This is why RNG is so bad for majority of players (especially casuals).

Finally drops with < 2 weeks until Betrayal end:

Same for Exalt:

And full time players will just say "play more to get more" with their stash full like McScrooge Duck's vault:

GGG only looks at global PoE stats and sets drop rng based on extreme zoomed out view of PoE economy. Meanwhile, individual filthy casual players don't get squat and takes 2.5 months for Tabula and Exalt to drop. Way to treat us the non-full time players like dirt GGG! That will really entice me to buy an mtx or supporter pack... NOT!

And no, I don't want original Whimseyshire drop riches (falling like rain). That's going too far left of center. But PoE is way too far right of center (damn stingy) on rewards/time played ratio.
"You've got to grind, grind, grind at that grindstone..."
Necessity may be the mother of invention, but poor QoP in PoE is the father of frustration.

The perfect solution to fix Trade Chat:
Last edited by Arrowneous on Feb 23, 2019, 9:53:32 AM
Last bumped on Feb 23, 2019, 11:55:43 PM
The only reason I've been playing this game for five years is that the drops are, as you say, "stingy". You will find that wanting stuff is the only motivation you have for playing. Wanting is more fun than having. This game has trade if you want to have stuff, and it has SSF if you want to want stuff. The only complaints you get are from people who think that having will satisfy their want, but don't realize it's their want that keeps them interested in the game.
and if they increase currency drop rates, what will happen? yeah right the rich are still rich, but have higher numbers. Items will increase in "price"(pure numbers)-
congrats you have an inflation now :)
and if this is your first ex this league, you should have played more than the first 8 acts :/ sorry bud
I'm not sure what you mean... finally a rare Gemini claw drops or the Toxix Sewer map you've been missing?

If you really want a Tabula, I think farming the divination card is quite reliable.

But of course, fewer rounds on the slot machine mean, on average, fewer good results. So people who play more will always have more good stuff.
People who practice a skill longer tend to get better results as well.
I think the only way to fix this (to an extent) would be to introduce guaranteed drops... like every week of a league you'll get an exalt if none has dropped for you this week, and a t1 unique every 4 weeks or so. :shrug:
Bird lover of Wraeclast
Las estrellas te iluminan - Hoy te sirven de guía
Te sientes tan fuerte que piensas - que nadie te puede tocar
You have 7 achivements..... ingame playtime 5 hours? lul
[3.9]Hasunic's Toxic Rain Trickster:
[3.7]Voidforge Flicker Strike Slayer:
[3.7]Oni-Goroshi Fire Vaal Reave Zerker:
Mikrotherion wrote:
If you really want a Tabula, I think farming the divination card is quite reliable.

For real.

Even for a slow player, Tabula is like 3 hours to farm in blood aqueducts. And targeted farming of whatever league mechanic has, in recent leagues, been more than enough to profit effectively, if profit is your goal.

I won't deny that I got some crazy drop RNG, with multiple 10+ex watcher's eyes and an acuity all within my first 40ish major bosses of the league, but I also spent a single day farming harbour bridge and got 10ex from it in that day (under 8 hours) in about a deterministic a way as possible.

So in conclusion, who cares.
Last edited by codetaku on Feb 23, 2019, 10:11:21 AM
Shagsbeard wrote:
Wanting is more fun than having.

It sounds crazy, but it's totally true; the hunt is always more entertaining than post-catch.
Highest Character: Level 92 86% Block/Static Strike Champion - Abyss League
I get bored of the grind around 90, probably won't ever get a higher character.
Arrowneous wrote:
Finally drops with < 2 weeks until Betrayal end:

Same for Exalt:

And full time players will just say "play more to get more" with their stash full like McScrooge Duck's vault:

GGG only looks at global PoE stats and sets drop rng based on extreme zoomed out view of PoE economy. Meanwhile, individual filthy casual players don't get squat and takes 2.5 months for Tabula and Exalt to drop. Way to treat us the non-full time players like dirt GGG! That will really entice me to buy an mtx or supporter pack... NOT!

And no, I don't want original Whimseyshire drop riches (falling like rain). That's going too far left of center. But PoE is way too far right of center (damn stingy) on rewards/time played ratio.

I would probably consider playing standard, you dont seem to play enough for any league. However if you want to keep playing leagues with such little playtime, then yes, expect not to find much throughout the league.
Mikrotherion wrote:

I think the only way to fix this (to an extent) would be to introduce guaranteed drops... like every week of a league you'll get an exalt if none has dropped for you this week, and a t1 unique every 4 weeks or so. :shrug:

Fantastic idea! Creating a new account is free, so make 20 accounts and play each for 1/2 hour per week to make 80 exalts per month, guaranteed.

To paraphrase Shagsbeard, it's the journey that interests us, not the destination. Or "I know why men cheat on their supermodel girlfriends."

The reason why you want something, in this case virtual swag like a BIS weapon or lots of currency, is because it's rare. Things that are easy to get are boring. "Rare" items aren't rare and most "Unique" items aren't either. Players leave a path of destruction littered with corpses and shiny yellow items because they drop so often the items are worthless unless there are several desirable random mods on them.

Likewise, most uniques are desirable only because League players need new leveling gear every three months. After one year of playing off and on I had accumulated six or eight Tabula Rasa in my Standard stash. If players could migrate a level 1 Standard character to a new League with whatever gear it could wear there would be no demand for them whatsoever.

So, any attempt to guarantee each player gets chase items, or a minimum amount of money, or that every rare has the "good" stats, just devalues these things because you can't change human nature. We want what we can't have, and if you eat lobster and filet minon every night you'll grow bored with them very quickly and look for something new to chase after.
Arrowneous wrote:

I love uncle scrooge! You just have to imagine, Arrow, that you are uncle scrooge and that vault is not filled with gold coins but with chaos orbs.

Look on the positive side; you found an exalted orb. That is 140 chaos orbs that you can shove in your vault!

Do you sell all your rares and trade your alts for chaos, just like uncle scrooge?

Do you maintain a shop which generates a steady supply of chaos, just like uncle scrooge?

Heart of Purity

Awarded 'Silverblade' to Talent Competition Winner 2020.
POE turned into a ratrace for the most div/hour.

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