3.16: 2 years of crusade ends here folks and friends! We have the guild hideouts!

Hi guys. I think guilds lack a big concept that can only be done in PoE.That is guild hideouts. I think guilds are just favourite friend lists and nothing else in their current state. Guild members should have a common area that they can hangout with their friends in guild instead of sitting their hideouts alone. These hideouts can be used to party with your guild members and should allow you to go into maps,temples,masterminds etc.

I think this feature can bring life to guilds.

Things i would like to see in guild hideouts:
-allow to invite every npc
-allow crafting bench and map device
-can be decorated just like regular hideouts
- 1 free hideout in acts, 2 in maps , maybe 1 guild hideout for sale on shop as part of the cheapest core supporter pack
- chat command for guild hideout : /guild_hideout or /guildhideout
- should be accessible from waypoint.insert guild hideout button here:

- use areas at least as big as epilogue and possibly open, one piece areas.
-if there could be a one guild ho and anyone can visit this one it would be the ultimate change.

- there should be a possibility to get multiple map devices so we could run several parties in the same hideout. -Synopsis
- i can imagine players being able to spend master favour to the guild so it can be decorated. -vio
- and let guild leaders give decoration permissions to individual guild members at will (as well as rescind them) -demon9675
- "RIP - in remembrance" memorial for recently deceased guild members (even in SC, that can actually be a source of funny interactions)
- Yard of fame - ten named totem poles of guild members with most challenges completed (~sooner to be in case of 40/40) both from : aldorus
- Add mini pvp arena in guild hideout. -webas
-There can be some kind of Guild Atlas where the guild needs to complete some hard maps (made to be playable only in guild party). Also a boss would be nice too. -CapetaDoMal
-You could have the guild-hideout as your standard login-point (who wants to always be thrown into a map just to teleport to the hideout anyway?)

-A room for quick inventory share. Ever happened you ran together in a party of your guild.. and you're supposed to get 3 inventories full of maps while you should turn over the overflow of divination cards in your inventory? Well, have an option for both parties to accept and swoosh... player A inventory is now player B and vice verse. Safes time, feels good man.

-Instead of people decorating the guild-hall, give the ability to donate favor. That makes the whole system easier as the person in charge of decoration can then simply piece together everything just as needed.

-The guild-hall should be set up in several 'rooms' rather then one large piece. Maybe as a center-part, though everything major should be separately loaded to ease the burden on the servers.

-No usage of skills in the guild-hideout besides permanent summoning and auras. Otherwise we'll have crash after crash only. -Kulze
-Also please add a guild notice board where people can post small messages that everyone who clicks on the board can see.-Sotilis

General guild&guild ho suggestions:-

Fruz wrote:
Nice ideas.

But as a SSF player, I would also like to have a reason to go to my guild hideout if that was a thing, only ... I need to use my own map device, so either there would be a map device were portals aren't shared, or some other system.

Therfore, if guild hideouts were to be implemented, an option to spawn directly in it would be amazing.
It would require a certain number of active members that GGG can test somehow though ( if Mtx advertising is the reason why we are always being spawned in towns first, then having several active members also would act as a way to display people's Mtx and I guess that could be acceptable regarding this ? idk, I'm not quite sure ).

Also, are we speaking of one guild hideout per league ?
I would rather have a guild hideout shared among all league, with the name of the league written on top of the guild stash or inside the stash panel after opening it.

I like the idea of a hall of fame, but it might be more simple for people to just create one single snapshot of only one of their character, that they can update whenever they want, this way, you could create a statue of a HC char, and even after you rip, as long as you don't "update the snapshot", the statue of the HC char ( with a plate on it ideally ) would remain :).

etkratos wrote:
Make us put notes on guildmates as we can with friends, and let us sort the list based on the league ppl are playing. These, and even more options and qol feature in the management of the social aspect of poe are things long time due.

Stash tabs could be improved too with more granular options for access and restriction privileges, and ofc a stash log.

