This is why RNG is so bad for majority of players (especially casuals).

tolunart wrote:
Mikrotherion wrote:

I think the only way to fix this (to an extent) would be to introduce guaranteed drops... like every week of a league you'll get an exalt if none has dropped for you this week, and a t1 unique every 4 weeks or so. :shrug:

Fantastic idea! Creating a new account is free, so make 20 accounts and play each for 1/2 hour per week to make 80 exalts per month, guaranteed.

To paraphrase Shagsbeard, it's the journey that interests us, not the destination. Or "I know why men cheat on their supermodel girlfriends."

The reason why you want something, in this case virtual swag like a BIS weapon or lots of currency, is because it's rare. Things that are easy to get are boring. "Rare" items aren't rare and most "Unique" items aren't either. Players leave a path of destruction littered with corpses and shiny yellow items because they drop so often the items are worthless unless there are several desirable random mods on them.

Likewise, most uniques are desirable only because League players need new leveling gear every three months. After one year of playing off and on I had accumulated six or eight Tabula Rasa in my Standard stash. If players could migrate a level 1 Standard character to a new League with whatever gear it could wear there would be no demand for them whatsoever.

So, any attempt to guarantee each player gets chase items, or a minimum amount of money, or that every rare has the "good" stats, just devalues these things because you can't change human nature. We want what we can't have, and if you eat lobster and filet minon every night you'll grow bored with them very quickly and look for something new to chase after.

You're preaching to the choir here. I play SSF and don't complain about bad RNG. Obviously, my fix wasn't a fleshed out idea. You could tie it to a time played on the character. Say 30 min a day, makes 3.5 hours a week. If after that nothing dropped, let there be a drop.
One could go even further and apply this only once a char has completed the Acts.
However, it wouldn't really do anything much, since people playing more will get more, on average.
Bird lover of Wraeclast
Las estrellas te iluminan - Hoy te sirven de guía
Te sientes tan fuerte que piensas - que nadie te puede tocar
two situations:

1) you may have exalteds drop in 100 hours of playtime.

2) you got a exalted after you played 100 hours.

what's the advantage of the casual player in scenario 2 if he only plays 99 hours?

and how is a determined outcome where you just pump hours into the game contributing to the fun and not making playing the game feel like work?
age and treachery will triumph over youth and skill!
You have seven challenges completed. You play this game less than that Charan guy who spends 90% of his life on the forums. You found an exalt and a tabula within your 5 hours of playtime. That's pretty generous.
Mikrotherion wrote:

However, it wouldn't really do anything much, since people playing more will get more, on average.

Exactly. Those kinds of solutions don't address the reason for the complaints: "I see someone with a shiny that I don't have, therefore I want the shiny."

The problem isn't the shiny itself, it's the IDEA of the shiny, and that another person has it. Handing out more shinies doesn't make anyone happy, just bored until they find new shinies to covet. This is why there are new achievements, rewards and uniques in every League.

In some games, casual players can counter the advantages of dedicated players by purchasing buffs. Time is money, and if you don't want to spend one then you can spend the other. Pay for an increase in drop quantity/quality to get in an hour what other players get in six. Or buy gear and upgrades directly for cash. But since this game doesn't offer those options all a casual player can do is hope for a string of good luck, spend every spare moment playing the game, or accept that you won't be able to fully min/max your characters in the limited time you have to spend.
No... that's not ALL a casual player can do. A casual player can enjoy playing the game with the items he finds.
See the good side of bad,
and the downside up,
and everything between.
You have to remember to chase and catch your dreams, because if you don't, your imagination will live in empty spaces, and that's nowhere land.
Shagsbeard wrote:
No... that's not ALL a casual player can do. A casual player can enjoy playing the game with the items he finds.

I'd say that was implied by the last statement, accept you can't min/max your character and do 15 mil DPS, but fair enough. It's how I approach the game, working within my limitations and using what I can find, craft or afford to trade for.
Shagsbeard wrote:
Wanting is more fun than having.

It sounds crazy, but it's totally true; the hunt is always more entertaining than post-catch.

It doesn't sound crazy, only if you have no clue about biology and evolution you wouldn't comprehend such a simple fact.

Our body activates reward systems to make us get a specific goal. After you get the goal all of those systems shut down.

The people designing games know perfectly well how our dopamine regulation system works.

PoE is designed like a casino, it inflates dopamine release to a peak.


Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
RNG isn't bad, it's deliberately scarce to make you want it. What do you want in life? Usually what you do not have. The same goes for PoE. If the need for more or something goes away, you go away. They don't want that.
Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.
games are kinda designed around wanting you to play them. whodathunk

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