[3.7] Storm Brand Elementalist. League Starter, Deathless Uber Elder.
" yea i tried all league to get a cast speed/double chance wand .. got it last feww days but not enough money to metacraft it within the league anymore also really wanted a conductivty/surge ring to replace the onsla ring with a +1 maximum frenzy charge and onsla boots and put this gloves on but my luck ran out.. 27 rips in a row :D also used this for mapping Last edited by adriano447#2784 on May 22, 2019, 5:00:58 PM
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I just got that wand. Could it be worth it to switch out of Elemental Overload into a more crit-oriented build, with more crit multi and 3 more power charges? |
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Going crit requires you to give up defense (most likely acrobatics) in order to get crit nodes in the tree. IMHO that isn't really worth it when we can get just as much damage from a 1 point wonder in elemental overload. If I went crit I'd do it as a different class, like inquisitor or trickster.
Even if you did go crit, without additional power charge synergy (such as void battery or shimmeron), power charges are not worth picking up in tree. They're 2 points for 40% increased crit, or 20% crit per point. That's pretty meager. I'd probably just sell that wand and buy something better suited to the build. |
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So question, I'm pretty new to this game but I've been having success with this build and I like it alot. I'm now level 83. I got a random drop of the March of the legion boots, that I think would be great for running all the buffs through, but the wording on what blessing does is confusing. Are these good boots for the vaal buffs or nah?
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I don't think that blessing support works with vaal skills, since they don't reserve any mana.
Are your resistences capped? Mine wouldnt be with March of the Legion. If you could set your characters to public we could look over your gear. |
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" This would basically end up filling the same role in the build as essence worm. I doubt he'd have resist problems, since he'd get to run a rare ring instead of essence worm (possibly a shaper ring with life/mana gain on spell hit). Just means he'd have to spend half his mana every 11 seconds refreshing wrath. As for whether it is a good idea, well you'd need more than just wrath to make it worth doing. What other auras would you consider running for this build? You could run a blasphemy enfeeble, and a clarity. That fills up all 4 slots in the boots. (wrath, clarity, enfeeble, blasphemy) I suspect you'd find refreshing them quite irritating after a while, and I personally would not consider building that way. |
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First, I am new to the game, started couple of weeks back. I read and watched videos etc. I ended up following this build and it served pretty well until 83. I am doing maps and I kinda hit a wall. I think I got close to 84 several times and died in maps (which I upgrade to rare) < tier 6 several times going back.
Some of the maps I did not even know what was hitting me. I realized reflect was probably the cause, as my HP ticket down in 2 secs and no amount of instant life potion could keep me up. There may have been others, maybe freeze or corrupt blood when I did not notice it...As I said I am kinda new and dont understand all mechanics probably. That being said, I am trying to understand what I can do to advance. I know it is the end of the league, and of course being new, I dont have much currency to throw around to begin with, just whatever I could gather. Sorry for long intro but I am bit frustrated right now... I like SB, playstyle fits me very well but I am not sure what kind of stuff I need right now to be able to continue, and with 3.7 coming up, I am not sure if I can use SB again as I would like to go further in the new season. Thoughts / ideas what what could increase my dps/survivability? btw. PoB shows SB has 10K Avg. hit and 40K dps. No idea if this is too low or is it the mechanics that are beating me down at this point. |
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" The main issue is probably that you don't have paragon of calamity for reflect immunity. Back out of Liege of the Primordial and get paragon of calamity instead. Having golems be immune to elemental damage is handy, but not even remotely as good as life leech and being immune to reflect. A few more minor changes to the tree could be made to get a few more life nodes, and "inspiration," the big mana node behind mind over matter. Something like this: https://pastebin.com/203KxmWr Beyond that, it is just gear, and of course learning to play. Oh, and you don't have a freeze removal flask. Freeze removal is much more important than shock, poison, or ignite removal, so I'd swap one of those out. " 3.7 will see major changes to melee skills, which means a lot of people will be trying out melee builds, but unless there's a major nerf to storm brand, this will still be one of the best league starter builds out there - and for a new player like yourself, will have less of a learning curve. You are absolutely NOT being limited by the build itself here, so discarding it in favor of a different build is not going to fix your issues. " Your damage is passable for tier 6, though virtually every piece of your gear could be massively upgraded for 1 chaos per slot. Whether you want to take the time to do that with the end of the league coming up so soon is your call. If you don't buy new gear, at least enchant the gear you have. You can put a spell damage enchant on your mainhand wand, and a lightning damage to spells enchant on your offhand wand. |
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" Ahh, I see, thank you! That's the type of advice I was looking for. I do have 50ish Chaos Orb and I would not mind spending some, but I am not that good at figuring out if a piece of gear is better or not without actually copy/pasting it into PoB, which pretty slow process. I do trade a bit but do not know how to look for better gear (or rather do not understand well what to look for I guess). I have a freeze flask, will swap one out and try your suggestions. I am glad to hear I can stick with SB, thank you again! |
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" I just saw that you crafted added lightning damage on your wands. That's actually a stat for if you attack with the wand, and doesn't apply to spells. You're looking for "added lightning damage to spells" to benefit storm brand. Figuring out what items are good can be tricky for new players. A lot of the defensive slots like body armor, belt, boots, gloves, are fairly easy to figure out. You want life, resists, and as a bonus mana if possible. Movespeed on boots as well. For offensive items like wands it is a little more involved. I have a section in the OP called "answered questions" and one of the questions is how to get good weapons. Give that a read if you want to spend the time re-gearing. In particular, there's a custom search I made for finding good wands. Here's some slight modifications for it for temp league: Search for wands without craft room / already crafted: https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Synthesis%20Event%20(SRE001)/X8aoOKFP Search for wands with craft room: https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Synthesis%20Event%20(SRE001)/bMZewRSL Buying ones to craft yourself is slightly more complicated, but can usually get you better deals. Look at the section I mentioned in the OP for some help in what you're looking for on wands to craft yourself. Also for copy/pasting into PoB, the trade site has a copy button so you can copy it with very little effort into PoB: ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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