Kulze wrote:

-Internal leaderboard, who went fastest on HC? Who has the highest level? How fast did a 100% clear happen at each area and sub-type of it? Who has the highest stat in anything? Just stuff to have something to yearn towards which isn't a global list, makes it seem more achievable.

-Internal message-board, the ability to send in-game messages while the other person isn't online! Awesome concept, never seen before!

For something like that to be properly usable GGG should first and foremost re-work the whole mess of a guild-system... or the insult thereof rather.
We need ranks first, guild-activities and in general proper guild-related mechanics, maybe for more then 6 players working together in separate instances to achieve 1 single goal.

BlowITA wrote:
Do any of the dev team members read/watch fantasy stories with adventurer guilds in it? [...] Or borrowing any other ideas from those fantasy stories (like a guild hall, guild missions, guild wars, guild blacksmith workshop)?
I'd also love to meet my guild mates at the guild hall, join a party with them to run a long map chain built by the guild master as a mission (maps dropped are allocated back to the guild to be used in new missions), fighting other guilds in a big map (Battle Royale!) both solo or in team (could take maps from the guild as an entrance fee), and dump my veiled items on the guild blacksmith to make crafts available to everyone there (could require maps as an additional fee to use).

Khalixxa wrote:
Improvements to guilds are a great idea. Guilds have been around for a while without making the kind of impact on the game that they could. I particularly love "guild goals"; even the simplest ones can motivate people.

Generally speaking, I think players have a positive opinion of guilds in games. I don't think POE is any exception, and though it may be a big investment of resources to implement, every incremental step would pull the game in a good direction and solve a lot more secondary problems than we realize.

On a side note, guilds might be a solution to the trade dilemma. GGG wants players to interact through trades, which can be at odds with their interests in getting trades done as quickly as possible. Perhaps "guild trade houses" would provide a middle ground: keeping players bartering with each other while also creating a browse-able trade interface in game. This draws inspiration from RL where people often "make markets" as a team. Guild members could manage pending offers and messages left in the "mailbox" for items in their stock.

SilentSymphony wrote:
Guild PVP arena, Guild Noticeboard(though guild comments already fulfill this function)

Not allowing skills would be a mistake unless it were configurable and would be complicated to have alongside a pvp arena in the same zone.

Its a guild hall after all so you should expect your guildmates to show respect and not intentionally lag you to death :)

Please do keep brainstorming the more ideas we all come up with the better!

In interest of this you may find this thread to have a few interesting ideas:

wilcovie wrote:
Guild stash tab for uniques collection

benjaminbona wrote:
Option to make your "hideout" the Guild Hideout

So when you go to your hideout, it takes you to your "Guild Hideout"

Allow multiple map devices to have multiple maps being ran from the same hideout

Allow Guild Leader to appoint/select members that can edit/decorate the guild hideout

Allow for multiple stashes and guild stashes in the guild hideout. Of course allow Ctrl+Click items into the guild stash and out.

Allow for more than 6 people in the hideout instance so players can trade freely

Only Guild members can use the crafting benches/map device/etc

New alert system for guild members appearing online, leveling up, going aFK, and even deaths

(Player) has Died in (Map Name) to (Monster)
(Player) has reached level (lvl) after (X amount of /played)
(Player) has logged in after being offline for (X amount of hours)
(Player) has gone Afk/ Afk Message

Essentially making it a mapping "hub" where you can setup all the npc's, multiple map devices, and have multiple people be running maps and coming back into the same hideout instance.

LSN wrote:
Actually this is my suggestion from over half a decade ago.

I am glad it is being picked up again and added with some nice ideas.

Still I would add some more funky stuff like defend the guild hideout once per week against attack in a group fight of at least 4 people playing, call that raid, allow guilds only to keep their hideout with max functionality if they do that encounter once per week, and so on (as described in the original suggestion of me). Add more and more different kind of encounters like that over the time.

