"Cannot connect to instance. That subarea no longer exists." after elder fight

So I was doing elder and we both kinda died at the same time. After trying to return for loot i get "Cannot connect to instance. That subarea no longer exists." message

Last bumped on Jan 19, 2021, 6:53:17 PM
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Exact same thing happened to me in Eradicator fight today. Instance seemed laggy from the beginning. On last portal I got middlefinger. Half a level gone. GG...

same here.....

Whats happening to the loot and stuff? :X
Last edited by elp_ on Mar 21, 2019, 10:28:41 AM
Same thing...No response from GGG on this?

Same thing. Don't know if Eradicator died. He still shows active on Atlas. Third time i tried to join the elder instance, i got the "subarea does not exist." Message. I see the bug exists for some months now.
I believe the issue comes from the fact that the main map's portal was the last one. So getting in the map, the game "knows" that there is no more portals to use in map device. But this creates a bug that don't let the player use the elder portal in the map. The game does not recognize any more open areas.
Same error on last portal... had him down to last phase and was confident I will take him down on the last try but then I don't even get the chance... He held the last memory fragment for the quest as well, which just makes it even more frustrating.. all my progress gone.

Why does this bug exist for like 2 weeks or even longer and did not get fixed yet?!
Last edited by sham_pain on Mar 25, 2019, 9:13:45 PM

This is a known issue and we're working hard on a fix. Sorry for all the frustrations it's caused.
Appreciate the update and hopefully it can be fixed soon!
I was overreacting a little bit though, because I totally forgot that The Elder won't disappear if you don't kill him and you can just run the map again.. cheers
Happened to me tonight, too.

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