Stress Free PoE| SLOW MO ZOMBIES |ANY Items Work|Easy/Relaxing Play|Easily Clears the Atlas [3.6]
" I imagine at some point you will want more Life and you may have to look hard at your rings and amulet (for example, you probably do not get a whole lot of benefit from the Life Leach on the Amulet). You have Minion Damage doubled up on your Helm - you only get the benefit of one of them and so the socketed gem could be replaced with Maim say (need to re-colour of course). You have an Enfeeble linked to Blasphemy and another one linked to Curse on Hit. They will not double up. Unless you have some sort of strategy in play regarding this, Desecrate could replace one of the Enfeebles. I think that your Belt could be upgraded, probably by a lot. A rare Stygian Vise (or Life Belt or Strength Belt) with good stats could easily provide more benefit. A Belt with Life and Resists will make swapping out your other Jewellery less of a chore. If you do not have a specific reason for the Sorrow of the Divine flask, I would consider getting something else. Zealot's Oath usually has a very specific purpose. The build is pretty robust and you may be doing just fine at the moment, but as you move on to tougher content, I expect you will want to consider getting more Life in general. As for Desecrate versus Convocation, I expect it is a matter of which one you would find the most handy. Personally, I would go with Convocation (because I use it in combat - I mostly use Desecrate in my Hideout to create Zombies and you could equip an alternate weapon set and put Desecrate on that). Good luck with your endeavours. Formerly posted under AnExile_onthePath
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thankyou very much for your help.
its very much apreciated. |
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" You are welcome. I forgot to add that you probably should wait to hear from WOD before making any big changes. I'm a fan of that Blood of the Karui flask for this build by the way. If you do not have something else already in mind, and it's not a "financial" burden, I suggest a second one as a possibility to replace the Sorrow of the Divine (if you intend to replace it, that is). You may also want to get a Flask with "of staunching", for the Lab if nothing else (I find that a Quicksilver Flask of Staunching is quite useful in the Lab - I usually take two for the Eternal Lab). Formerly posted under AnExile_onthePath
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been playing this build a while and I am enjoying it, however, I was curious about something. If I prefer a more stay behind the army of undead approach would a ranged lighting spell work in place of charged dance to trigger its linked benefits as effectively? Or does it have to be a melee strike for holy relic to trigger?
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" Funny you should mention a preference for the exalted position of Hindmost (in the Ringworld sense). I use Tectonic Slam to trigger the buffs and debuffs, and a separate movement skill (Flame Dash for me). I make up the extra socket by equipping an Unset Ring. Fortify requires a Melee Attack. Holy Relic requires an Attack. I tried out Ball Lightning (for me it evoked an image of firing the big pulse canon on Hoth) and Arc. They were both fun to use and interesting visually - but did not trigger Fortify or Holy Relic. When I switched back to Tectonic Slam (Attack and Melee), the Witch felt noticeably less vulnerable with Fortify and Holy Relic up. The Lightning spells were fun, but I prefer less RIPpy. Edit: So if "Attack" is not in the skill's description, it will not trigger Holy Relic. Formerly posted under AnExile_onthePath Last edited by walkjohn55#8649 on May 3, 2019, 8:33:42 PM
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" Nice to see you! I appreciate the compliment and I'm glad you're liking the build! Great response by walkjohn55 as always. I'm not sure if you've changed anything since your post but I'll comment on what I see now. Tree: I like your tree! You've done some picking and choosing on your own which is fun and have kept a decent balance. I noticed you left out Elemental Equilibrium? Was that by accident or was it for a specific purpose? It's a huge damage increase for your minions once applied. Gems: I love the 20/20 gems. Feels good right? Good job! I see you have a second offering equipped. Is that just leveling while you wait for Enhance or do you self cast it? Keep in mind that you can only have one offering active at a time. As mentioned, you did double up on your Minion Damage gem in your helm, but that may have been on purpose has your gem is better. If you cared, you'd still probably have more DPS per Skeleton if you stuck with the Level 18 mod and added Maim (again, as already suggested). Gear: Good job getting your rares with decent health and resists. You have lots of uniques but even a few of those have health on them too. Good stuff. There really isn't much point in changing anything if you're killing T15 maps no problem, but keep the following in mind if you're finding the high tier stuff stressful (if you already know it, super. If you don't, now you do): - Increased Damage (rings, flasks,etc.) only applies to YOU, not your minions. - The same goes for Leeching life and mana as well. It only applies to the damage that YOU deal. - You belt gives great health but weak resists. So if you're looking to improve a piece of gear later and can't figure out how to keep all your resists maxed, you could ditch the current belt and easily get tons of resist leeway for swapping gear. Things look really good! Thanks again for posting! You are definitely on the right track. Things look fantastic. I hope it feels that way too. Regarding Convocation, it awesome if you use it well. I find it really hard to run both Convocation and Skeletons at the same time. For me it's either one or the other. I found summoning damage (Skeletons) to be much more forgiving than recalling (and possibly screwing up) my only damage (zombies). But the best answer is to really just try it for yourself. See how it feels. Things look good on paper all the time, but adding them to gameplay is always a different story. Thanks again and great job! Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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"Hey Defkahn, Great post and question! And good response to it as well! I'm glad you're liking the build. Thanks for the comment :). If you want to just throw "Skeleton baseballs" (wish I came up with that) you'd have to use a Melee Attack for ALL the builds concepts to work. Fortify needs Melee while Holy Relic doesn't need the Melee, just the Attack. So you'll need a good ranged Melee Attack to do the trick. I suggest Sunder. Just keep in mind our Accuracy sucks. So you'll sometimes need more than one attempt to proc all the concepts of the build. Does that help or create another question? Good question.:) Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast Last edited by Wrecker_of_Days#7691 on May 4, 2019, 8:59:52 PM
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"Hey TheEternalWolf, (This is the 3.6 thread. I'll make a new one for 3.7 as well.) I'm glad you're liking the build! PoE is one of those games we can get so caught up in theory crafting that we can forget to enjoy our builds as well. So I'm really glad you're enjoying it. Attributes can be made up with the +30 Dex nodes on the tree until you get an amulet that gives tons of Dexterity. Once you find an amulet with all the Dex you need, then you can use an Orb of Regret on the +30 nodes and put them elsewhere. I hope that helps. Thank you for the compliment as well :-). Let me know if you have any other questions. Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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Hi, thanks for the guide.
I can’t find what to do with bandits, can someone tells me please ? |
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" I killed all of them, 2 passive points is hard to pass up :) |
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