This is even more up to date now where group play isn't a thing at all anymore. Group play could be supported via implementations like that.

And: PvP hideout battles.
One possible iteration of PvP hideout battles:

Guild hideouts should not become the same 100% safe space as individual hideouts and towns are right now imo.

They should instead add dynamics of surprise and insecurity to the gameplay. These can be fed with as well PvE and PvP content.
PvE content would be random monster attacks while people chill in the hideout of different calibre from easy to very hard. A raid that has to be done once per week as described above. Etc.

PvP content could be:
+ Stranger group of players could invade another hideout and declare war on it.
Hideout owners could not only add decorative assets but assets that help to hinder as well PvE and PvP invasions into the hideout. Of course strict rules need to be applied to how PvP invasions work, probably be disabled in hardcore.
+Guild hideouts have own PvP zones that can be designed by hideout owners and administrators.
+PvP king of the guild will be shown on podest statue. PvP in guild hideout would allow to invite players who are not in the guild, which can become PvP king too.
+Tournement mode will be added for PvP in guild hideouts.
+PvP zone could be added up with modifiers to the gameplay that apply to both players.
+PvP debuff effects could be picked by players like pick heros in moba games where each player can ban a few effects and then each player can pick 2 effects (4 total, ABBA) that apply to both combatants. They must be crafted with orbs before the hideout owners can supply them to the drafting system. These crafts could be implemented in a way so that there are some basic debuffs for pvp that every hideout can easily achieve but as well some very individual and not possible to dublicate modifier-combinations based on mix of RNG and value of orb input.

That (or similar, I just rewrote, not copied from past) was in the original suggestion of guild hideouts & hideouts.

But yeah, just get it started with simple funcitonality.

I suggested:
- hideouts (implemented)
- guild hideouts (not implemented)
- seperate skill trees for better distinguishing of classes (implemented, became ascendency)
- hideouts being connected to real world acts (implemented)
- monster capture and show off in hideout (implemented, kinda, became beast)
- more moderate map mods with stronger base map difficulty (implemented, -25 max resist became -10, -12, etc.)

And a few more I can't remember. Just you know who to give the credits for (for original idea of course, not the great implementation of GGG), if you look at this.

I support this, I just want to emphasize that it is basically one of the many original suggestions of me. I don't feel like given any credits for how many major suggestions of me have been implemented into the game by today. ;-)

Probably this could become an own season with only this being the new content. Not even new rewards would be needed in terms of itemization. It is rewarding enough to finally have group things to do that do not penalize single players who don't join a guild but add only excitement and team spirit instead of another layer of item or crafting mods (the latter 2 would penalize solo players, which it should not).

I could work out the very details if I was paid for it.

Andrius319 wrote:

I have posted smth on this not very long ago mainly emphasizing on ho/guild_ho raiding aspect, where that raidable sizeable zone can be crafted like ho and filled with mobs and possibly lab traps. In that area end there would be mediocore loot and large loot if defended by players as well. That loot and defense points would increase by number of fallen invaders, falling invaders would grand currancy rewards to guild as well.

Death on raiding maybe should not reduce exp, but should give cooldown for the next attack of the same place.

It could be some other implemented vision if it works better. Anything would be better than what we have now at this point.

SilentSymphony wrote:
Here's some thoughts i've had plus comments of others here makes me think if they do any major upgrades to guilds they should make a league out of it.. Literally make a 3 month league out of it.

Make the challenges all based around guilds but make it so that any solo player in an empty guild can do the challenges just the same as usual but if you do happen to be in a guild with others make sure that you can make progress together.

Keep in mind this is all just my thoughts and meant to be changed and or built upon.


Guild/Group Content

I'd also like to see in such a big guild update actual group content that requires a party to complete and some that does not since sometimes everyone cant be online, This content could vary from Favor missions to buy more decorations for your guild hideout or level up your guild master npc to upgrade the size of your guilds hideout and perhaps other things not listed here.

