set a instance limit to 3 and every 4th will be deleted(can be 3 opened at a time)...I will be poor as hell if you guys do it...No cash = no items... Or rework it - 40% chance for june on maps also will be nice if syndicate can appear with other masters...Unveiling process if you do it will be a horror...Same as 6 sockets and 6 links are NOW!!! TOO deep to get them...I reach this depth after 1,5 month of league... Also this league maps drops are fatal...I dont have any red maps - less than 10... Brand X Music,Revolt Production Music,Really Slow Motion,Colossal Trailer Music,Immediate Music,Volta Music,Position Music,posthaste Music,C21FX,Twin Scoring Studio,EpicMusicVN,Imagine Music,Epic Score,Cavendish Music,Gargantuan Music,Atom Music Audio,Audiomachine No Pain No Gain!!! Last edited by PromaG#2070 on Mar 20, 2019, 11:10:36 PM
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" Translation: "We're nerfing Syndicates into the ground. Expect to never get those 3-star members ever again!" I mean, it's hard enough already when "execute" is only guaranteed for the first member of an encounter, and only when 3 members show up. (and NEVER for one-member encounters, which happen WAY too often even when the division has 3-4 members that also all trust each other) Making the intelligence-gain hyper-speed just makes it nigh-impossible to have ANY control over what you get before it's over and shuffled once more. But... that's your whole point to begin with, isn't it? Grinding Gear Games saw players daring ignore their shiny NEW Synthesis mechanic, because the Syndicate allowed players some form of meaningful choice in affecting their outcome and rewards (something Incursion failed miserably at) and GGG got offended, so they're now going to remove said choice. I mean we get it, Grinding Gear Games wants its players to do nothing but mind-numbing map grind, and never have a realistic option for "alternative gameplay." But, if you guys were actually interested in making the content balanced, you'd also rely on some "carrots" and not just nerfing choices. This would involve some important fixes to REAL issues:
Now, if Betrayal didn't have those four huge issues, we might actually LIKE dealing with them in maps. Instead... It's just annoying. And as we can see here, the natural reaction from GGG is to NOT fix actual problems, but punish players for figuring out a way to make the content less painful to deal with. No wonder the game's losing players. Rufalius, hybrid Aura/Arc/Mana Guardian | Hemorae, TS Raider | Wuru, Ele Hit Wand Trickster
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When any syndicate division safehouse is 100% then this division don't spawn anymore on maps/story areas until this 100% drop to 90% if not completed after 3 June's appears... Brand X Music,Revolt Production Music,Really Slow Motion,Colossal Trailer Music,Immediate Music,Volta Music,Position Music,posthaste Music,C21FX,Twin Scoring Studio,EpicMusicVN,Imagine Music,Epic Score,Cavendish Music,Gargantuan Music,Atom Music Audio,Audiomachine
No Pain No Gain!!! |
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So, we all know the Westerrn world is one big fashist regime and it's no suprise it's starting to spill out here as well by only rewarding the top 1% of the playerbase, Synthesis has become a meme league unfortunately. And crafting fractured items requires a degree in Applied Mathematics. Here's an idea for the next league: Path of Exile: Equality.
“Close your eyes and let the mind expand. Let no fear of death or darkness arrest its course. Allow the mind to merge with Mind. Let it flow out upon the great curve of consciousness. Let it soar on the wings of the great bird of duration, up to the very Circle of Eternity.”
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" Fixed |
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I already quit this league sadly. Only other league I quit so early in was Beastiary.
I logged in after daily reset yesterday just to give it one more shot, and then laughed, ranted and logged out after seeing that somehow the master dailies on my atlas somehow managed to only go on maps I did not have, I mean, somehow the daily system jumped around the atlas perfectly, to assure I could not run any of them, not one, I ranted for about 10 minutes, and I just logged out. I think its hilarious that GGG can come up with something that people love and then when people show their love for it, they nerf it into the ground, like Delve. Some people LOVE delving, so naturally they loved Delve league, and tolerated Betrayal because of Sulphite scarabs. So now you dont always get syndicate encounters (not like I truly wanted them anyways because of the lag/death), and when you do, they give nerfed rewards. So people farmed act areas as a work around, "NO" says GGG, nerfed, gone, see ya. But I logged in yesterday and just to get a kick, I asked chat to link 1 "decent" (not crazy OP broken) fractured/synthesized item, and was met with "go on Reddit" and not 1 single "decent" (or ANY fractured/synth item in fact) was linked in chat. Thats great that you know, a handful of people got a decent item, but its stupid when no one in a global can't post one thing that is even considerably decent. The chat did however quickly become divided, with the majority of people saying how bad the league was, a chunk saying you can just skip all Synthesis content, and a very small number of people actually defending it, and I asked the people defending it to link 1 decent item, and they simply were like "LOL, I understand the mechanic and its great, I just have not done any Synthesis stuff yet, you just hate it because you don't understand it". Those people defending it are in for a rude awakening lmao. As for skipping the Synthesis content, yea, I play challenge league for the challenge rewards and to play with the new mechanic, if I was going to "skip the content", why would I just not go to Standard? Sorry for writing a book, but this is my last rant since I will not open PoE until next league. My only hope is that after this league, instead of making Synthesis go core, they get rid of it and the only time you ever hear about it is as a meme from an NPC or something (like Krillson). /end rant, see you guys in 2 months and 2 weeks. Last edited by AcidRizzle#0594 on Mar 21, 2019, 1:51:49 PM
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when fossil tab pliz ggg
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