Path of Exile Hideout Competition

Tileset: Unearthed hideout
Theme: Great Old One cult hideout

The basic idea is that The Exile goes mad and joins the cult of The Great Old One. He betrays Jun and Zana, the only masters that are not mad or drunken with power, and imprisons them. In the hideout of the cult, there is a shrine to TGOO, and human sacrifice is made to satiate the patron's hunger. Middle of the hideout is the treasury, laboratory and waypoint stone sanctuary. Top left is the research area, in which cultists perform every atrocity possible, to try and weaken the veil between realms, allowing their master to return to mortal world from his slumber.


imgur album:

Last edited by melvarp#3366 on Feb 3, 2019, 6:18:04 AM
Theme : The Seven Deadly Sins
Tileset : Luxurious hideout

Hi guys, this is my first try at the hideout competition
I wanted to represent each sin in this hideout. I also added a shrine to Innocence to protect us from those sins.

Full gallery album :
Hideout file :

Screenshots :

Waypoint :

Lust :

Pride :

Envy :

Greed :

Sloth :

Wrath :

Gluttony :

Shrine to Innocence :

Theme: Night Garden
Tileset: Unearthed Hideout

Short video:
Screenshot (album):
Here are my two submissions for this competition.


First submission:
Desert City
Desert Hideout


I wanted to have a hideout with a lot of life, so I chose to do something town-like. Houses, a market place, a park next to the oasis, benches, restoration, a forge, two posts at the town entrance where people can post their announcements, ... To add more life in it, I've also populated and furnished the houses whose tenants decided to not use any curtains (or maybe they couldn't afford it).

Outside the town lies an ancient mausoleum, and also some strange ritual place.

(There's also a backdoor to the city because I need my hideout to also be convenient!)


Second submission:
Deceptive Garden
Stately Hideout


For this hideout, my goal was to have something very basic in appearance with a hidden secret room.

It's just a simple garden with a chapel. The masters have brought their stuff in it as a base of operations of some sort, but they've soon discovered that this simple garden had in fact an ancient crypt hidden behind the thick foliage.

This if the first hideout that I designed for the competition. In the end, I liked the secret room concept, but it came at the cost of the rest of the hideout being too basic for my taste, which made me prefer the hideout that I had before the contest. For this reason, I decided to make another one, which is Desert City. I still like the way how the secret room in this hideout is implemented, so I've decided to also submit this hideout, in case other people like it.
Greatings Exiles, here is another of my hideouts.

Coastal Sanctuary

Coastal Hideout


Once a great temple, now only ruins remain

Even the temple is ruined, there are several places that power still flow.

Jun's House, where you can bless your weapons

The Holy fountain of the Goddes of Offering

Here is where you can soak life from the fountain,
but if you offer something to the goddes, she will bless you
with even greater power.

The path of great power and the altar of the "Great Warrior"

Climb the stairs to the top and strenghten yourself, if you're strong enought to make it

The unholy cognition of Alva

Alva found that this kind of a tree have drain the power from the nature around, but the purpose of this is that the tree can make holes/portals to another world.

Desert Temple Complex

"A forgotten temple complex in an hidden valley in the desert, abandoned for an eternity.

An exile rediscovered this place on his journey through the Atlas of Worlds and & brought this mysterious place back to life."



Tileset is the Sunken Hideout, containing 567 decoration objects. None MTX is used in this hideout.


check out my hideout templates at
Last edited by Noooberino#5579 on Feb 8, 2019, 3:41:05 AM
Solomon Forest


Teleleporting tree




Map device down

The map device up

Hope you like it!

Kind Regards, Zores
Good luck to everyone
This is my entry for the Hideout Competition.

Wraeclast's School of Exiles - cartographer's hideout
Every Exile deserves a second chance to start a new life

Gateway to Alien Worlds

The Circle of Life
Hey there fellow exiles, may I present to you my entry for the hideout competition: The Circle of Life. The hideout offers nothing less than a journey through the usual life of an exile! Follow me to a magical place, which is deeply interwoven with a story about life. I hope you’ll enjoy it!

The early days
Every exile, no matter how strong he might become someday, needs to be protected in his young age. Uncle Einhar is there to assuage your young and untamed appetite with tasty beasts or fend off any intruders who make it past the barrier of the camp.

Once you get older and stronger, you get more and more eager to finally leave the confined area of the camp. After all life is about exploring the unknown, isn’t it? Finally, your great day arrives. You can leave the barren camp and start becoming a true adventurer.

Adventures of the Youth
The first person you meet out in the wild, is an old woman, who talks in a weird way and has a certain aura of knowledge around her. Soon you realize, that it’s a good idea to listen more closely to her remarks, as they unveil certain events in your future. This is the reason you decide to rest in her vicinity, because after all, it seems safe to be around someone who can glimpse into the otherwise unknown.

Not far from her you discover a magical device, that lets you access long-forgotten dreams. These dreams are the place, where you practice your skills and get ready to take on the meanest beasts known throughout Wraeclast.
Close to the magical stone circle, you also meet a crazy guy, who’s determined to dig a mine all the way to the other side of the damn planet. Unfortunately he can’t handle all the creatures, who lurk in the dark, so he depends on your help to reach his goal. And for you too, these encounters far below the surface, are some of the most challenging you will ever face.

Your journeys are usually long and strenuous but they also offer great rewards in the form of magical loot. On top of that you get to meet many great people, who make your adventures even more interesting, but also more dangerous.

Midlife Crisis and Spirituality
After some years however, there comes a time where the adventures of your youth don’t satisfy you any longer. You need change and you need it now! So you stumble out of your comfort zone and are greeted by an unbelievably thick jungle, coincidentally representing the chaos within your mind. The once clear path of your life gets obstructed; you need new goals, new faith, new guidance.

In the middle of the jungle you find some old ruins and you immediately realize what you were looking for: Spirituality! Adventures are great, but they cannot satisfy the human thirst for guidance and meaning.

If you are able to really get involved with yourself and the world around you, if you are able to find your spiritual energies, you might also be able to discover one of the most magical places this world has to offer.

Closing the Circle
More importantly, your newfound spirituality will also aid you through your last decades. The energy of the youth is gone, the colors lose their vividness. Your path is less clearly laid out before you, but it doesn’t bother you. Your life is still beautiful, because you accepted the Circle of Life a while ago.

And one day you will reach the final walk of your life. You can tell, because everything is turning kind of dark, long shadows seem to await you, and the general feeling of liveliness is leaving your body.

Now it’s time for your final decision: Do you want to disappear in the dark? Or do you choose to walk through the gates towards the light and begin the circle anew?


To get you more engaged with the story I chose to use zoomed-in pictures so far, but here are some additional pictures so you can have a little more overview and see more about the general structure of the hideout.

PS: This hideout was created together with my girlfriend. It is finally an aspect of PoE that she enjoys as well :)
Although the hideout was created around a specific theme, usability from a players standpoint was very important as well! It is fully functional in the sense that the most used things (Niko, Map Device, Stash/Navali) are arranged in a triangle without anything in the way. Jun and Alva sometimes open portals, so they were placed a little further away, but still very close to the more important objects/NPCs.

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