Having some solo content or less than full party content to do as well would be greatly appreciated for players in smaller guilds or solo players who also want to opt into some of this content if their builds are not up to the task of taking on a fight intended for a full party.

Some examples of guild/group content:

Timed Maps GROUP & SOLO+
This ones pretty simple.. Get through the map as fast as you can for the speed freaks out there to chase after, Seeing maps like extended Ledges and other very linear progressions would be cool to see in this

Tournament Styled Maps GROUP ONLY
The maps would have branches for each player to clear in a tournament ladder styled map where as the players progress they meet up and fight progressively stronger bosses and enemy's until they are finally all at the final room together to fight the final boss for loot and glory.

Raid Bosses GROUP ONLY
Large arena raid boss style fights where you require some basic strategy like keeping x monster away from y monster or it'l blow up and kill everyone in one shot and other things like actually needing a tank to take the hits from the main boss and control the directions they are facing so the fire breathing scrotum you're fighting doesn't one shot everyone in its cone.

Survival GROUP & SOLO+
Maps where you face waves that increase in strength over time and requires a well balanced party to be able to take it on borrowing from blight somewhat making it so that like towers no single damage type can dominate this game mode as monsters can be very resistant or immune to various damage types.

Guild Leaderboard & Notice Board

Additionally the idea of a guild leader/notice board seems quite popular if group content for guilds is to exist i think there should be a section on the leaderboard for what guild holds the highest score for each type of guild content showing the top 50?100? guilds and their scores.

Leaderboard and Rewards

So when i say rewards im talking a Trophy decoration that can be put in a guilds hideout if they have achieved a certain leader board ranking and maintain it, There should be different tiers so that even if people can not get to #1 they are still encouraged to push higher and try harder.

You could also give out temporary rank dependent mtx for characters in a guild who have achieved a high enough rank for long enough.


Guild Notice Board Functions

Primary Guild page
This should show general information on the guild, how many members and the overall rank of your guild, when the last member was invited, how long the guild has been established and maybe average leader board ranking or something like that.

Top Contributors
To start i think a guild notice board should have a page showing the top X amount of people who have contributed the most favor/guild points to the guild by completing guild objectives to encourage internal competition to raise everyone in the guild and the guild itself up.

Notice Board (notes)
It could also have a simple note area where members can post in something similar to a forum but much simpler ex: "note: need moonstone ring i86 baran influence" and allow officers or higher (configurable) to pin and close threads with a very simple delete/pin/unpin button somewhere, Simple reply system ex: "note: I put some rings in the base chest"

Event Planner/Calendar
Perhaps as well a simple Calendar/Event planner could be added where you can input some times for the group to gather and do content and people can + or - it on the days set to help coordinate group play, Maybe at best it would stretch ahead about the full length of one league, This could be very helpful to many groups especially those whom are international and from many different time zones.


Guild Hideout PVP Content?

So PVP/Hideouts/Guilds comes up a lot both in the thoughts of many here including myself as well as in this thread and i can never see real PVP returning to POE like it used to be due to the immense complexity of the game these days however i do see PVP via PVE standing a chance here in POE.

Dungeon Attack/Defense Player VS AI
One idea i had was being able to create a dungeon of sorts that has defenses and rogue exiles to defend it and only players attack so PVP is never really directly happening as they re fighting your monsters and defenses to clear the map, Having both solo and guild options would be really cool and maybe give guild more room to work with(that can be unlocked) You'd be able to equip these defenders with various equipment including crafted gear!

Dungeon Attack/Defense AI VS AI
Almost exactly the same as above but AI vs AI, One player is selected as the defender and their dungeon and all its defenses face up against either your units from your dungeon or a different set of hero units you unlock and equip much the same as the ones that defend your dungeon?
(I think AI VS AI is the best option here)

How do you make a dungeon?
It would be really cool if this could be in our hideouts but i don't think it should be, I think it should be generated something like a map does and players/guilds will unlock making a dungeon after their first dungeon quest is completed and then will choose a path as they hack and slash their way through an AI occupied dungeon to reclaim it and as they do they essentially carve out their dungeon layout but once the layout is set it will not be random, Then a player could place units to defend it..

