Betrayal Concept Art

@Bex Hi, I would like to buy your Sideshow Collectibles Catarina Statue listed for 1000 USD in IRL (stash tab "SHUTUPANDTAKEMYMONEY"; position: left 1, top 1)
Beautiful work!
When is our lore book coming?

Seriously, I'm waiting to throw more money at you.
Last edited by Null_Property on Dec 18, 2018, 8:59:53 PM
Nice! Thanks for sharing GGG.

I've never been so hype for support a game! I really want to see the new packs!
You guys should really release an art book
I love this kind of blogs, keep them coming!
I have three phones, Blizzard. Three f***ing phones.
So what happened to Haku when he got implemented in game? He looks so badass here!
When I kill a man he stays dead.
I'm so disappointed that you turned Haku into Zangief.
"People ask me why I do this at my age. People are rude."
I love this company :DDD keep up the great work EVERYONE

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