[3.7] Storm Brand Elementalist. League Starter, Deathless Uber Elder.
Heh, I read what you said about lightning and still managed to screw it up like a noob I am :) Thank you for warning! Much appreciate the input.
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Btw, I went ahead and got one of the wands using your search weights, that was really useful. Funny thing is my dps went down a lot (40 to 25 after removing Divine Judgement and ...something else I guess). I felt that paragon of calamity and mana points would make for it and thinking about removing a few of the life nodes below Trickery to get Divine Judgement back. Bad idea? life leech feels like a very nice QoL and will probably keep me alive!
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I would basically never trade life for pure damage in tree, especially not when you have so little of it (3.2k life is extremely low, even for a mind over matter build). You can easily up your damage a lot more in gear. Also if you're looking at tooltip, there's a lot of things that aren't counted in there.
Damage loss from dropping the 4 points including divine judgement shows as 9% total loss in PoB to me, so if you're seeing a change from 40k to 25k (37.5% damage loss) there's something else going on. Are you sure you didn't do something silly like leave your weapons on your swap set? If you did want to trade life in for damage, by far the most effective way to do that with your current gear would be to trade your 4-link rare body armor in for a tabula rasa. Looks like tabula is 23c on flaskback. Last edited by magicrectangle#3352 on Jun 1, 2019, 1:51:14 PM
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I'm a little lost on how to use the weighted item check. It looks great, but i'm playing on ps4 and i don't think i have the right server or whatever selected, because i'm not seeing the items that are coming up in the search in my in game trade market.
Also, i just started running tier 6-10 maps and im having a rough go of it, so any suggestions to improve my gear that you can see would be appreciated. I'm still kind of over my head in terms of figuring out what constitutes a "good" piece for a build. i have like 120 chaos not sure the most productive way to spend it would be. Last edited by Morbid1us#9039 on Jun 1, 2019, 3:49:04 PM
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I've never played on console, but my understanding from reading about it is that you have an entirely separate trade system, which sucks. You can't use our nifty search system that works for PC players. I can't really help you with that 'cause I've never used it.
What I can say is that piscator's isn't doing anything for you. That's a wand for attack skills (like kinetic blast). It doesn't have any stats that help storm brand (except the implicit spell damgae). Almost any wand you could think of would do more. Your offhand wand isn't too bad. If you over-wrote the cold resist craft with a cast speed craft (after making up the cold resist elsewhere). Pretty much all of your rare items could be easily upgraded. It seems like they're pretty much self found given the quality. Also I'd go for rare boots and gloves. Rares you're pretty much just looking for good life (bonus if mana as well) and resists. On boots you'd like move speed of 25% or higher. Belt is one of the easiest slots to get a lot of resists on for fixing resists. On your build, you're either missing 2 passives from quests, or you took the wrong reward for deal with the bandits. You can change your deal with the bandits reward if you need to: https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Deal_with_the_Bandits#Quest_reward_change We help eramir for the +2 skill points. None of the others really do much for us since we're a non-crit build. |
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Thanks for the advice. I didnt know you could change your bandit reward. The build i used to get to maps had a different choice.
Edit: I fixed both wands and traded out the boots and gloves for hopefully something better. The market on ps4 sucks because its new and its kinda slim pickings, but those changes did make a hell of a difference even if they were only incremental updates. I'm blazing through most mods no problem. Do you think I should pursue unlocking jewel slots now or wait til after picking up soul and blood siphon, considering that I cant afford the wrath unset ring set up yet? Last edited by Morbid1us#9039 on Jun 1, 2019, 11:57:58 PM
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" Given that you likely can't afford very good jewels, I'd probably go for blood siphon first. |
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" I honestly do not know why there was such a huge drop. I levelled a bit more and grabbed that skill again. I felt confident that reflect/ES would fix the non-stop deaths stopping my progress and they did. I died once since, and that was me not watching a dot. Tabula Rasa is a bit confusing subject for me. You mentioned it was 23c on flashback (As I started 3 weeks ago, I am assuming that was one of the seasons? - sorry Diablo term, not sure if it applies) but I am guessing that was an example as I cannot buy from anyone else that is not in SE001 event which is ending today? I did some research on it, and ran Channels a few times with the maps I had. I got 3 Divi cards and I guess I will do that the next season. Overall, I am happy with the changes, upgraded quality of a few of my gems and got back to 50K without sacrificing much in terms of health. I will call it a win for the first season as a noob, thank you! :) |
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" Of course I'll reserve final judgement until I see the patch notes, but this looks pretty bad for us. If storm brand is just getting another numerical nerf then some form of strom brand build will probably still be good, but that beacon of ruin nerf makes it likely that elementalist will no longer be the the best ascendancy choice. I kind of understand why they want to nerf beacon of ruin, because of the lag it creates, but in terms of actual power level, without it elementalist is a garbage ascendancy. |
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This is the play-style I like and I have no intention of trying melee builds they seem to be pushing people towards, like you said, I will spare judgement until I try it but if they are killing it or crippling it, I am done.
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