What kind of defenses exactly?
Well.. Labyrinth traps and levers/etc but those would be costly on your defense budget to deter turning every dungeon into the most toxic uber lab you've ever done.. but outside of labyrinth defenses you could do some basic stuff like:

Monsters from all over the game and its leagues
Dangerous Wilflife(rabbits obviously.. Very dangerous ones)
Animated Weapons
Placeable(and equippable) animated guardians.
Rogue Exiles(equippable!)
Unique Bosses(let them equip at least 1 item pls!)

How do you get units and defenses in the first place?
Two thoughts come to mind here one is having the npc let you buy defenses with favor which seems a bit simple or another idea is to have a primary dungeon not owned by a player that you have to fight through and there you can obtain various units to use in your dungeons defense as well as things like those labyrinth traps.. Also if you were to make it so that if you wanted say a single blade trap for your dungeon you'd have to brave quite a few blade traps among other things in this dungeon to maybe get a chance at getting one and other OP things, or perhaps have the shop npc too on top of it for very basic monsters but have anything rare or high tier only come from farming the primary dungeon.

The primary dungeon
This should be comparable to what you might see or expect to see in a player dungeon but likely more randomly generated out of the various tilesets, monsters, exiles and items that are available to use in the setup of player made dungeons to come, Players would need a way to choose some level of challenge vs reward here

You'd have to add a matchmaking system with some kind of ranking so people can have some kind of progression in skill level.. and definitely some kind of sanity check to make sure the path to objectives is reachable ( perhaps including the use of movement skills )

May add more here later.

I think thats all comes to mind atm. I'll add more if anything good suggested under thread.
Let me know what you think about guild hideouts.
Would you like to see them in PoE or not?
Trust your mind and strengthen your abilities!
Last edited by MrsDeath_#3960 on Oct 14, 2021, 2:10:31 PM
Last bumped on Jan 21, 2023, 11:59:14 AM
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That would be so nice to get it, also there should be a possibility to get multiple map devices so we could run several parties in the same hideout.
📜My hideout thread :
Synopsis wrote:
That would be so nice to get it, also there should be a possibility to get multiple map devices so we could run several parties in the same hideout.

Thats a great idea. Guilds with large member numbers can benefit alot during first month of any temporary league.
Trust your mind and strengthen your abilities!
honestly, i'm amazed that ggg even added guilds to the game - given that there's no point of even having a guild, outside of the shared stash.

ie: why bother adding guilds to the game when they never bothered to add any content/qol/etc to warrant the existence of guilds.
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"Your forum signature was removed as it was considered to be inappropriate and a breach of our Code of Conduct." was quotes. from the forum. lolz!
i think guild hideouts are a great idea.

and i can imagine players being able to spend master favour to the guild so it can be decorated.
age and treachery will triumph over youth and skill!
vio wrote:
i think guild hideouts are a great idea.

and i can imagine players being able to spend master favour to the guild so it can be decorated.

i like the idea. i will add it to the list.
and there could be a list of players who have donated the most favour ^^
like a mini guild rank
Trust your mind and strengthen your abilities!
it would give players with less money the chance to provide something else to the guild instead.
age and treachery will triumph over youth and skill!
Why not.
thats a really good idea, i love it. I would love to have a guild Hideout.
Great idea, and let guild leaders give decoration permissions to individual guild members at will (as well as rescind them).

That way the person in the guild who wants to take over the decoration can do so, sparing the leader if they're uninterested. This will lead to more elaborate hideouts in the end, since the guild leaders can trust someone else to do it.
We're all in this leaky boat together, people.
Last edited by demon9675#2961 on Mar 7, 2019, 4:19:01 PM

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