Path of Exile Hideout Competition

Isengard's hill

Last edited by Lazael666#7365 on Aug 20, 2021, 12:33:24 PM



Masters burning the enemy alive, after the interrogation ended. There are many skull piles on the floor from enemies that tried to invade.

The mystical cave Jun uses to bury immortal enemies and the mystical stash that only opens after ofering blood to the flames.

The armory where all the weapons and suits are kept.

The mystical stone Jun uses to summon her portals.

The prisoners waiting for interrogation.

The labyrinth Jun created to hide her treasures. The faces have hidden traps and consume the corpses to regenerate itself. Jun's treasure disapears if anyone but her goes near it.

Jun's Vaal Vessel can summon dragons to attack anyone who tries to avoid the labyrinth from the sky.

Last edited by rafaelgxs#3673 on Jan 31, 2019, 10:57:40 AM
Hello to you! Since I started to play in PoE, I always created my hideout for each league. I like it a lot;) Let me invite you on a journey through my new one.

We start in an industrial friendly entrance. He greets Niko, slightly overwhelmed and scared, as always;)

We go through the entrance

to the main location

Next to the monument to the winners, The Portal of Worlds

to the Great Hunter. Hey Einhar! Your cages are empty! Your welcome, goodbye!

The mysterious altar of an ancient civilization

Next to us we meet the Guardian of the Past

Alva. She did it again, or rather we did;)

Path to the unknown

We meet Jun, our new friend. But she is busy dueling eye to eye with a mysterious opponent

We're coming back through the tunnel. Zana welcomes us with a new mission

We are moving to save the world once more

Thank you for your company, Exiles.
Last edited by GraveLordI#5427 on Jan 31, 2019, 12:28:54 PM
Forgotten chambers.

Id like to submit my Soul Stealers Necropolis!

I am rather new to the game, have only been playing since Betrayal's beginning. My Hideout is my personal favorite, it may not be the fanciest hide out but with no micro transactions, utilizing what is provided already and earning every bit of my items, slowly i transformed this area. Made the Soul Stealers Necropolis easily accessible and still gives the creepy graveyard feel with items layered on each other to give even cooler effects to what already is great.
Good Luck to all, such a great turn out so far! Really enjoy these competitions POE!
Omega's Hideout in Oriath
Theme: Luxury
Hideout Type:Luxurious Hideout

He is from a hidden Karui Tribe he is blessed by the great Kaom.
He burned the way through in his enemies and earned the freedom from the Oriath Colosseum.

After Kitava broke free he joined in the fight once again and defeated him as the true holder of Kaom's Flame.

Later he bought one of the biggest villa far away from the city, and started to use the Map device to earn more riches, during this hunts he decided to want to be a King.

Hi guys, I am very glad to join this competition. The hideout things is always one of my favorite in this game, as a true place for you and can be super personalized, the limit is your fantasy :).

Here are the pictures,
Garden of Stones
The Center
Blessed by the gold
The Temple
The Throne

Thank you and have a great loot!

League of Extraordinary Exiles

The Cartographer's Hideout is excellent right out of the box, a perfect library or residence for a well-traveled exile. This one has been converted to the underground command center for the fight against the Syndicate. Every master plays a role in supporting the exile's assault.

Start at the waypoint.

Map device active

Stash and map device.

Helena managing the supplies.

Niko guarding the depths.

Einhar being Einhar.

All the portal devices draw from the same arcane technology power source.

Alva operating the Vaal Incursion device.

Zana maintains the map device and charts the atlas.

Jun's portal machinery may not match the elegance of Zana's map device or Alva's incursion tech, but it gets the job done.

A double-dealer looks on.

Navali conducting mystic rituals to glean Catarina's secrets.

This door must head somewhere even cooler.

Hideout showcase (not sure which pet is oinking in the video):
Gday Folks!

Got another entry this time based on the Baleful Hideout tileset.
I made it to look like a terrace garden in the scepter of god tower in Sarn.

Hideout Showcase link:

Some screenshots:

The main entrance with Niko being out of his element and Jun keeping and eye on Zana.

An overgrown map overlooked by Zana.

Alva doing her thing secluded from the others (besides Einhar).

The entrance to the library.

A small library/ study with Navali looking through some books.

Helena's study.

Tala Moana folks!
Last edited by 110th_Tust#2597 on Jan 31, 2019, 2:09:03 PM
A little paradise in the desert, an Oasis for tired travelers! Take a swim in the lake, relax, trade and get ready for your next adventure.

Azurite Miner's Hideout

This is the place where the most insane and addicted miners live. These people have become so increadibly addicted to finding azurite veins, that the have decided to live right in the mine.

This is where they live

As you can see, they don't care much about living in a fancy place, or sleeping in confortable beds. They are here for the thrill of mining. All them live in a small row of houses, which are at the verge of collapsing. This doesn't bother them at all.

The Masters have decided to join them in the hideout. They are here to serve them, provide them with food and entertainment, all in return for some of their precious findings ofcourse

Einhar and Alva, preparing a nice rhoa dinner for whenever the miners come out of the mine.

Helena and Navali's evil corner. This is where Navali does all her future telling magic. The miners love Navali especially, since she tells them all about how increadibly lucky they will be on their next trip down the mine.

Jun's corner. She imprisons syndicate members, which the miners can throw rocks at, as a form of entertainment. On display today is Catarina. The miners will be deligted when they see her in the cage.

Zana, being the master cartographer, tells the miners about the outside world, which they rarely get to see.

Here's the mine's sulphite deposit. Sulphite is essential for the working of the large mining machinery, found in the azurite mine. The entrace of the hideout can also be found here.

Here's the rails which allow for the the moving of sulphite and azurite from and to the entrance of the cave. They didn't put much effort into the rails, so minecarts derailing are quite common. Theres also some spare machinery here.

Now we get to the azurite mine itself.
The large mining machinery in the centre allows the miners to take an elevator deeper down in the cave, and supplies the energy for everything needed down there. All the miners are down there, working hard as always. Niko is at the top, currently doing some maintenance work on the machine. He is absolutely obsessed with the mine, and could never let the machine malfunction.

This is also where the crafting bench is found, allowing for quick repait work for all the tools and machines used here.

The azurite mine is said to be infintely deep, however the sulphite is limited. Their current deposit should be enough for the next couple months, but they have to get started on looking for more sulphite, as they want to reach the bottom, of this bottomless mine.

------Lore over

Heres an album of images, in case some of them didn't work in the post.

I was mostly finished with the hideout weeks ago, but I kept doing minor ajustments over the past couple weeks. This is the first time I've done a proper hideout, so it was quite the struggle. Im sure a lot of us are in this situation. I was even concidering tearing down the whole azurite mine part, and Im still haveing secong guesses about wether that decoration works well or not, but I'll keep it as it is now.
I didn't use any purchasable hideout decorations (or at least I hope I didn't use one from a mystery box accidentally)

I think I got a little bit carried away with the "lore", but it's nearly 11pm and I need to wake up early tomorrow...

Good luck to everybody participating

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