Betrayal as a Core Game Mechanic

Mlvado wrote:
Why do you keep doing this to delve???
people loved the system, its OPTIONAL, its challenging, dont nerf sulphite scarabs, buff then, make then ALWAYS spawn 3 niko, let people do what they want to do, thats the idea of a video game, dont try to stop me from doing what i LIKE to do.

thats... sad.

Don't get your problem to be honest, you can anyway play delve and it will anyway make a huge part of the game cause you could spent a whole day in it? Sometimes Niko just offered 2 sulphite treasures in 1 map cause they gave more then 3 mines,...
DiabloImmoral wrote:
Signal boosting that Syndicate damage is way, way too high. Damage among Syndicate members needs to be normalized and reduced by at least 30%. Alternatively you could make it so the Syndicate is not affected by map mods.

In addition, there needs to be a way for people to dodge Intervention encounters completely. That could mean that a) They never teleport towards you again after they appear AND b) the green portal appears for 5 seconds or so before they jump out.

You're going to lose a huge portion of your playerbase if you don't nerf Syndicate in some way (excepting if Synthesis content is Delve-level good and people can just skip mapping altogether.)

Actually I am with you. I dislike syndicate cause of the damage they deal and especially the intervention guys, but it's and was possible to totally clear a map and outrun the syndicate Intervention, so I guess the time till those green portals activated and those guys jumped out were already about 3-5 sec.

For me the whole syndicate mechanic wasn't really funny, cause on higher Tier maps I wasn't able to encounter them without a juggernaut that is fully phys immune + tons of life and insta leech stuff.... Even with Millions of shaper dps they felt far harder then any shaper, u atziri or Hall of Grandmasters. I mean if it's challenging so far that you are slightly able to survive a combination attack, that would be ok, but not if 1 syndicate member one shots 10k life with ease :,D
I just want to mine...
Thank you for making it permanent.
IGN Its_Happy_To_See_You
Fluffylife wrote:
I think betrayal is one league i would have been happy with not going core..

Noooo, don't nerf the glowy brain Mastermind fight. I loved that fight, was one of the most interesting ones to perform flawlessly. Why do you have to streamline everything? If you want to nerf something, go nerf the delve bosses, they're already boring and you even put stupid mods on top of it.

Other than that, well done with the changes to Betrayal, I like them, feels like Betrayal will be well behaved from now on (unlike the absurdity that the league was - from the point of view of the economy and xp grind).
Nishrek wrote:
Ordemarebys wrote:
What was the point in making Jun a lesbian? It was so in your face and out of place. She just out of nowhere tells you she wants to bang Zana and adopt a kid. And her explanation for this doesn't make any logical sence as it contradicts itself. Is there even such a term as "adoption" in PoE universe? Fracturing the lore in order to kiss LGBT a**? Who ever wrote that line needs to be tought some subtlety

Where is something like that?

You can talk to her in your hideout, while Zana is around.

Masterpiece of 3.16 lore
"A mysterious figure appears out of nowhere, trying to escape from something you can't see. She hands you a rusty-looking device called the Blood Crucible and urges you to implant it into your body."

Only usable with Ethanol Flasks
This is the best path of exile i ever played.
playing game for long long time.
now every map there is some thing extra you can do.
keep up the good work.
seems like im gonna switch to grim dawn again but this time for quite a long time :)
good job done GGG
betrayal was imho the worst league since begin alot of people complained about it and you just dont see it because youre ignorant
this game is done for me
"There are Penalties in the Game, no one's complaining about them"
Chris Wilson Exilecon 2019
Have been playing this game on and off for many years and loved many of the leagues, but Betrayal was a weird one. I did not find it fun to raid syndicate labs and I actually never got a grip of the mechanics, so haven't seen the "mastermind" yet. The unveiling items for crafting mods/ranks was the only part I liked. That made sense in a way.

It kind of felt like a "not needed layer" to the game. You already got classic mapping. And delving. And bestiary. And Atziri, Shaper, Elder etc. I would have loved a boost to the already existing game zones.

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