Betrayal as a Core Game Mechanic

here we see it again they dont want to buff they dont even want to balance hell i dont even think they know how to do that properly!
last time the buffs were SOOOO irrelevant its just boarderline impossible to believe this game didnt get bankrupt years ago due to their incompetence. well guess there are enough hardcore fanboys to keep it running. yet.

and before someone pops in and asks what we want more of a free game
mtx DOESNT make a game good its the mechanics and balance of those
Continued to incrementally improve the sound, art, effects and environments.
Posted by Bex_GGG on Dec 5, 2018, 12:35:38 AM
we know where the priorities are...and we know what you mean by "effects"
I would have been cool with the way it was before. So I could opt out of Betrayal by not doing a laboratory. Now there's a 40% chance to encounter Jun, and with her, 3 Betrayal encounters. That's 1.2 on average per map. More than in the actual league.

Not going to come back to PoE if this goes live.
It will never happen, but a button in the menu that reads "turn betrayal rewards + encounters off) would be greatly appreciated by at least one of your players. I'll probably end up abandoning maps where Jun procs to be honest. #feelsbad
Cr4v3n wrote:
I would have been cool with the way it was before. So I could opt out of Betrayal by not doing a laboratory. Now there's a 40% chance to encounter Jun, and with her, 3 Betrayal encounters. That's 1.2 on average per map. More than in the actual league.

Not going to come back to PoE if this goes live.

8%, not 40%.

There're 5 masters sharing that 40%.

Read before you comment.
This league was interesting and contained some great elements. That said, there were a lot of issues that completely turned players off. The red tier one-shot being a HUGE one for me. I was hoping to not see this go core.

*One shot on red tier=BAD BALANCE...No cookie
*Mastermind encounter lacks a reward worth the investment put in.
*No avoidance for encounters reminds me of Harbinger League and is just as bad
*Gated socket crafting behind delve is bad, especially with Sulferite nerf
*Relying on RNG for obtaining crafting recipe is bad (we already deal with RNG for crafting the actual item and modifiers)
*Too much *$!@&^# on screen (that green is overwhelming and lowers FPS)
*Individual Syndicate member rewards are horribly unbalanced (Poor Vagen)
*Unlike Einhar, Jun is worthless in the fight and her visuals distracting
*The is no way (other than "trusting" another player) to acquire crafted mods on your gear. No one wants to hand over a 2ex pair of boots on someone's word that they will craft them and return them.

Possible ideas
*Balance the damage 10% or so below current map tier's boss and not affected by modifiers
*Buff Mastermind rewards, or make the fight not impact the Board at all.
*Make all Syndicate encounters like Research (hidden inside area) so players can skip the content to focus on their nicely rolled expensive map or using the portals to beat that really testy/difficult boss, then they have the option to go back and try it if they have portals left.
*Put basic crafting things like 4 sockets, 4 links, add colors in Act 2 (the others can be in more difficult areas, but these are important.
*Only unlearned/nonmax recipes appear when unveiling (until all are learned) giving a higher RNG chance of learning the one you are truly after. Have every encounter drop at least 1 veiled item.
*Tone down the green crap PLEASE
*Rebalance the rewards for Syndicate members
*Have Jun give buff/attack without the annoying/screen-exploding animations
*Provide an option for joint crafting. ie.~Player 1 invites Player 2 to Hideout. Player 2 clicks on Player 1's bench. Player 2 option to "Join crafting". Add item to craft, currency amount required, and an optional space for "tip for crafter". Player 1 chooses the appropriate craft mod type. Both players choose to continue the transaction. Both Players accept transaction with item going into Player 2 bag and tip to player 1 bag.

I am not a developer, so I don't know if these ideas are viable for this game, but I have seen similar crafting options in other games. I will not be leaving POE due to this decision to put Betrayal in Core, but it is disappointing to say the least.
Please don't make betrayal core, worts league since I start playing.
So from now on we will have to consider 6-9 syndicate members being on an t15 map doing extreme bursts of dps when we roll the mods to said map. Genious.
please no
Af hverju er ég til.

Stop eating animals now.
I wonder what this will do to early leveling. Getting the added cold/fire/light dmg on rings was huge for helping move thru the earlier acts.

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